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Had some thoughts on economics.

This is how I've been doing things in my Digital Perdition chronicle / narrative for Shadowrun for years. If this is useful, feel free to steal it.
I assume this probably isn't a new idea, but in my world, Nuyen is a form of cryptocurrency, like bitcoin or ethereum. It's also a "smart" currency, in that it can autonomously do things, all by itself. Any "nuyen app" on any comlink can, with a very simple user-facing interface, create things like escrows, trusts, provisional holdings, task verified transactions, etc. As long as the system can autonomously verify the information some how in the outside world, it can interact with it. (This also means the system is somewhat fallible and can be hacked / spoofed / fooled, which can lead to interesting emergent narratives / plots all on its own).
The fact that it's a cryptocurrency also informs the logic of what happens if Nuyen is copied. Ordinarily, this doesn't happen, and "naked nuyen" (nucoin outside of a wallet app or not encrypted on a credstick) is very suspicious, and if you're going to accept it, you need to be able to verrify it in real time, like right now, and transfer it to your account before you leave this dark alley / a abandoned warehouse transaction, or not accept it at all if you don't have signal. But if you do some how manage to clone some Nuyen, then just like crypto, and there's two of the exact same nucoin, then it's whoever syncs it to their account first. The other is considered the forgery. So that can create a "race against the clock" scenario if two opposing forces have the bag, the same bag, and need to get back to civilization before the other guy does. (This might not even come up in your games, but I play in a lot of areas like, in the middle of the ocean, pirates and atolls, as well as extremely rural northern Canada, South American jungles, and sub-Saharian Africa, exploring ancient blood mage / cultist desert ruins, etc, so often, "spotty signal" is an environmental hurdle / plot point.)
We also have "credcoins" in addition to regular old credsticks.
A "credcoin" is basically like an SD card, but with a poker-chip style plastic housing around it, to make it more handleable. The chip holds the actual encrypted nucoin (like a credstick) so they're not naked nuyen (see above), but they've also got an optical code, like a QR code, printed on them. They can be used in vending machines in 3rd world areas where signal might be spotty, or traded in physical transactions.
The way they work, is that we've written into the narrative that a certain block of numbers in the "nuyen hash" of each nucoin, maybe like the last five digits or something, who knows, but that there's a world wide industry standard number to indicate that these nuyen are dedicated for physical use. Sort of like how some IP addresses are reserved for localhost or LAN. If any system, any wallet app, sees these digits, it wont let them be "deposited". Only a physical bank can do it. This prevents someone from just scanning a credcoin, depositing the nuyen, and now the coins still look valid, but are useless. If you wanted to "deposit" them, you'd take them to a bank, they would scan them and verify, add them to your account, and remove those coins from circulation immediately by physically destroying them (or feeding them into a hopper to be able to 3d print new ones). They'd also charge you a fee for the overhead of the cost of actually producing currency, sort of like those CoinStar machines at Walmart that charge you a fee for counting all your change.
Speaking of counting change... That there's an optical code on credcoins makes that easy, too. Anyone with AR (augmented reality -- so basically, anyone, even if it's only through a hand held comlink screen, but usually AR contact lenses, glasses, goggles, or cybereyes) can just look at a credcoin and immediately know how much it is. You can also dump them out on the table, stand back so you get them all in frame, and just see a total for how much the value of all of them are. Each credcoin already has an ARO, but if there's a shit load of them together in close proximity, the AROs just merge together into a single one so as not to be "spammy". If you want to block the AROs, you can store your credcoins in signal blocking bags, containers, or metal coin rolls. Credcoins are also slightly different sizes and colors to tell the denomination at a glance, as well.
Anyway, I hope some of those ideas are useful for your games. :)
submitted by Cronyx to Shadowrun [link] [comments]

Part 30

5474.(YouTube Channel name change.)vaulteam6/vaultteam6(Other spellings?)(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the words surrounding Coca-Cola not being all spelled different ways?(Was New Coke never a thing?)(Were certain versions of the spellings not spelled with Ks?)(Was it never known as Pemberton's Cola?)(Did the flavor name always come before the name of the soda in every company?)
Add-On: Do you remember carcase not being an acceptable spelling of carcass?
Add-On: Do you remember Blonde, and Blond not having such complicated history?
Add-On: Do you remember Pepsi Cherry instead of Pepsi Wild Cherry?(Was it Cherry Pepsi, or Wild Cherry Pepsi?)(Does the logo look off?)
5475.(Company name change.)Stratford Global Intelligence/Stratfor Global Intelligence(Does the logo look off?)
5476.(YouTube Channel name change.)Guy Faques/Guy Fauqes(Other spellings?)(Anything else off?)
5477.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the "I'm In Love With A Car" YouTube video by h3h3productions being much older than it really is?(h3h3productions/h3h3Productions(Anything else off with his channel name?))
5478.(Movie name change.)Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory/Charlie And The Chocolate Factory(Was the original movie known as Charlie And The Chocolate Factory?)(Was the remake known as Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory?)(Anything else off?)
5479.(Anatomy change.)Do you remember the stomach not having a part known as the Pylorus?(Was the stomach not as loud?)(Anything else off?)
5480.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember fruit flies living longer?(Anything else surrounding their lifespans off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Totinoes, Tortinoes, or Tostinoes?
Add-On: Do you remember Mentoes instead of Mentos?
Add-On: Do you remember some Moai statues not having their eyes painted blue?(Was Mo'ai not an acceptable spelling?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Cheeto Puffs" instead of "Cheetos Puffs"?(Cheetos Sweetoes/Cheetos Sweetos)
5481.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Rainbow Road in the N64 not having walls?(Did Rainbow Road never have walls?)
Add-On: Do you remember the jaguar in the Jaguar car logo going the other way?(Did the mustang in the Ford Mustang go the other way?)(Did the horse in the Ferrari logo go the other way?)(Is the Porsche logo off?)(Is the BMW logo off?)(Is the Peugeot logo off?)
5482.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these photos from WW1 not existing?(Did the Messines Mine Explosion not happen?)(Anything else off?)
5483.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember seeds not being able to act like airplanes?(Were they not able to act like helicopters?)
5484.(Music Lyrics change.)"Maybe I'm just like my mother."/"Maybe you're just like my mother."(Any of the other lyrics off?)
5485.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different, or not a thing?(Backwards signs, color changes, duplicate signs, sign design flaws.)
5486.(Famous Poker Player name change.)Phil Helmuth/Phil Hellmuth(Other spellings?)
Add-On: Do you remember Edward Munch instead of Edvard Munch?(Was Edvard not a name?)
5487.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the story with Quanah Parker and the Comanche being different?(Any of the geography surrounding the story off?)
5488.(Soda Logo change.)Do you remember the I in Mtn Dew Ice not having a cut in it?
5489.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in HealthPoint being normal?(Were some not slanted?)(Did they all have closed lines?)(Health Point/HealthPoint)
5490.(Product Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in XactAir being normal?(Was the dot in the I normal?)(Is the second A off?)(Anything else off?)(Exact AiXactAir)(Exacto/X-Acto)
5491.(Country name change.)Korea/Corea(The latter is now an acceptable spelling.)
5492.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the letters in acronyms such as FBI, and CIA being separated by periods?(Were words such as Scuba, Laser, Nerf, Amphetamine, Gestapo, and Radar not acronyms?)
5493.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Rome, Italy being Roma, Italy?(Was the ancient city spelled Rome?)
5494.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Henri Pescarolo dying?
Add-On: Do you remember some episodes of The X-Files not existing?(Are some episodes missing?)(Are some scenes missing, or off?)
Add-On: Do you remember whales not having knees?
5495.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember epilepsy not being a common disorder?
5496.(Celebrity death that didn't happen.)Do you remember Wilford Brimley dying?
5497.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember credit card chips being in a different location than they are now?(Anything else off?)
5498.(Movie Scene change.)Do you remember the scene in This Is Spiral Tap where Nigel says "Brothers always fight." cutting directly to the next scene?(Do you remember the note in Take The Money And Run saying "I have a gub" instead of "I am pointing a gub at you"?)
5499.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being any possibility of growing your teeth back?
Add-On: Do you remember there not being over 2000 paintings by Vincent Van Gogh?(Was there only a few hundred?)(Anything else surrounding his story off?)(Do you remember not having to put a space between a period and parentheses?)
Add-On: Do you remember Significant being spelled Signifigant?
Add-on: Do you remember the "I want to believe" poster in The X-Files looking different than it does now?(Were there not different versions?)
Add-On: Do you remember Steve Bushemi instead of Steve Buscemi?
Add-On: Do you remember Madonna having a stepfather and being abused in her early life?
5500.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Yukon Cornelius not having a gun in Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer?
5501.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the first Mickey Mouse cartoon being Steamboat Willie instead of Plane Crazy?(Was it Steamboat Willy?)
Add-On: Do you remember "Too cold." instead of "Too bold."
Add-On: Do you remember In' not being a thing?(Was it rarely used?)
Add-On: Do you remember beluga whales looking gray instead of white?(Did they not use fat rolls to steer?)(Do any bear colors look off?)(Were their ears not as big?)(Was their hair not as long?)(Do sloth bears look even more off than before?)(Do sun bears look even more off than before?)(Do Asiatic black bears look even more off than before?)(Do spectacled bears look even more off than before?)(Did bears not look like lions and dogs?)(Did they not purr?)(Video below.)
5502.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Golden State Warriors being located in San Francisco instead of Oakland?
Add-On: Do you remember these logos being different?(Safeway inverted their colors, Texaco inverted their colors, Target now has a white logo and text.)
Add-On: Do you remember William Defoe, or Willem Defoe?
5503.(Music Lyrics change.)"Who knew heaven is a place on Earth?"/Ooh, heaven is a place on Earth."(Do you remember having to capitalize Heaven and Hell?)
5504.(Famous Singer name change.)Jennifer Flowers/Gennifer Flowers (Do you remember "Gennifer" and "Ginnifer" not being names?)
5505.(Spelling change.)BuildozeBulldozer
5506.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Enteric nervous system, tusks on animals that didn't have them before, elephant butts , more changes to Statue Of Liberty and Shiva, nictating membranes, photosynthetic sea slug, new pectoral ability, acid spraying ants, planes are now quieter, Palpa lines, Saturn is getting colors, 4 foot rabbits, and Tienanmen Square/Tiananmen Square(Other spellings?)(Anything else off?)(Video below.)
5507.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being footage from 1888 of the Boer War?(Does any of the footage seem faked?)(Anything else off?)
5508.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these animals or things being different or not a thing?(Turkey feathers, Snood, Caruncles and face, Leg Spurs, Breast Beards, pig Wattles, goat beards and Wattles, moose antler shedding and Waddles, eels with glass teeth, Belgian blue cow and cows have big bumps in the front.)(Video below.)
5509.(Anatomy change.)Do you remember these parts of the brain being different or not a thing?(Amygdala, Putamen, Corpus Callosum, Pituitary Gland, Raphe Nuclei, Fornix.)(Video below.)
5510.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember neck beards not being a thing?(Have old images and videos changed to show neck beards or in other ways?)(Has hair growth changed for you or in general?)(Did lion manes not go all the way under the lion?)
5511.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Stonehenge not having holes and broken stones?(Was it not considered a cemetery with 50000 bones?)(Anything else off?)
5512.(Famous Painter name change.)Juan Miró/Joan Miróó
5513.(Famous Painter name change.)Jason Pollock/Jackson Pollock
5514.(Fictional Character name change.)Loise Lane/Louis Lane/Lois Lane
5515.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the White House being longer than it is now?
5516.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sheep not having horns?
Add-On: Do you remember Abraham Lincoln not having a cross-shaped exit wound above his left eye on Mount Rushmore?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Fiberware instead of Farberware?(Does the logo look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember the car John F. Kennedy used and got shot in not being used for 4 other presidents?
5517.(T.V. Show Quote change.)"You don't make friends with salad."/"You don't win friends with salad."
5518.(Anatomy change.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Acromion, Coracoid, Glenoid Cavity, Pectoral Girdle, and the two fissures in the skull are spreading everywhere.)(Video below.)
5519.(Fictional Character name change.)Amy Biwas/Shama Biwas
Add-On: Do you remember the Inception music being in the actual movie?
5520.(Music Lyrics change.)"Carrie, things may change my plans."/"Carrie, things they change my friend."("I've been unkind. I wish I could explain."/"Of being unkind. I wish I could explain.')("Somewhere out there where the lights go down."/'Somewhere above where the lights go down.")
5521.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember dead zones not being a thing?(Were they not as big?)(Anything else off?)
5522.(New species.)Have you heard of the Argonaut?
5523.(Snack name change.)Swiss Cake Roll/Swiss Roll
Add-On: Do you remember Costa Rica being just an island?(Anything else off?)
5524.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember moray eels not having two mouths?
5525.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Cinderella having ears in the original movie the whole time?
5526.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember Daffy Duck being the one who said "Of course you know this means war?'? instead of Bugs Bunny?(Was the quote always "Of course you realize this means war?"?),-You-Realize-This-Means-Wa
5527.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember Principal Skinner saying "Pathetic." in The Simpsons?(Did he say specifically in the scene the meme is based off of?)
5528.(Famous Singer name change.)Paul MacCartney/Paul MacCartney
5529.(Phantom t.v. show quote.)Do you remember Zoidberg saying "What about Zoidberg?" in Futurama?
5530.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the American flag emblem on uniforms always having the stars on the left?
5531.(Music Lyrics change.)"We're just another brick in the wall."/Their just another brick in the wall."/"You're just another brick in the wall."(Other lyrics?)
5532.(Famous Painter name change.)Leonardo Da Vinci/Leonardo da Vinci(Were initials in names always capitalized?)
5533.(Famous Actor name change.)Willy Ames/Willy Aames/Willie Ames/Willie Aames
5534.(Famous Actor name change.)Keifer Sutherland/Kiefer Sutherland
5535.(Famous Actress name change.)Angelica Huston/Anjelica Huston(Houston?)(Was Anjelica never an acceptable spelling of Angelica?)
5536.(Famous Actress name change.)Shirley McClaine/Shirley MacLaine(Other spellings?)
5537.(Famous Actor name change.)Danny Devito/Danny DeVito
5538.(Famous Actor name change.)Donald Pleasance/Donald Pleasence
5539.(Famous Actor name change.)Mathew Lillard/Matthew Lillard
5540.(Famous Actress name change.)Eliza Cuthbert/Elisha Cuthbert
5541.(Famous Actress name change.)Darryl Hannah/Daryl Hannah(Was Daryl never an acceptable spelling of Darryl?)
5542.(Movie name change.)Jack PreacheJack Reacher
5543.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Count Dracula looking older?(Was he scarier looking?)(Was he darker or more pale?)(Anything else off?)
5544.(Date change.)Do you remember 12 Years A Slave being released in 2014 or 2015 instead of 2013?(Was Brad Pitt not in the movie?)
Add-On: Do you remember Buggs Bunny instead of Bugs Bunny?
5545.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(More changes to Shiva, more changes to Mona Lisa, cloth in The Last Supper, more changes to R2-D2, more bird fish, city penguins, how sperm whales sleep, green spoon worms, funnel web spiders, more changes to Mount Rushmore, giant swarms of midges, more changes to the Sphinx, Mozilla Firefox logo is based on red panda, Dianne Feinstein, Redd Fox, Binturong smells like popcorn, images of Martian sky showing blue sky and dirt is less rec, Elisabeth being an acceptable spelling of Elizabeth, Nicklas, Nicklaus, or Nicolas instead of Nickolas or Nicholas, Barbra instead of Barbara, Dmitry, Dmitri, Dmitrii, Dimitry, Dimitrii instead of Dimitri, Johnathan instead of Jonathan, early sunrises, and organic-type materials found on Mars.)(Video below.)(Was Dianne not an acceptable spelling of Diane?)
5546.(Fictional Character name change.)Lord Valdemort/Lord Voldemort
5547.(Movie name change.)Boyz In The Hood/Boyz N The Hood(Other names?)(Song too?)
5548.(Clothing Company name change.)Carhardt/Carhart/Carhartt(Other spellings?)
5549.(Spelling change.)Perogative/Prerogative
5550.(Video Game name change.)Saints Row: Get Out Of Hell/Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell
5551.(Tower name change.)Glenfell/Grenfell
5552.(Fruit name change.)Avacado/Advacado/Advocado/Avocado
5553.(Company name change.)Jacob's/McVitie's(Was there no apostrophe?)
Add-On: Do you remember Wilderbeast or Wilderbeest?
5554.(Mythical Creature name change.)Warewolf/Werewolf(Anything else off?)(Was it Ware instead of Were for other animals?)
5555.(Famous Actor name change.)Robert Pattison/Robert Pattinson
5556.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Matthew Vaughn directing Thor instead of Kenneth Branagh?
5557.(Famous Singer name change.)Cheryl Crow/Sheryl Crow(Did names such as Sheri, Sherri, Sherry, and Sheryl only start with a C and never an S?)(Did she sing What If God Was One Of Us and not Joan Osborne?)(Have you heard of Joan Osborne?)
5558.(Spelling change.)Pavilion/Pavilion
5559.(Video Game name change.)Grand Tourismo/Grand Turismo/Gran Tourismo/Gran Turismo(Grand Torino/Gran Torino)
5560.(Fictional Character name change.)JafaaJafar
5561.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Natalie Imbruglia getting a number 1 with the song "Torn"?(Was it not released earlier by Edna Swap?)
Add-On: Do you remember the Hawaiian language not using apostrophes in certain words and names such as Hawai'i?
5562.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there only being 10 Commandments?(Anything else off?)
5563.(City name change.)Manhatten, New York/Manhattan, New York(Other spellings?)
5564.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Belt Of Venus not being a thing?
5565.(Supervillain name change.)Doctor Silvana/Doctor Sivana
Add-On: Do you remember the tip of the thumb not being as pointy?(Anything else off about the bones of the thumb?)
5566.(Famous Actress name change.)Cybil Shepherd/Cybill Shepherd
5567.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember any of the scenes in EuroTrip being different?(Does the logo look off?)(Euro Trip/EuroTtip)
5568.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember sirens being half woman and half fish instead of part bird?(Is the way they kill sailors different now?)
5569.(New species.)Have you heard of Rainbow Lobsters?
5570.(Movie name change.)Fists Of Fury/Fist Of Fury
5571.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember double rainbows being more rare than they are now?(Were they not a thing?)
5572.(Ship name change.)SS Edmond Fitzgerald/SS Edmund Fitzgerald(Do you remember Edmund, and Edmunds not being acceptable spellings of Edmond, and Edmonds?)
Add-On: Do you remember McDonald's getting their domain name from a fight with a Scottish family?(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you rememberv gemstones not being able to rain down on Earth?īlauea
5573.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember horses and cows not being able to sit like dogs?
Add-On: Do you remember the Robot from Lost In Space being different?(Has he changed again?)
5574.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Balloonfest '86 not being a thing?'86
5575.(Famous Singer name change.)Tammy Faye BakeTammy Faye Bakker(Anything else off?)
5576.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember candy colored lobsters not being a thing?
Add-On: Do you remember Vincent van Gogh cutting his left ear?(Was it his right?)(Were there not paintings of both sides?)(Was the "Van" in his name capitalized?)(Anything else about the ear cutting incident off?)
5577.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember nettles only causing itches and stings instead of shocking you?(Neetle/Nettle)
5578.(Album name change.)Atom Mother Heart/Atom Heart Mother
5579.(Organization name change.)Susan G. Coleman For The Cure/Susan G. Komen For The Cure(Other spellings?)(Did it not go by so many names?)(Anything else off?)(Do any of the logos look off?)
5580.(Company name change.)Ghiradelli/Ghirardelli(Other spellings?)(Anything else off?)
5581.(Company name change.)Lindor & Sprüngli/Lindt & Sprüngli(Other spellings?)(Anything else off?)(Did it not go by other names?)üngli
Add-On: Do you remember Russell Steven instead of Russell Stover?(Anything else off?)
5582.(Soda name change.)Saspirilla/Sarsaparilla(Other spellings?)
5583.(Fish name change.)Beta/Betta
5584.(Family name change.)Waynes/Wayans(Damien Wayans/Damion Wayans/Damon Wayans)(My Wife And Family/My Wife And Kids)(Do you remember words such as "the", "of", and "a" being capitalized in titles?)
5585.(Neighborhood name change.)Bell AiBell-AiBel-AiBel Air(William Smith/Willard Smith)(Do you remember Will or Carlton getting shot in the series finale?),_Los_Angeles
5586.(Famous Wrestler name change.)Rick FlaiRic Flair(Was Ric never an acceptable spelling of Rick?)(Are any of these other alternative spellings of names off?)(Willem instead of William, Wil instead of Will, Clayre instead of Claire, Cari, or Keri instead of Carrie,(Carrie Hilson/Cari Hilson/Keri Hilson)Joeseph or Josef instead of Joseph, Jo instead of Joe, Arron or Arin instead of Aaron or Erin, Valarie instead of Valerie, Kole instead of Cole, Wayans instead of Waynes, Mattis instead of Mathis, Mathew instead of Matthew, Maddy instead of Maddie, Nieko or Nicko instead of Nico, Nickole instead of Nicole, Michele instead of Michelle, Mitchel instead of Mitchell, Cheng instead of Chang, Minh instead of Min, Arianna instead of Ariana, Zac or Zak instead of Zach or Zack(Zack Efron/Zach Efron/Zac Efron), Nik or Nic instead of Nick, Jimi or Jimmie instead of Jimmy, Rodrigues instead of Rodriguez, Hanna instead of Hannah, Jayde, instead of Jade, Gerrie or Gerry instead of Jerry, Garry instead of Gary, Foxx instead of Fox, Redd instead of Red,, Cristina instead of Christina, Charley instead of Charlie,(Charlie Pride/Charley Pride)Tommie instead of Tommy, Bettie instead of Betty, Debbie instead of Debby(Debby Reynolds/Debbie Reynolds), Johnnie or Jonny instead of Johnny, Bryan instead of Brian,(Brian Cranston/Bryan Cranston)Jayce instead of Jace, Viktoriia or Viktoria instead of Victoria, Vickie or Vicki instead of Vicky,(Vicky Vale/Vickie Vale/Viki Vale)Vic or Vik instead of Vick,(Vick Mensa/Vic Mensa)Margret instead of Margaret, Sommer instead of Summer(Summer Ray/Sommer Ray)Davy instead of Davey, Jaime instead of Jamie(There wasn't a masculine or feminine equivalent so all females and males with the name Jaime are a change.), Stefanie, Steffanie, Stefannie or Stephannie instead of Stephanie,(Other spellings?)Teri, Terri or Terrie instead of Terry, Shari as another S spelling of Cheri(Cheri's/Shari's), Immanuel instead of Emmanuel, Karol or Carole instead of Carol, Karl instead of Carl,(Carl Marx/Karl Marx)Kurtis instead of Curtis, Dwyane instead of Dwayne, Richie instead of Ritchie, Griffin and Griffith instead of Griffen(Family Guy), Mayer instead of Meyer(John MeyeJohn Mayer), Kourtney or Courteney instead of Courtney,(Courtney Kardashian/Kourtney Kardashian) Khloe instead of Chloe,(Chloe Kardashian/Khloe Kardashian)Elliott instead of Eliot or Elliot(Chris Elliot/Chris Elliott), Lindsey instead of Lindsay, Harrelson instead of Harrison, Thom instead of Tom, Piers instead of Pierce, Robby instead of Robbie,(Robbie Benson/Robby Benson)Tobey instead of Toby, Rudolf instead of Rudolph, Adolf instead of Adolph, Usama or Usaama instead of Osama(Osama Bin Laden/Usama Bin Laden)(His name changes in translation.)(Was "Bin" capitalized?) Kimberley or Kimberlie instead of Kimberly, Meagan, Meghan and Megyn instead of Megan (Megan TrainoMeghan Trainor)Garret and Garett instead of Garrett, Emmet instead of Emmett, Denise instead of Denice?(Everyone with an alternative spelling to their name including special cases are all changes.)
Add-On: Do you remember the Count from Sesame Street not having a monocle?
5587.(Condiment name change.)Ranch/Ranch Dressing
5588.(Condiment name change.)Catsoup/Catsup/Ketchup(Do you remember Catsup never becoming Ketchup?)(Did Catsup and Ketchup not both exist at the same time?)
5589.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Moscow Metro dogs, honeymoon nosebleeds, wombat cubic poops, kinkajous, more lobsters and colors (Were the plurals for Crab, Lobster and Shrimp actually Crab, Lobster, and Shrimp?), unalienable vs inalienable rights, cats drink seawater and do they still bury poop, black widows eat mice, rikki tikki tavi, blucifer, teeth cleaning fish, clathrus archeri, monster bullfrog tadpole, neoteny, candle flames contain nanodiamonds, reticulate, dipping hand in boiling water, thecacera pacifica Pikachu sea slug, Hogweed is even more dangerous than before, Uyuni salt flats, nasal cycle, tons of new Australian species, Wally World vs Walley World(Was it Wally's World or Walley's World?)in National Lampoon's, not all cows and horses sleep standing up and cow tipping is now a myth and/or doesn't work, whales sleep vertical, underwater cleaning stations are different and predators are friendly, Celebrities In Cars Drinking Coffee/Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee(Other names?), more weird fish and eels, Megan Fox toe thumbs, caterpillar snake, Matrix movie intro,(Matrix/The Matrix)friendly alligator, Milgram and Stanford prison experiment debunked with all other psych experiments, World Cup fans cause earthquake.)(Video below.)
5590.(Company Logo change.)Do you remember the letters in Konica Minolta being normal?
5591.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Brother Industries being a Swiss brand instead of Japanese?
5592.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember number measurements not being different in other countries?(Did certain numbers not go by other names?),000,000,000
5593.(Company name change.)Wedgewood/Wedgwood(Does the logo look off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Cybill Shepard instead of Cybill Shepherd
Add-On: Do you remember Curiosity&curiouser?(Other names?)
5594 .(Famous Singer name change.)Elliot Smith/Elliott Smith
5595.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the North Star being in a different location?
5596.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember $10 bills not being more yellow than other bills?(Were $100 bills not more blue than other bills?)(Anything else off about certain bills?)
5597.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the T not being silent in Soften?(Did words like it not have silent Ts?)(Did Moisten not have a silent T?)(Was Harassment pronounced differently for you?)(Roomate/Roommate)
5598.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there being a scandal with a Coca-Cola plant in France where a man complained of discomfort?(Anything else off?)
5599.(Date change.)Do you remember Sober Up by AJR being released in 2008-2010?(Other songs they released?)
5600.(Famous Actress name change.)Evangeline Lily/Evangeline Lilly(Was Lilly not an acceptable spelling of Lily?)
5601.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Dark snow and other types, new types of lightning, salt pans of Maras, spotted lake in Canada, pitch lake, pythons regurgitate trachea, snakes have 4 rows of teeth and their heads aren't heart shaped anymore, rabbit ear barnacles, Seiche waves, China builds copycat of Paris, Potoo bird, brinicles, more weird colored bodies of water, fish with human teeth, weird spider, otter juggling, python lower jaw separation and independent movement, squid attacks, snakes drink water, ancient civilizations didn't die out, human ears are different, cuttlefish face grabber, Once Upon A Timeline's home elevation changed, crocodiles can climb trees, and Statue Of Liberty and Mount Rushmore and Shiva have changed.)(Video below.)
Add-On: Do you remember the Shroud Of Turin not showing the back of Jesus?(Did it not go by other names?)
5602.(Commercial Quote change.)"When E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen."/"When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen."
Add-On: Do you remember the video before the one titled being Recent Mandela Effects 05 being the video that was titled Recent Mandela Effects 05?
5603.(Music Lyrics change.)"She gets, she gets, she gets, she gets, yeah!"/"She gets high. She gets high. She gets high. She gets high, yeah!"(Anything else off about the lyrics?)
5604.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Kip from Napoleon Dynamite not having braces?(Chip Dynamite/Kip Dynamite)(Was his full name just Kip or Chip and not Kipland?)
5605.(Theme Song Lyrics change.)"You're gonna make it after all."/"You just might make it after all."(Other lyrics?)(Did a man sing it?)(Anything else off?)
Add-On: Do you remember Leonardo da Vinci writing his signature backwards?(Does it look different?)(Has The Vitruvian Man changed again?)(Was it only known as Vitruvian Man?)
5606.(Movie Quote change.)"Don't touch it! It's pure evil!"/"It's evil! Don't touch it!"(Other quotes?)
5607.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Boots from Dora The Explorer not having yellow at the end of his tail?
5608.(Song Title change.)Memories/Memory(Any of the lyrics off?)
5609.(Logo change.)Do you remember the A in the Avengers logo not having an arrow on it?(Anything else off?)(Does the other word logo look off?)(Was the movie series known as The Avengers and not just Avengers?)
5610.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember these things being different or not a thing?(Local sign letters and font changing?)(Videos below.)(Does the YouTube channel name seem off?)(Is Unbiased & On The Fence off with their channel logo?)
5611.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember there not being plants or seeds that explode to survive?
5612.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Do you remember Dipsy from Teletubbies not being black?(Any of the other Teletubbies seem off in terms of overall color?)
5613.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember Hostels not being a thing?
5614.(Fictional Store name change.)Lucky Aid/Lucky Aide
Add-On: Do you remember there not being 7 other Stonehenge-like monuments in the world?
Add-On: Do you remember the gash in the Pyramid Of Menkaure being smaller?(Were words like "A", "The", and "Of" always capitalized in titles?)(Was there no gash?)
Add-On: Do you remember Mister Rogers not giving the middle finger in his show?(Did the song not require you to use your middle finger?)
5615.(Spelling change.)Liverworst/Liverwurst(Other spellings?)(Did it not go by other names?)
5616.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember hamburger relish not being a thing?
5617.(Movie name change.)Who Framed Roger Rabbit?/Who Framed Roger Rabbit
5618.(Spelling change.)Marshall/Marshal
5619.(Can't think of a title.)Do you remember the Three Secrets Of Fatima being different?(Were the first and second not merged together?)(Did the other secret not appear as a vision of Hell?)(Was the third secret never revealed?)átima
Add-On: Do you remember mind controlling parasites not being a thing?(Are there more types in more places now?)
Add-On: Do you remember Stonehenge not being white?
submitted by iminterestingplease to Retconned [link] [comments]

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Subreddit Title Brand
worldnews The U.S. Navy needs a much larger fleet to defend America’s interests while countering China’s growing capabilities and a resurgent Russia. The Navy should have a fleet of 355 ships to counter potential adversaries of the United States, according to the 2016 Force Structure Assessment United
AskReddit An unprecedented major winter storm is expected to hit the entire United States all 50 states with anywhere from a few inches to a few feet of snow. Which states will experience the most havoc due to this storm? United
Music That Handsome Devil - Treefood/Atom Shell fringe pop/alt rock Shell
gaming [HEROES VS 3800 YARI SPEARS Total War Shogun 2
gaming Which Christmas skin do you like the most in Overwatch? I like the Winston yeti skin. Winston
pics A very Christian Facebook friend shared this today... Facebook
aww I made a friend in line at Starbucks today! Reddit, meet Rowdy Starbucks
UpliftingNews The man who looks after 735 dogs - BBC News BBC
food MISC KFC Japan releases special finger sheaths for hassle-free fried chicken eating KFC
gaming SECRETS OF THE DEEPWOOD - Total War: WARHAMMER Gameplay - Pixelated Apollo Total
videos The Real Youtube Rewind 2016 Youtube
food Homemade Orange chicken, brown rice, and chow mien, with strawberry banana pudding pie for dessert. Orange
AskReddit What are the pros and cons of Sports Illustrated and ESPN magazine? ESPN
mildlyinteresting My Taco Bell sauce doesn't have any text Bell
AskReddit Serious What would you consider to be the best city in the United States to move to including cost of living and job market? United
AskReddit What is your most memorable Walmart moment? Walmart
worldnews Ireland accused the European Commission on Monday of exceeding its powers and interfering with the EU member's national sovereignty over tax affairs in ruling that Apple owes Dublin billions of euros in taxes, saying it had failed to give proper reasons for its decision Apple
Music Rae Sremmurd - Black Beatles Hip Hop/Trap ft. Gucci Mane Gucci
funny It's zero degrees in Chicago and Target wants us to die of hypothermia Target
Showerthoughts If Subway was an honest company they would make their footlongs 13 inches to fulfill a baker's dozen. Subway
AskReddit SeriousPeople of any color, ethnicity, or national background in the United States, have you ever experienced racism personally? What were the circumstances and the outcome? United
todayilearned TIL that IBM engaged in controversial business that helped Nazi Germany during World War II organize the Holocaust, along with US and their Japanese internment camps IBM
mildlyinteresting None of my Taco Bell sauces had text on them! Bell
worldnews Today's Google Doodle marks 70th birthday of anti-apartheid activist Steve Biko Google
AskReddit If the United States and Russia were to go to war, what would likely ensue and how would life for the everyday American be affected? Serious United
pics Went to the Newport Beach Cars and Cafe today, first try at photography let me know how I did! Newport
worldnews Saudi Arabia and the United States on Sunday played down media reports that Washington had decided to limit military support, including planned arms sales to the kingdom, over its war in Yemen. United
Futurology Driverless buses arrive in Australia: "According to the 2015 PwC report A Smart Move, 94,946 bus, automobile and rail drivers in Australia have an 80% likelihood of seeing their jobs disappear in the next 20 years thanks to driverless vehicle technology." PwC
news Ireland says EU exceeded powers in Apple case Apple
gaming Grandma tries Playstation VR for the first time Playstation
gifs Grandma tries Playstation VR for the first time Playstation
AskReddit What kind of changes could we expect if Facebook bought Reddit? Facebook
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dataisbeautiful US GDP Per Capita vs US Median Household Income since 1984 Capita
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news Germany To Fine Facebook 500,000 Euros Over Fake Posts Facebook
listentothis Solange -- Cranes in the Sky R&B, Soul 2016 Sky
sports Jameis Winston making it look like an alien spaceship is using a tractor beam to take the football from him Winston
gifs Jameis Winston making it look like an alien spaceship is using a tractor beam to take the football from him Winston
aww Could we call them Sky Puppies? Sky
Showerthoughts If women shared how much they shopped for underwear at Walmart as much as they do for Victoria's Secret, everyone would be way more uncomfortable. Walmart
todayilearned TIL there is a version of Hamlet that is translated to Klingon. It is written in a satirical style and claims that Shakespeare is a Klingon that the United Federation of Planets falsified to be a 16th century human poet in order to rally humans against Klingons. United
AskReddit Job recruiters: Do Certificates from Coursera & Khan academy help when looking at candidates Linkedin profiles? Linkedin
personalfinance Oil Chevron Shell Marathan Parkers Rockefeller Shell
personalfinance Oil Chevron Shell Marathan Parkers Rockefeller Chevron
dataisbeautiful 1,900+ law enforcement related deaths from 2015-2016 in The United States United
AskReddit What are some LPT's along the same lines of "ask for no salt on your fries at McDonald's to guarantee fresh fries"? McDonald's
gaming Why does it seem like almost every first result on Google or your favorite search engine when typing the name of a game be for cheats? Google
gaming Which one to choose? Xbox One gets you better backward compatibility but PS4 Pro has a better upcoming games lineup. Xbox
science Scientists Discover Sun Like Planet Eaten Its Planets "Death Star" Discover
AskReddit Which console is do you prefer and why? Xbox one or PS4? Xbox
funny Thug Life: American Airlines Style American Airlines
videos Guy Plays Miles Davis and LCD Soundsystem Songs Over top Each other On Youtube Creating A Hidden Masterpiece Youtube
mildlyinteresting My Google feed recommended for me to read my own reddit post Google
pics I switched to T-Mobile tonight. This picture captures the preference for them over AT&T my previous carrier AT&T
Art Single unbroken Line, Adobe Illustrator, 12x12", Not Drawn by a Robot Adobe
AskReddit On a telephone, why does ABC start on the number 2 and not 1? ABC
movies This trailer for 1995's Ghost In The Shell feels so retro! Shell
videos 'Internet meme ruined my career' BBC News BBC
worldnews Aleppo battle: Hundreds leave Syria city as evacuations resume - BBC News BBC
worldnews 'Hundreds die' in India police custody, says rights group report - BBC News BBC
space Bird's-eye view looking down on Space Shuttle Endeavour as it flies over the Mojave Desert on the back of a Boeing 747 Boeing
Documentaries The Death of Yugoslavia BBC 1995 - Long documentary on the balkan wars BBC
mildlyinteresting Error 404: Sky not found. Sky
mildlyinteresting Apparently Volvo made a stretch limo, and somebody bought it... Volvo
worldnews Ireland to accuse European Commission of exceeding powers in Apple tax dispute Apple
Showerthoughts Why is it fine to Google 'Cute Baby' but when I Google 'Cute Preteen', the police show up? Google
gifs Mike Tyson in his prime delivering KO's Tyson
mildlyinteresting Food Court in Japanese Costco are divided by pizza toppings Costco
funny Remember that talking fish that dude installed Alexa inside of? Look what Google has done... Google
worldnews Ireland to accuse European Commission of exceeding powers in Apple tax dispute - Dublin says EU's competition watchdog interfered with its sovereignty in penalising tech giant Apple
videos 'Internet meme ruined my career' BBC News BBC
pics All new 2016 Toyota Corolla Crashed Toyota
worldnews Iran's 100 jet agreement with Airbus to be signed in days as A380s are dropped from the deal Airbus
aww Cute Orange Fluffy Cat Orange
WritingPrompts WP The Oracle spoke only the truth, which was invaluable for gathering information, but also made for some very awkward conversations. Oracle
funny Sold a graphics card on eBay but ran out of bubble wrap. Hope this guy likes to party! eBay
gaming The 15 BEST Upcoming Games of 2017 Most Anticipated Games of 2017 PS4 Xbox One PC YouTube Xbox
worldnews China will return the US Navy drone it seized earlier this week - Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook issued a statement earlier today, saying that the two countries had spoken and that "we have secured an understanding that the Chinese will return the UUV to the United States." United
AskReddit Which phone is better. Iphone 7plus OR Google pixel XL?? Google
funny Was in Walmart earlier, found a big ol' pile of my life choices on sale. Walmart
gaming GameStop Is Giving Away Free PS4 and Xbox One Consoles Xbox
Showerthoughts By trying to simplify all our accounts, companies such as Microsoft make it more complicated and rather annoying. Microsoft
personalfinance Hi guys, so my mum's Facebook account just got hacked, and the thieves got a hold of her bank account and spent £90 on poker chips, and we don't even gamble, need help. Facebook
AskReddit What kind of changes could we expect if Facebook bought Reddit? Facebook
funny Unexpected discovery on Google Maps Google
news Aleppo evacuation: Orphans among thousands to leave Syria city - BBC News BBC
Music Wesley Willis - Rock 'n' roll McDonald's PUNK McDonald's
WritingPrompts WP Fearing corporate spying, tech companies began to wipe most employees' memory every day. You're a Google engineer, trying to make sense of a new, weird product. Google
explainlikeimfive ELI5: How can a nation as wealthy as the United States be trillions of dollars in debt? United
worldnews Amnesty accuses Myanmar military of 'crimes against humanity' - BBC News BBC
funny Unexpected discovery on Google Maps Google
mildlyinteresting Germany - DHL cant deliever all packets, so costumers have to get them theirselves. DHL
Music Mister Rogers PBS Digital Studios - Garden of Your Mind Remixed Pop/Electronica 2012 Rogers
news European Commission rules Apple used two subsidiaries in Ireland in way that 'did not correspond to economic reality' Apple
Jokes Someone broke into my local corner shop and stole 30 cases of Red Bull last night Red Bull
mildlyinteresting Nearly the entire United States and Canada is below freezing right now. United
worldnews For the first time in nearly 150 years, India€™s economy surpasses that of United Kingdom United
TwoXChromosomes A note on cheating, courtesy of my Uber driver. Uber
gaming Mass effect andromeda: Xbox one or Ps4? Xbox
EarthPorn Road to Moraine Lake at Banff shot on Google Pixel 1080X1920 Google
Showerthoughts Some times I don't Google to find out an answer, but just to confirm there are other people curious about the same thing Google
photoshopbattles PsBattle: Neutrogena Face Mask Light Neutrogena
worldnews Avisering från Google – build house Google
gaming I think my wife got me a Xbox One for Christmas. Other than FFV, what games should I look into. I've never owned an Xbox before. Thanks, gamers! Xbox
worldnews EU stands firm as Apple gears up for court battle over $14 billion tax demand Apple
news Russia bath lotion kills 41 drinkers in Irkutsk - BBC News BBC
news IMF chief Christine Lagarde convicted over payout - BBC News BBC
Documentaries The American Road 2009 Shows development of transportation in the United States during the first half of the 20th century United
news Trader who rapped his way to a job at Goldman Sachs reflects on life on Wall Street Goldman Sachs
worldnews Murdoch denies pressuring UK prime ministers ahead of Sky submission Sky
worldnews Bosch expected to settle U.S. Volkswagen diesel claims for $300 million: source Volkswagen
funny That's really not what I had in mind for mom, Google NSFW Google
worldnews Mistry quits Tata group director roles but vows to fight on Tata
AskReddit You are riding your Camel and stop at a traffic light. What do you hear someone say, that would scare the shit out of you? Camel
AskReddit What did that one long Facebook comment you wrote but never sent say? Facebook
todayilearned TIL Costco Food Court slice of cheese pizza has over 700 calories! Costco
personalfinance In 2010 I beat Citi Financial in court after they tried to sue me over a loan. The case was dismissed. Today I received a letter from the IRS saying I owe them over $3000 over a cancellation of debt from Citi Financial... Help! Citi
news Police: Uber driver stabs passenger in Bloomfield Township Uber
funny Scottish Twitter is in a world of its own... Twitter
mildlyinteresting My Target still has a Kodak machine Target
Showerthoughts The Portal level in Lego Dimensions was a dissappointment when I realized I was playing as Harry Potter and could fly. Lego
movies Blade Runner 2049 Official Trailer - Teaser 2017 - Harrison Ford Movie Ford
Futurology Why Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google All Desperately Need You To Know That The Robots Are Coming Google
Futurology Robots will walk you and drive you: Hyundai reveals its future Hyundai
pics My Bell she's 5 years old 😊 Bell
worldnews Russian ambassador 'wounded' in Turkey - BBC News BBC
worldnews Russian ambassador 'wounded' in Turkey - BBC News BBC
news Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov 'wounded' in gun attack in Turkey - BBC News BBC
worldnews Southern Water fined record £2m for sewage leak on Kent beaches. Thanet council forced to close beaches for nine days due to ‘catastrophic’ leakage and public health concerns. Kent
news HB2 law: North Carolina to repeal 'bathroom bill' - BBC News BBC
news Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov 'wounded' in gun attack in Turkey - BBC News BBC
worldnews HB2 law: North Carolina to repeal 'bathroom bill' - BBC News BBC
worldnews Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov wounded in gun attack in Turkey - BBC News BBC
worldnews Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov wounded in gun attack in Turkey - BBC News BBC
worldnews Australian scientists drilling for world's oldest ice - BBC News BBC
pics Java. Try making this the first image on Google for "Java" Google
todayilearned TIL that despite now being open 24/7, the convenience store chain 7-Eleven got its name from its original operating hours back during its founding in 1946, 7am to 11pm. 7-Eleven
worldnews Cyrus Mistry resigns from all Tata companies - The Express Tribune Tata
space Japan’s SoftBank Invests $1 Billion in Satellite Startup OneWeb SoftBank
pics The line at the Apple Store in San Francisco for AirPods Apple
food Homemade Terry's Chocolate Orange Drip Cake Orange
funny What it takes to be a Skateboarding Youtube Star nowadays Youtube
worldnews The Kremlin's Trojan Horses: Russian Influence in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom United
worldnews Three people hurt in shooting at Zurich Islamic center: paper Zurich
worldnews Three people hurt in shooting at Zurich Islamic center. Zurich
worldnews Russian ambassador assassinated in Turkey - BBC News BBC
videos What the Yahoo hacks actually revealed Yahoo
worldnews Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov shot dead in Turkey - BBC News BBC
worldnews Three people hurt in shooting at Zurich Islamic center Zurich
AskReddit Immigrations/Customs Officers of reddit, what are the red flags you guys look for amongst Travelers that could deny them entry? Travelers
sports I guess the best thing ESPN has to offer is showing Denzel's top 5 movies... RIP ESPN ESPN
news Bana Alabed, the 7-year-old Syrian Twitter star, escapes from Aleppo Twitter
nottheonion Twin Cities man shuts Twitter account after false post about U.S. Bank Stadium turning into homeless shelter U.S. Bank
nottheonion Twin Cities man shuts Twitter account after false post about U.S. Bank Stadium turning into homeless shelter Twitter
Showerthoughts I've never had to go to the second page of my Google search results. Google
AskReddit People who take services like Uber or Lyft rather than a taxi, why do you prefer to do so? Have you had any bad experiences? Uber
news Iran to get first Airbus jet within weeks under sanctions pact. Airbus
funny Only at Walmart is this size considered athletic! Walmart
Showerthoughts I randomly get the song "I'm so Excited" in my head. But it's always Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell singing the first part on a loop, hopped up on caffeine pills. Bell
gaming Some thrifty shopping at Target to buy me and my boy squirrel50cal a new copy of Titanfall 2 each for the price of one! Target
Jokes My ex posted on Facebook that she was standing on the egde and is suicidal Facebook
Music Straight No Chase - The 12 Days of Christmas A cappella Definitely not a traditional rendition Chase
AskReddit Apple employees of Reddit, what do you think about the products Apple has made post Steve Jobs? Apple
funny Needed an image to show a friend of a taxidermied squirrel. Google delivered. Google
OldSchoolCool Future President Gerald Ford #48 with the University of Michigan football team, 1934. Ford
news Nine New Findings About Inequality in the United States United
todayilearned TIL The modern depiction of Santa Claus was popularized by Coca-Cola in a 1931 advertisement Coca-Cola
Music San Cisco - B Side Australian Indie Cisco
movies Blade Runner 2049: Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford star in sequel's first trailer Ford
AskReddit Apple employees of Reddit, what do you think about the route Apple has taken post Steve Jobs' death? Apple
funny The exact moment that my daughter realized the phone on the desk at IKEA wasn't a prop IKEA
mildlyinteresting Giant KFC Fry - Quarter for comparison KFC
movies Blade Runner 2049 Official Trailer - Teaser 2017 - Harrison Ford Movie Ford
videos David Blaine Messes Up Magic Trick Live on Facebook - Proof That He Is Also Only Human Facebook
videos Pipeline Spills in the United States United
UpliftingNews A food truck is feeding families in need for free in Orange County. Orange
worldnews Lorry drives into German market - reports - BBC News BBC
worldnews Lorry drives into German market - reports - BBC News BBC
news Lorry drives into German market - reports - BBC News BBC
gaming Best Xbox One Exclusives? Xbox
AskReddit What kind of changes could we expect if Facebook bought Reddit? Facebook
mildlyinteresting Someone brought a Joey to Starbucks last night and I got to hold him. Starbucks
worldnews Three people hurt in shooting near Zurich Islamic center Zurich
mildlyinteresting This Jeep Cherokee has a little original Jeep on the windshield Jeep
gaming Overwatch Xbox 1 Xbox
gaming [Seizing Opportunities to Expand Wood Elves Total War Warhammer
gaming Should I get an Xbox One or build a gaming desktop? Xbox
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