How to Bet on Craps: 12 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

what is the dice game craps

what is the dice game craps - win

Online Gambling

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There are a lot of card games out there, but the only dice game people seem to know is craps. What's a dice game you like that isn't craps?

submitted by hunter-da-hammah1 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

There are a lot of card games out there, but the only dice game people seem to know is craps. What's a dice game you like that isn't craps?

submitted by urlradar3 to gameee [link] [comments]

Did anyone play craps at NYC Resorts World Casino? It's almost like a bubble craps, except you can't be the shooter. It's craps dice together with a third die and the game is for both craps and sic-bo stations. What do you guys think?

submitted by dic3master to Craps [link] [comments]

DICE, Thank you so much for what you have done with the game. Its absolutely breathtaking, the game could use a decent offline mode. This game is the most epic game now. It is truely a blessing to get home and load this up after taking a world of crap. So thank you.

DICE, Thank you so much for what you have done with the game. Its absolutely breathtaking, the game could use a decent offline mode. This game is the most epic game now. It is truely a blessing to get home and load this up after taking a world of crap. So thank you. submitted by luckydude5245 to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]


Alright, its been a truly chaotic fortnight, that is no lie.

Some big shit went down, but this isn't about that.
More will come on that, but if you want to get up to speed then click here.
We have seen a huge spike in numbers, mod-mail has gone into over-drive with ''why was my comment/post deleted'' Whining, Auto-mod has been taking no prisoners and there are bans and bets a plenty.......

New levels of degeneracy have been reached, its all catalogued for you below.
Noobs read these posts carefully, when you say dumb shit we hold you accountable to following through on dumb shit or you don't get to play in the cesspool anymore....

We have ALOT of shit to get through, so dive in and then we can fuck off to enjoy the weekend....

Also just a friendly reminder:
make a bet?
Tag a Mod
Don't tag Auto-Mod though, bitch is cranky......


- The media jackals have been sniffing around again and have been in contact with the Mods.
We see the chaos everywhere, so Mods have made our OFFICIAL RESPONSE: BOOMER AND AUTIST VERSIONS public so y'all are up to speed.

- Our Euro-Trash connection, u/WolfofAnarchy has made a 500K YOLO on IBG.
After a comprehensive DD piece posted a while ago, user has back their Autism in for early retirement and free flowing tendies.

- Purveyor of the finest Beverages, u/SuntoryBeverage has jumped on the big boy YOLO train as well, punting 300K into MEP.
They did however, post up a DD piece on said YOLO prior, another glowing example of putting your money into whatever you gleaned and copy/pasted from Hot crapper. (jokes..... it was a decent write up)

- u/bshezza has drunk the kool-aid, making made a $350,000 YOLO on TYR.
There is a bet attached here, so more on this below...

- u/theoriginaluser01 has made a big boy YOLO into RAC, rounding out the seriously large plays with a ''bio-tech speccie buy out from big pharma'' hay-maker.

- u/DareBottle has finally explained their asx_bot in detail.
This is actually a really interesting/in-depth look at our collective Autism from the 'boy and his bot' and well worth a read.

- u/BOTANIXtoTENDOLLA had a truly magnificent episode during their Meltdown over GME. We have been keeping a tight leash on these posts, but this one was truly a unique rant and demanded to be preserved.
Caution, reading their post may cause severe haemorrhaging......

- u/timbuckley66 has donated $200 to the Autists supporting Z1P fund. Enjoy that shiny new flair young Timmy....


- u/24caratcommodes made a bet with the mods that BBUS would open at $1.70 or higher after the great Red Monday Open.
Credit to this user for developing a bear thesis that they posted up on Big Daddy sub (got deleted), but the theory was blown apart by a nice shrek-coloured dildo the next morning courtesy of the split personality exchange we all know and love.
Perhaps they should have invested in DLC instead....

- u/sweatygooche has made a bet with the mods, claiming that the indefinitely stalled NVA rocket will take off too 20c by the end of February or its ban time.
Maybe this is the spark needed to ignite said stalled rocket, or maybe the mighty Tom will look unfavorably upon the lack of, ahem, tribute......

- u/limputg has gotten on board with the body hair bets, stating that 4DS trades at 30c by the end of feb or they will submit a film of eating their own pubes.
It baffles Mods as to why this phenomenon has caught on here, but hey if it keeps us entertained then go crazy.....

- Not to be outdone in the consumption of bodily refuse, u/jamesnangs has upped to ante and has gone on the record that JAT will touch 2.5c by the end of Monday 8th or they will eat their own shit.
We don't know why, we just know that is their wish.
And the market provided opportunity for you to act out your pervy scat fetish, yet you were nowhere to be found....
Folks, can you guess what comes Next?????????

- u/tuzymandias got in on the act as well, promising that if Z1P hit $10 on Monday they would swallow a sweet load.
Well......... here is the link.
I still feel dirty....

- Sub veteran and owner of the ASX_Bets most coveted flair, u/kooksy_monster has made a pact to memorialize their AVA diamond hands by getting some Ink when AVA hits $1.
We will not need to follow our favorite dole bludger up on this claim, mods know they are an autist with a code and shall post up if the mark is hit.

- u/bshezza was freed from ban captivity after they made a $350,000 YOLO on TYR.
There is a bet attached, u/oxymoreme has bet against the shezz, claiming that for every 1% up till the end of FEB they will take a 1 week ban.
We enjoy an accumulative ban, its like compound interest, Scotty would be so proud.....

- u/luner124 made the commitment to order custom ASXBETS number plates if LKE finished green on Wed Feb 5th.
Let the record show that whilst questionable bodily fluid tributes seem to make green candles, custom number plates seems to be the recipe for red ones, as LKE continued on its merry way down that day....
You'll have to pimp your ride with some alternative bling...........

- u/Evilshogun and u/xxt3nt4c10n have a bet running on LKE.
One users likes the LKE, the other no likely the LKE, someone is getting a ban if it misses or hits the 40c mark by Friday 12th, that's all we really need to keep in our short attention span.

- As far as we can tell, u/1stPostISwear has missed the 1st post on their convoluted double bet with BRN.
This was a fucked up scenario for Mods to follow, but u/jbent has provided you all with a little video containing just the right amount of spite to try and send their fellow conspirator packing......
u/jbent09 is in mourning this weekend.
The scintillating, raw, oddly sexually charged chemistry between these 2 degenerates has been strangely compelling, but u/1stPostISwear has pulled the ultimate ghosting, deleting their entire reddit account and vacating the reddit universe.
Was this a jilted love story gone wrong?
Was it knowing they had fucked up with the bet?
was it the pressure of becoming another failed Prophet?
All we know is that when you leave the table before the end of the game, you lose it all.
So u/1stPostISwear will be receiving a Perma-Ban, albeit a theoretical one...

Love, it appears, is fickle indeed.

- u/nomadnobad has jumped on the LKE train, with a $1 by Easter or Ban bet.
Train is currently boarding, a few have purchased tickets to feast on tendies or bust in the dining car.

- u/phishbaron and u/nundee have a bet running on RNT. The loser of this bet has agreed to donate $1K to charity and post proof on the sub.
There will be no banning here, unless there is a failure to come through then there will be a fucking lot of banning. Seriously though, this reminds me of the Salty Toppings Fight card charity bets we ran a few months ago, hats off lads for doing the good thing....


- u/itsdankreddit has finally lost a ban bet on DW8. For the record, this use has won every bet up until now so whilst its an impressive ride for the cycling trader, it had to close out sometime.

- u/markz91 has been banned for 6 months after a coward gains post drew the ire of some of our more attentive users.
Baby Mod u/mcfucking asked for further proof of the claim and the user has been conspicuously absent since then....
We take our gains seriously people, make a claim and don't back it up at your peril......

- u/Beavoir was banned for 1 month after calling out the hairy bear, only to find the bear had out-stonked them and gone temporarily bull.

- u/DareBottle comes in with their second mention in the post, but this one is for a ban after PEN failed to reach 20c. enjoy the month off, that bot better be predicting tendies for all upon your return.

- u/MS_Travels has been banned for failing to come good on a proof or ban.

- u/drag0nb0at, u/ASXrockets69420, u/bruinjack, u/snitchles007, were all banned for 3 months after various 'can ASX_Bets organise a short squeeze' posts.

- u/ssayrus has received a Perma-Ban for continually spamming Auto Mod with MYR pump posts and comments.

- u/Trader786 has also received a Perma-Ban for the same offence

- u/Dependent_Will_5798 has been banned for shilling a silver pump website repeatedly. I mean seriously...........

- u/redlegs1123 has been banished for 3 months after betting that GME would close below 50 the week after the rally. At least he doesn't have to read posts from retards anymore.

- u/Maj11k has been banned for 3 months for an attempted short squeeze call to arms.
User seriously needs to learn what the % actually means on shorts.........

- u/Xsouleater and u/jarfour offered themselves as sacrifices to the random ban length act for survey posts, earning a 64 day and a 128 day holiday respectively.
However, we really needed to flag a special shout out to u/NezyReddit, whose first post on the sub earnt them a 1024 day ban in accordance with the survey post exponential ban length program.
Mods thought that was epic, but then u/ItsSpyroTheBandicoot rolled the dice and levelled up to a 2048 day ban.
But, if you really want to indulge in this frenzy go and pay your respects here, this user is currently serving a 8192 day ban...

Exponential ban gains for the mods every-time someone rolls the dice, and u/phantom_hax0r loves them dice rollin games...

calls on bans people!!!

TLDR: Πρώτα για να αποκωδικοποιήσετε το πολύ μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα που δεν διαβάζει παίρνει μια λαμπερή νέα αίσθηση, βεβαιωθείτε ότι πληκτρολογείτε πρώτα στο σχόλιό σας
submitted by username-taken82 to ASX_Bets [link] [comments]

The unhappy life and sad end of the 1999 Dream Machine

Gather round my friends and listen to the very long and very sad tale of my technical nemesis the Maximum PC 1999 Dream Machine.
Back in the late 90s I did tech support in rural Alaska. What's not rural in Alaska you ask?
Well urban Alaska is a place you can drive to on a paved road.
Suburban Alaska is a place you drive to on a road.
Rural Alaska is where downtown is on the road, but the houses not so much.
Remote Alaska takes a boat, plane, train, ATV, snow machine, dog sled, or other non standard mode of transportation.
Anyway on with the story. I worked in town at a small tech shop. We had a frequent customer who lived remote. He was a friend of the shop and spent easily $10,000 a year on hardware for his off-grid "cabin." Every time he came to town he bought some new toy or component and talked shop with us techies.
He was super excited about the new millennium so when Maximum PC released their 1999 Dream Machine he came to us to put one together for him. Top of the line: Pentium 3 - Coppermine 800mhz water cooled and overclocked, 1Gb of CL2 SDRAM, GeForce 256 with dual SLI Voodoo 2s, SCSI 8GB boot drive, Striped 20GB IDE storage array. It was hell on rails and the absolute sexiest machine a gamer could ask for.
For those who aren't reaching retirement age, the Pentium 3 Coppermine CPU was basically unobtainable in 1999 it took us the better part of a month just to find someone willing to sell it to us. We paid 3x retail and considered ourselves fortunate to have gotten it at all. Then we had it overnighted to Alaska from somewhere in Indiana for an additional ton of money. CPU alone ended up costing $3000.
The CPU was the last part to arrive and the shop basically closed down when FedEx arrived. We thoroughly inspected the package for signs of damage, triple checked our grounding straps, and everyone watched in awe and trepidation as the lead tech ever so gingerly placed it into the socket. A dab of Silver Fox and the stock heat sink later we're ready for first boot... Hurray it POSTs!
So we do the usual, slap Windows 98SE install disk in let it get to work on install. Install finishes up and we start up 3DMark, gonna get us a high score! Nope... Halfway through the test BSOD! Crap, okay wire check, temp check everything is good. 2nd try, fingers crossed... Boom BSOD.
2 hours of frantic forums searching later. 98SE hates more RAM than 512 unless you tweak a bunch of system settings. So we pull out half the RAM start it back up, run 3DMark so we know it was just the RAM amount. Benchmark score is nice, like double any of our personal rig scores nice. So we tweak some system settings, shut it down, add the RAM back in, spin it up, Mark it. Success!
Burn in time. Now sure we could have set 3DMark on a loop, but this rig was worth better than half a year's salary and the hottest setup we had ever seen. So we hooked it up to the shop network, big screen, and speakers and payed Unreal Tournament till 2am. Satisfied with the hardware we made our way home.
Bright and early the next morning we show up and get to the hard work of switching from air cooled to water cooled. We ran the tubes, measured twice, cut once, plumbed the blocks, checked for leaks...
No leaks!
Drained 'em set aside to let dry, took off the fans from ALL THE THINGS!!!, installed the water blocks, filled the system, prayed to all the gods we could think of, and checked for leaks...
No leaks!!
Second burn in time! It's business hours now though so it's 3DMark on a loop. Rig runs all day CPU levels off at 45c and stays. Awesome! Full load 45c we're good for phase 3. Let's see what this baby can do! Hit the BIOS set the FSB from 100mhz to 133mhz hell yeah! We've got GHZ! Score it again, this time it's mind blowing. I can't for the life of me remember the score but it was insane. So we start the true burn in, watching like hawks crowded around the bench, staring blinkless at the CPU temp. 45, 50, 55, 60... no sign of slowing, 65, 70, 75... fingers poised to abort because none of us can afford to replace this CPU, 76, 77, 77, 77!
So we let it run and call the customer. Congratulations Mr. Customer sir it's a thing of beauty, come pick it up. Per shop policy we put it in a place of prominence next to the counter and hooked up to the biggest CRT we had for the ceremonial presentation. Customer finally arrives, as giddy as a rough and tumble Alaskan fisherman can be. It's late December so we shout Merry Christmas and usher him to his newest acquisition. He's delighted of course, and since we're in town and have DSL he's got a request. He pulls a copy of Quake off the shelf, writes out a check and takes his rig to our "cyber cafe" to pwn some folks. (Yes I know this was like 5 years before pwn was coined, cut me a little slack.) He spent the rest of the day and a bunch of that evening in there happy as a clam. On the sickest rig I'd ever seen.
Now if that was the end of it this would be the long, pleasant, and anticlimactic story of building a rich guy a computer. This is the long, sad, and sordid affair of the Dream PC 1999. We're only halfway through.
Our happy customer takes his prize home, the owner cashes the $8,000 check, everyone is happy, we close up shop and take Christmas with our families.
New Year comes around and we get a call from our favorite customer. He finally got new telephone out to his place and got DSL but he can't run Quake for more than 5 minutes without the system freezing up. With great trepidation the phone tech asks if it smells funny or there's any water leaking from the bottom...
Nope dry and smell free!
"Ok then bring it in for your 12 months of free warranty service, we'll see what's up with it."
A few days later in he comes with the rig under his arm, evidently chagrined but in good spirits. He gets the favorite customer treatment and we set the rig up on the test bench immediately. It works, flawlessly. Boot up Quake crank the settings to max run a round still fine. Slap 3dMark on it it chews it up and spits out a mind blowing score. We show the customer and he asks us to keep stress testing it while he goes shopping and he'll stop by after. So we spend 2 hours poking at it trying to make it fail but no dice, it's the most stable overclocked machine we've ever seen. When the customer comes back we pronounce it provisionally fixed and he takes it home.
Two days later phone call, "Quakey no worky." Alright bring it back in... This time we're serious we keep it overnight. Which means over a week since the customer only comes in to town once a week. So for a week we poke, prod, and abuse this computer. Constantly running benchmarks and games, use it as the technical teams super gaming rig in-store after hours. We can't make it fail. We call the customer back "Look this thing works like a champ we can't break it" he comes in we show him. He takes it to the cafe it works, so he takes it home.
The next week... "Rigs not working again, maybe it wants a car ride?" In he comes with it. Per usual it works, he shops, he takes it home.
The next day, "Car ride didn't work, can I schedule a house call?" Generally house calls weren't a problem, but remember I said this guy lived remote. He was 40 miles out of town, only 20 of those were paved or plowed and the last 10 weren't even road. No one in the shop wanted to burn a full day going out there for warranty work in February in Alaska, but since Windows Server 2000 was fresh on the market we offered him a copy on the house if he brought the rig back in and let us reinstall it. We figured that maybe the issue had to do with the system tweaks we had done to make 98 accept the RAM. It was a long shot but we were desperate.
The next week in comes our customer and his dream rig. He leaves it in our care and we spend the next week backing up, wiping, installing the new OS, and burning the rig in again. It still handles like a champ the whole time. Never as much as a jitter. When he comes back in we have the rig set up in the cafe all ready for him to test, which he does but you can see the glee has gone out of him. He's waiting for the other shoe to drop when he gets home.
And drop it does. We don't hear from him for two weeks but that's because he was afraid to call the night he got it home. He still can't game on it. This time when he asks for a service call we schedule it. The lead tech was the only one of us that owned a Skidoo to make the last 10 miles so he got the pleasure of making the trip. He set it for Friday morning so he could make a whole weekend trip out of it and go skidooing after the call out.
Does the boss get his happy weekend? NO! The curse of the intermittent problem rises up to defeat him.
He's there on site for 6 hours. The customer isn't lying, the rig will idle fine, but 5 minutes of Quake and it reboots. Not BSOD, just reboots like the reset button got pushed. He used every tool he had with him but couldn't find anything wrong with it. He even took 3dMark and a copy of Unreal Tournament out in case it was somehow something about Quake in specific. It wasn't, he couldn't run anything graphics or CPU intensive without it shutting down. So he restored the FSB to 100mhz thinking it must be an OC thing...Nope still won't run, just now it fails while not performing as well. So instead of a long weekend of Skidoo he has to bring the rig back to our bench to be tested component by component.
After a week of bench testing each component we still haven't gotten anything to fail either individually or together, but we're on the hook with this guy for the most expensive rig anyone has ever built so we RMA every piece we can one at a time, with a trip back to the customer after every RMA. Over the next 2 months we made that rig onto a Ship of Theseus, that means everything from the case on in has been replaced except for the CPU. We kept the CPU for last since we got that technically aftermarket we were on the hook for it and couldn't RMA it. By that point though it was May and we just bought another one retail. It was still $1000...
I remind you that at no point has this rig been anything other than amazing for us to use in the shop and between the time and the extra expense we'd killed any profit we had on the deal but this customer was still our best customer so we kept at it.
Memorial Day rolls around and I get the delivery job for the now entirely new PC. The "road" is dry now so I can take it in my off road truck along with every tester I own, my personal bench PC, and a take no prisoners attitude. This will be a solved issue!
I rolled out with a multimeter, network tester, lineman's handset, broad spectrum RF analyzer, oscilloscope, surge protector, UPS, you name it I had it, and I checked everything. Power? He was on a generator after all. He took me and showed me his setup, 20kw pure sine wave inverter cleaner power than we had in town. Telephone? It was a new copper run... Tested dead on for voltage, coms were clear. Turns out he's paid $3000 a mile for 8 miles of run to his property line. Then hired out for another mile to the cabin privately specifically to have good enough signal to get maxed out DSL internet.
I setup both his computer and my bench rig. Bench rig first in case I was wrong about the power and network. Bench rig goes up gets online plays Quake. Not at the same settings his could but it runs gaming and then 30 min of benchmark without a hitch. So moment of truth, I took down my rig put up his. Hooked it up to all the same peripherals, then booted it up. First ran 3DMark and it went...Fine!! I stepped aside and he took over double clicked Quake III and... Quakey Worky! I shouted, he shouted, he spun up some Rage Against the Machine and we rocked out to our hard fought victory. Then I packed up all my stuff and left feeling secure in my technical superiority.
But was that the end? It was certainly long, but that's not sad enough.
Summer Solstice (June 20th) is a big day in Alaska the longest day of the year. People host BBQs and stay out late under the midnight sun. So it wasn't a huge surprise when our customer invited the whole tech support team out to his place for a solstice party. He knew how much work we'd put into making his computer the dream he had envisioned. We closed the shop a little early and headed out. When we got there there were a bunch of people, BBQ, beer, I think there was even a 3 legged race at one point. It was midweek so nobody was planning on staying too late but the host asked us to stay after everyone started to disperse.
When it was just us techies and our host he went in and brought a bottle of scotch and 5 glasses out to the deck we were all on. He poured, served, and toasted to hard work and perseverance paying off. We drank and then our host pointed out a beige box at the bottom of his field maybe 150 yards from the house. "I invited you guys out here today because you deserve to see this." he said as he went inside grabbed a .308 deer rifle off his mantle, walked down off the deck into the pasture and unloaded 5 rounds into what I then realized was a computer case.
He slung the rifle over his shoulder, went down the field and retrieved his target. Brought it back up for us to inspect. All this while we stared aghast after him wondering why he would literally shoot a dream computer to bits. We asked as much when he returned and he ushered us inside to his living room and attached a camcorder to his TV. There in full living color with a date in the corner of June 10th was a 5 minute video of a computer refusing to run Quake III...
submitted by FatBeardedSeal to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

FIRE. What it's like, how to get there.

1What retiring early is like

It's fucking great.
I wake up happy, I do pretty much whatever I want during the day, I go to sleep happy.
I indulge my limited passions and hobbies, I plunge down fascinating rabbit holes of knowledge, I bugger off to places for months at a time (harder with Brexit, you xenophobic malcontents), I spend time with people I want to. I feel smug.
I don't have an alarm waking me up, I don't need to take any shit off anyone, I don't burn 90 mins a day on a loud bus screeching stop announcements at 90db in my ear.
In the summer I sometimes pop over to the local greenery, have a pint and meal, read a book, soak up the sun. Great stuff.
My phone is always on silent. It can wait.
People occasionally ask me “what I do all day”. If your imagination is so limited, living in such an incredible time, with so much at your fingertips, that the question even crosses your mind, then carry on working and bitching about it, you don't know how to be happy.
“Scipio used to say that he was never less idle than when he had nothing to do “ - Cicero, On Duties.

2How to get there

2.1Difficulty modes

2.1.1Easy mode: Get free university education, get a good job, buy a cheap house

Not too difficult if you were born in 1972. Easy mode is now disabled in the UK. Maybe available in foreign versions of the game, such as in Greece or Denmark.

2.1.2Medium mode: Don't have kids

I swear to god, I have been pretty lucky not to accidentally father a crotch goblin, and believe me, little Goocho often vetoed my brain. Use contraceptives. Notice how all the shit hole countries don't give women control over their reproduction.
If I had foolishly crapped out a kid, I would have had to work another 10 years at least I reckon. Ugh.
Borrow kids to play with them, and return when they start crying.

2.1.3Hard mode: Have kids

Look, if you are spending 100k or whatever to raise a kid I don't know what to tell you, at least you got laid eh?
I hope you enjoy working like I didn't. Seriously, if you have a job you like, great stuff, things will be much easier for you. The impetus to leave it won't be so great. The point of all this is to be happy after all!

2.2Control your costs

Filling your house full of nonsense is consumerism at it's worst.
I practice a kind of minimalism. So I don't own a freezer, a cooker or a dish washing machine. Guess what? They will never need repairing or replacing! But I do own an amazing OLED tv, a solid speaker system, loads of films and books. Minimalism is a whole other subject, and attracts the mentally ill who take it to extremes. Spend money on a decent mattress you fools.
Subscriptions are death by a thousand cuts, and will weigh you down. However Netflix and Amazon Prime are great. Shades of grey.
Screw charities, charity workers get paid salaries and you are supposed to give for free? Nope. Begging scum. “it is only the price of a coffee”, bitch please, I pay 10p a cup for my lovely coffee.
Pay your taxes. Don't be a leech on society.
Live in a small house.
Aldi is great.
If you don't get married, you can't get ruinously divorced, .
Insurance is generally a scam, if you are drunkenly fucking up so regularly than you need your phone insured, sort your life out.
You really need that car? Hmmm. If you are driving to the supermarket and paying for the gym, you are an idiot. Those two cancel each other out.
Only unhappy people play the lottery.
Buy a decent phone for £200, pay £5 a month for service. You think iFruit users will look down upon you? Comparison is the thief of joy.
DIY accomplishments are mentally rewarding, great exercise and cheap – or you can throw money at a problem to make it go away, this is the point of money after all, we sell and buy time with it. Before I buy anything big, I ask myself, is this worth x days sitting in an office for​?
Spend your money how you like, I am not your mum.
Enjoy what you have.

2.3Plan a little

Write down (don't guess) how much you spend a month over a couple of years.
For investments, assume inflation cancels out general increase in non distributing equity value. This is all a rough guessing game anyway, don't pretend it isn't.
I think there are two ways to look at when you can stop working:

2.3.1Cash drawdown per month until death

If you assume you are going to die around 85 (actuarial tables available online), divide your cash + private pension wealth + state pension amount will pay you until age 85 by the number of months left to live, this tells you how much you can spend a month before you die. Sounds like enough? Investment appreciation means you might have more than that.

2.3.2Cash dividends per month

You have a lumpsum of wealth. Flexible uk pension rules means you no longer need to take the annuity gamble. 4% returns a year seems conservatively doable. Can you live on that? Means you die with a load of cash. Stash it in your silk lined coffin.

2.4Play it safe, but not too safe

Assume laws and taxes will change. Don't count too much on that state pension.
If the NHS falls ill itself, you might need some cash to go private. Good luck getting that hip surgery in the next 12 months post covid!
If the stock market takes a 10% dump, you must still sleep soundly. Don't live too close to the edge.
Assume and hope your parents will spend all their wealth on themselves, having a happy end of life in an old folks home. Points off as a human being for relying on your parent snuffing it for free money.
What if your body conks out and you start shitting yourself and have to pay 4k a month to be served Dickensian gruel in a nursing home? Trust in the societal safety net? Work another 5 years just in case? Keep a cyanide pill by the bed? Sell your house I guess? I'm rolling the dice on this one. Maybe dancing in VR and these 50 degree Victorian terrace stairs will keep me fit (or kill me).

2.5Personal Story

Went to Uni, got a Computering degree, got a job I liked, autistic-ally worked at it, got paid lots of money, bought a house at 26 for 48k, parents threw in 10k to get rid of me, paid off the mortgage in 30 months.
After 8 years in said job, started to dislike it, took 6 months off work. Worked another 2 years before I got made redundant, 15k for doing nothing? Yes please!
Worked about half the time from age 32 to 46 as Contractor scum, in jobs I generally disliked or eventually hated. Had 2-3 years between jobs. Snatching retirement chunks from the future. I figured, why leave retirement until I am too old to enjoy it? Took around 3 months to get a new job each time, I didn't care, I loved not working!
Played casino blackjack for a couple of years for ~8 hours a week, made £12k. Shuffling machines have stopped all that now, was bored of it anyway.
Decided at 40 I had better get a pension, threw money at it when working.
So at 46, when I walked out on the pathetic management at my last gig (FIS Birmingham, you see when you are retired, you really don't have to give a shit!), I had worked for a total of ~15 years, thoroughly enjoyed not working and was sick of working.
At 47 I realised maybe I don't actually need another job? Started paying real attention to my finances.
At 48, I have 110k cash & 140k pension = 250k. 4% a year dividends = 10k a year. I can live happily on that.
£800 a month is enough. I spent £350 a month in December and January, had a great time. Will get a PS5 when available, boiler is bound to break eventually. It all evens out.
My state pension fortells a sickly £117 per week. Meh. Forgive me for not factoring that in too much. Who knows where I will be in 20 years? Hopefully sleeping in late without an alarm clock.
submitted by Shoddy-Software6567 to LeanFireUK [link] [comments]

Flatten the Curve. Part 89. Sentient World Simulation. They Can Use AI to Manipulate Us. MKULTRA and Fort Detrick. Putin and Klaus Schwab met in St. Petersburg November 2019 to Talk About AI.

Previous Post Here
June 7th, 2007

Sentient world: war games on the grandest scale

Perhaps your real life is so rich you don't have time for another. Even so, the US Department of Defense (DOD) may already be creating a copy of you in an alternate reality to see how long you can go without food or water, or how you will respond to televised propaganda.
The DoD may have a copy of you. "May". Uh. Ok. Perfectly fine, old chap. Hopefully my avatar is being well taken care of. Right? Because subjecting him to televised propoganda THE NEW NORMAL • THE GREAT RESET might be unsettling for him, and therefore his real world equivalents. Us.

Keep Calm and Carry On?

The DOD is developing a parallel to Planet Earth, with billions of individual "nodes" to reflect every man, woman, and child this side of the dividing line between reality and AR.

Called the Sentient World Simulation (SWS), it will be a "synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information", according to a concept paper for the project. "SWS provides an environment for testing Psychological Operations (PSYOP)," the paper reads, so that military leaders can "develop and test multiple courses of action to anticipate and shape behaviors of adversaries, neutrals, and partners". SWS also replicates financial institutions, utilities, media outlets, and street corner shops. By applying theories of economics and human psychology, its developers believe they can predict how individuals and mobs will respond to various stressors.
OK. Let's get this straight and lay all the cards onto the table. The DoD has a simulation that they use to test Psy Ops and how they affect the populations. The NSA is military. The NSA has been data collecting for years. The CIA are working with the corporate military media establishment. And we have reports about media manipulation through social media. And people just accept this crap because, derp, they would never do that to their own citizens. Ok. I guess the psy op is working. Thanks for proving my point. Sigh.

Privacy is a Threat to Democracy

Chaturvedi is now pitching SWS to DARPA and discussing it with officials at the US Department of Homeland Security, where he said the idea has been well received, despite the thorny privacy issues for US citizens.

Privacy issues? Issues? Come on. These aren't issues. Privacy is a core freedom upon which our entire civilization rests. Why? Because privacy is dangerous, that's why. To whom? Those in power. Because if they don't know what we're thinking, they can't prepare for it. Case in point, the sources that led to the security situation at Capitol Hill. Something serious is happening, I would lay money on it. But they couldn't have just increased security without a reason, could they have? Nope. So the riots have them a reason. Because if they didn't have a reason a lot of people may have started wondering where this information was coming from. Me? I believe it came from simulations. As always, time will tell.

In fact, Homeland Security and the Defense Department are already using SEAS to simulate crises on the US mainland.

The Joint Innovation and Experimentation Directorate of the US Joint Forces Command (JFCOM-J9) in April began working with Homeland Security and multinational forces over "Noble Resolve 07", a homeland defense experiment.
Nah. They aren't using simulations over here. Not at all. So. Stop. Worrying. Theh only want what's best for us.

Feeding a whole-Earth simulation will be a colossal challenge.Alok Chaturvedi wants SWS to match every person on the planet, one-to-oneOne organisation has achieved a one-to-one level of granularity for its simulations, according to Chaturvedi: the US Army, which is using SEAS to identify potential recruits.

Chaturvedi insists his goal for SWS is to have a depersonalised likeness for each individual, rather than an immediately identifiable duplicate. If your town census records your birthdate, job title, and whether you own a dog, SWS will generate what Chaturvedi calls a "like someone" with the same stats, but not the same name. SEAS bases its AI "thinking" on the theories of cognitive psychologists and the work of Princeton University professor Daniel Kahneman, one of the fathers of behavioural economics.
Don't you love how the writer put quotation marks around AI thinking. There are no quotation marks about this. Not at all. AI is thinking. It's about time we start actually thinking about what AI thinking actually means.

Chaturvedi, as do many AR developers, also cites the work of positive psychology guru Martin Seligman (known, too, for his concept of "learned hopelessness") as an influence on SEAS human behaviour models. The Simulex website says, if a bit vaguely, SEAS similarly incorporates predictive models based upon production, marketing, finance and other fields.

The psychology guru behind the concept of learned hopelessness. Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve. Ahem. Ok. So the SEAS human behaviour models can explore the way our avatars will react to psychological operations. And we have a pandemic happening. So is there any kind of biological warfare programs associated with psychological warfare?

The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments

Today, it’s a cutting-edge lab. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the center of the U.S. government’s darkest experiments. Source Here

So how many times do they have to tell us about taking the opportunity of the crisis of Covid-19 to implement the, GREAT RESET. Is it a stretch to suggest all the stops are being pulled out for this moment? Cause I don't think it is. And if this is true, crap is about to get a whole lot worse in the next couple of months. Remember the Brazil variant strain that was written about at the start of the pandemic? Reddit Source Here

Brazil’s New COVID Strain Raises Big — and Scary — Questions

Source Here
Isn't that just freaking peachy. Really. Come on. A post written more than a year ago and now we see headlines about it? Not buying it. Nope. Not at all. Because all of this crap is starting to stink worse than rotten eggs.
And do you know who is strangely silent all of a sudden? Mr Klaus Schwab. Why? Shouldn't Mr Fourth Industrial Revolution still be foaming at the mouth while the "elected" officials scramble to speak at his forum? Because something is definitely off about all of this. Seriously off. He wouldn't shut up, world leaders suddenly started following suit, and then, nothing? Really?
So my question is, did the simulation get it wrong? Did it tell them there was a small window to take advantage that could possibly work? They rolled the dice and crapped out? And now they have to up the game to institute more learned hopelessness?
Learned hopelessness. AI manipulating human behaviour and shaping society? It all sounds like something put of a dark mirror episode doesn't it? But we would know if we're being manipulated, wouldn't we?

AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour

The first experiment involved participants clicking on red or blue coloured boxes to win a fake currency, with the AI learning the participant’s choice patterns and guiding them towards a specific choice. The AI was successful about 70% of the time. In the second experiment, participants were required to watch a screen and press a button when they are shown a particular symbol (such as an orange triangle) and not press it when they are shown another (say a blue circle). Here, the AI set out to arrange the sequence of symbols so the participants made more mistakes, and achieved an increase of almost 25%. The third experiment consisted of several rounds in which a participant would pretend to be an investor giving money to a trustee (the AI). The AI would then return an amount of money to the participant, who would then decide how much to invest in the next round. This game was played in two different modes: in one the AI was out to maximise how much money it ended up with, and in the other the AI aimed for a fair distribution of money between itself and the human investor. The AI was highly successful in each mode. In each experiment, the machine learned from participants’ responses and identified and targeted vulnerabilities in people’s decision-making. The end result was the machine learned to steer participants towards particular actions. Source Here
There is nothing normal about our New Normal Great Reset. Nothing at all. It looks like an AI is a big part of all this. A really big part. Remember when Putin said that he who controls AI will control the planet? Extremely ominous and strange. And do you know what's even more ominous and stranger?

Meeting with World Economic Forum Executive Chairman Klaus Martin Schwab

During his visit to St Petersburg, Vladimir Putin met with Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Martin Schwab.
November 27, 2019
Read the article. Source Here
Now you tell me that isn't the strangest thing that you have ever read. Why is an ex university professor meeting with Putin in Russia? And why does the Schwab sound like he's talking to an equal, or even worse, sound like he's talking to someone lower on the totem pole?
And the strangest part is the last two paragraphs:

Some people call me the father of the fourth industrial revolution. I wrote a book about it and would like to give it to you.

The father of the fourth industrial revolution? Ok. Someone thinks pretty highly of himself. Excuse me Mr Slchob, but I'm pretty sure Philip K. Dick was writing this crap before you learned to wipe your butt. And secondly, who the heck are you? Really.

I also heard, including from Minister Oreshkin, that Russia has managed to make significant advancements, especially in striving to develop artificial intelligence. We are asking ourselves how to cope with these challenges including via global cooperation. We think that specific problems will arise in building global cooperation in the area of new technologies. We will need new global standards, new ethical norms, including in AI technology development. This is the reason why we set up a network of centres where we analyse technologies of the fourth industrial revolution.

Come on! I heard from a minister that you've made significant advances in AI? And now I'm going to talk to you as if I'm running the planet? And all of this just happened before a world shifting pandemic and then the Great Reset goes into overdrive? Not. Buying. It. And before I wrap this up, go loom at the pictures. Doesn't Putin look like he's ready to attack? Trust me, that isn't good. Because if history has taught us anything, you don't want to try and dictate to Russia. They wrote the book on dictatorships. Seriously. They've only experienced "democracy" for, oh, about two years in total. If that. And remember Mr Schlob, the last time a German started dictating to Russia didn't end so well. Just saying.
Ok. That's all she wrote today. More coming on why we should be worried about where all of this is leading us.
Talk soon.
submitted by biggreekgeek to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Navy-isms Part 2


To piggyback off my last post, I took a round turn on the Navy jargon with all the gouge provided. Thanks to all who participated in the first round. I also learned that apparently almost everyone in /navy is a damn bubblehead.
There were a lot of moving parts, and this project was like drinking out of a fire hose. But once I doubled down and got to making the sausage, I learned that similar efforts have been made from enterprising sailors since at least the 1780s, and probably even before that. It seems our efforts continue a hallowed tradition. During my research, I skimmed current initiatives and many of those in the past. I included a bibliography of my resources in addition to using the definitions provided by the commenters who were kind enough to provide them, but all definitions are by no means definitive. Please correct my incorrect terms as well as supply them for the ones I have labeled "Need definition." You are also welcome to provide new Navy-isms (with definitions please!) Even though this has been done before, not all of the lists are up-to-date or cover all the terms listed below, and our modern subreddit is a great way to crowd source this project.
I hereby submit this list and call upon the great mods of navy to allow the results of OUR collective sweat equity to dwell in the sidebar for future sailors reference. It can be a living document for all that have served, are currently serving, and those that will join long after we've all gotten the fuck out.
Fair winds and following seas, shipmates...
DEFINITIONS AS OF 22 JAN 2021 Definitions
1 man ballast party Extremely fat shipmate
24WWGHE “24 weeks wasted. Go home, Ensign!”
45/45 45 days restriction, 45 days busted down in rank
6 and 6 Full workday = working from midnight to 6 pm
72 3 day weekend
96 4 day weekend
99 Everyone; see ALCON
ACK Acknowledge; typically used in chat
A-gang Auxiliary division of Engineering department
Airframer Someone who works on or with the planes/helos
ALCON All concerned
All conditions normal A report made from a watch stander declaring there’s nothing wrong, or at least you’ll just have to take their word for it
All elbows and assholes Everyone
A lot of moving parts There’s a lot of stuff happening at the same time (implication is to not fuck it up)
Angle-irons A construction material consisting of pieces of steel with an L-shaped cross-section, able to be bolted together.
As Fragged As planned
Ass hat An idiot
ATFQ Answer the Fucking Question (or Full Question if someone in authority asks
AUX Tank Auxiliary tank
Bagged nasty Disgusting bags lunches
Bag the watch Relieve some late or screw them somehow.
BallGazer The taunting moniker given to one who has recently gazed upon balls, usually when the owner of the balls displays his thumb and index finger forming a circle over the balls.
Balls Midnight (0000 looks like balls)
Balls to X watch Midnight to x watch
Battle Buddy Person you stay with; often appointed or mandated
Battle rhythm Daily routine
Beat a dead horse Drive the point home
Beef Stroke-me-off Beef stroganoff
Been in since breakfast /newtothenavy
Behoove It is in your best interest of not getting yelled at
Belay my last Said over the net, especially 1MC when you fuck up an announcement
Belt-fed cock: A shitty situation that just keeps going
Beno-be Need definition
Bent shit can As a replacement for someone incapable
Binder warfare Coming to the realization that your main job in the navy is building and maintaining binders and admin; see CYA
Birds Aircraft, usually helicopters
Blue falcon Buddy fucker / throwing someone under the bus
Blue nose Sailor that has crossed the Arctic Circle and participated in ceremony
BLUF Basic line up front; usually at the top of emails, often is not basic
Boat Boo A sailor’s girlfriend or boyfriend aboard ship, usually during deployment, and often an arranged affair between two married sailors.
Boat chucks Need definition
Boat hot/ Ship 9/ Deployment 8, etc Rating attractiveness with a caveat
Boats A term usually given to the senior Boatswain Mate on ship
BOHICA Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
Boondockers A boot you wear on ship
Boot/Booters New to the Navy
Boots on the ground People out there doing things
Bremerlo A certain female dwelling in vicinity of Bremerton; see Grotopotmous
Brick Old fashioned communications device
Broom Closet Where you store all the cleaning supplies, usually small.
Brownies Brown short shorts
Bubblehead Submariner
Bug Juice Sugary kool-aid type drink served in mess
Bull Senior Ensign in Wardroom
Bunkie Monkey Need definition
Burn a flick Watch a movie
Burning holes in the sky Wasting gas flying around
Bust me on the surface “Sir, i am disregarding your stupid orders for crew/my safety and when we survive despite your efforts you can take me to mast.”
Butter bar Ensign
Butt shark Brown noser, suck-up
Cage Keep under wraps, or decrease visibility of something; “We have to cage expectations”
Can’t swing a dead cat without hitting x There is a lot of something and it’s pretty easy to find
Capture it in a slide Stop talking or writing and put it in a powerpoint slide so we can "understand" it or at least make it look like we are doing something.
Checks with charted water Need definition
Check valve A shipmate who makes a food or drink run and doesn't ask anyone else if they want anything. This is especially true if they're getting a delivery order and it would have been easy to just order more food. Fucking check valve.
Cheese dicking In a sentence: “If you’re cheese dicking it stop, get help from someone who knows"
Chicken wheels Chicken-like substance served on mess deck
Chief of the Broach Chief of the watch controls ballast and trim when at sea, a poor or inexperienced one will cause us to Broach when approaching the surface for comms or something, so he is known as Chief of the Broach.
Chit A form usually submitted up through the chain of command allowing you to do something
Chocks out Ready to go; see pull/pulling chocks
Cinderella Liberty Liberty expires as midnight
CIP / cip Come in please
Civvies Civilian clothes
Clamp down Tighten or get ahold of typically an out of hand situation
Cleaning party Group put together to clean something
Clear as mud? “Is it clear?” Usually said after confusing explanation but implying that there should not be any more questions and that you should just shut up and go do what you’re told
Clear your Baffles Also Sweep your baffles: Term used to describe the turning of the sub to allow sonar to look at the area behind boat that would be shielded by the sub itself. We would normally give nubs on the boat a broom and ask them to sweep the baffles.
COB Chief of the Boat, aka CMC
COBRA Chief of the Boat, Reactor Aft. Senior enlisted Nuke on a sub, aka EDMC
Cock and cake “They’re serving cock and cake on the mess decks and are fresh out of cake”
Cock holster Mouth
Code Brown Need definition
Coner (Submarine Service) A submarine crewman who is not part of the engineering department (slang for Nuke below), especially Torpedomen
Cover down Fill in; we need someone to cover down since SN Timmy has COVID
Cowlings The removable cover of a vehicle or aircraft engine.
Crayon eaters Marines
Crocodile closest to the canoe The most relevant near-term problem related to a situation
Crutch gear Need definition
Cupcaking To flirt with or get together with someone else at the command
CYA Cover your ass
Dan Dinq Ass Nub. Someone who is not qualified. Dept. Skittle is a disparaging term for anyone who wears a flight deck jersey.
Death Pillows Ravioli
Deckplate leadership Talking to sailors, making oneself be seen; typically Chiefs brag about it
Deep Six Get rid of something
Dependa A dependent, typically implying a lazy, overweight spouse who does not work
Dick broom Mustache
Dick skinners Hands
Diggit As in that diggit is at it again, doing preemptive maintenance. Or a diggit tool being a multi tool.
DINQ (Pronounced "Dink") Acronym for Delinquent In Qualifications. Ex: "That shitbird is dinq on ship's quals!"
Dirtbag A lazy and almost useless sailor. Produces substandard work-usually creating extra work for his shipmates. Accompanied by a bad attitude and desire to leave service ASAP.
Divers working aloft Something ridiculous happening
Divisional / Wardroom gentleman At the end of someone’s tour when they start shedding duties like a snake shedding its skin and begins to no longer have a job at the command
Dog and pony show All of the ridiculous things a command usually does to impress a visiting dignitary or put on some ceremony
Doghouse In trouble
Donkey Dick Term used for many nozzle shaped implements
Don’t give up the ship Phrase said by John Paul Jones, to not give up the ship
DOTM Destroyer of all things mechanical
Double down Work harder at a task; usually implying there is a time crunch
Double headed dragon Whenever you get so fucked up you throw up on your dick while your taking a shit
Drinking out of a fire hose Lots of information presented, usually via PowerPoint by unenthusiastic school
Drive-by Un-announced check in from leadership; usually with negative or frustrating timing and/or consequences.
Drop your cocks and grab your socks Get ready to do something
Dunnage Anything used in the shipping industry to brace and protect the freight being transported. Dunnage includes, but is not limited to, empty cardboard boxes, inflated shipping pillows, lengths of wood, pallets, styrofoam, bubble wrap, etc.
Duty Head Roll the Dice Returning from liberty in a foreign port)
Easy day Some task will be simple to carry out
ECF Error Carried Forward
Every swinging dick Every person
Fan room counseling Counseling in a hidden place, implying that there was some physical aspect to rectify a sailor who has been bad
FCF Need definition
FIGMO Fuck it, got my orders
Fish Submarine warfare insignia / Also a torpedo
Fishbowling To put alcohol into a fishbowl, color it with food coloring, and drink it with bendy straws
FOD God Foreign object damage god
Food for freedom Getting kicked out for being out of body standards
Food run Go off the ship or command to grab food for yourself or a group, sometimes the duty section
Force Multiplier Be the person that
Four Meal Fatty fr when we did 18 hr days)
Fried fish shoes Need definition
Fru-fru coffee Nice coffee; some of that gourmet shit
FUBAR Fucked up beyond all recognition
FUBIJAR Fuck U buddy I’m just a reservist.
Fuck A word that can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and pronoun, often simultaneously. Indeed it can be its own sentence to a properly motivated sailor.
Fucked up as a football bat You don’t use a bat for football, so that means something or someone is fucked up AND useless
Fuck fuck games Stupid games that are not contributing to getting the job done so you can go home
Fucktard An idiot
Full speed ahead Did something without thinking; throwing caution to the wind
FYSA For your situational awareness
GA Go ahead ; used in short hand in chat
Gaggle/gigglefuck Unformed group going from place to place Struggle Snuggle-sleeping where you can between endless drill sets, usually in a pile.
Galley Cafeteria
Gear adrift Loose or unsecured gear or equipment. Also a less-than-flattering assessment of a sailor "Seaman Jones is gear adrift!"
Geedunk Candy, snacks, or a place that sells either
Get Hot To do hard work or exercise.
Get your knee pads ready You messed up or did something stupid, prepare to have to do ridiculous things to get out the bind you are in.
Goat locker Lounge or galley for the exclusive use of Chiefs
Goat Locker Working Party A group working that's not actually achieving anything
Go Fasters Tennis or running shoes meant for working out
Go get me a BT punch Need definition
Going sad Claiming or actually having depression or suicidal ideation and thereby leaving duty station
Gonna be a bad day If you do something stupid “It’s gonna be a bad day for everyone.”
Good deal Falling down those stairs will hurt but you might break your leg and skip a deployment, that's a good deal
Good idea fairy Those wonderful folks filled with ideas, creating work for the rest of us
Good to go Ready
Go to GQ Go to general quarters; all hands on deck
Greenies Little green shorts
Greenside Marine corps
Grey space Period of time between evolutions where nothing is planned
Gronk it Down Need definition
Grotopotamus The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. Similar to a Bremerloe
Guacaflauge Term fo the current Green Type III Camouflage uniforms
Gundeck /Gundecking To fudge maintenance or qualifications
Hamster Chicken Cordon Bleu - A baked breaded piece of chicken with ham and cheese in the middle
Hardpack The coveted ice cream that is scooped out of its container, I.e. not soft serve
Hatch Door on ship
Haze gray and underway Navy ship going out to sea
Head Restroom
Heave out and trice up Wake up
Helmet fire When a pilot becomes so task saturated in the cockpit that he loses the big picture and situational awareness (SA). Often leads to mistakes that can produce lethal results.
Hhotter than two squirrels fuckin in a wool sock! It is very hot outside
High and to the right Over-react
High Speed High performing
High speed low drag High performing and efficient
Hinge O-4 / LCDR
Hip pocket class Need definition
Hit the deckplates Walking around and getting to know sailors; preached by chiefs mess
Hollywood shower Long shower
Hookin and jabbin Fighting
HOOYAH Navy’s take on Oorah / Hoo-ah;
Horizontal time machine Bed / rack
Hot-ass - (noun for anything and everything) Some (noun) is great
Hot racking Multiple people sharing
Hot Runner When you're two weeks ahead on your quals
However comma A phrase said by uncreative leaders attempting to emphasize a point while addressing a crowd of disinterested sailors
Hurry up and wait A cross-service saying poking fun at the fact that we are always rushing to then commence a long period of waiting before beginning any evolution
Hydro that blouse when that shirt button is holding on for dear life to stay on due to wearers weight
IAW In accordance with
IBM Instant Bosun Mate
If you’re not early, you’re late Be early, because we start on time and are not going to wait
I had it you got it Said during rushed watch turnover wher
It gets better after ORSE There is always another ORSE (Operational Reactor Safeguard Examination) coming, hence it never gets better.
IYAOYAS If you ain't ordnance, you ain't shit
Jam Dive Buddy That special friend you designate as "emotional" support when your submarine is headed the way of the Thresher. Also just an acronym for shorthand.
J-dial Internal communication system identifier on ships
Jesus Nut Slang term for the main rotor retaining nut or mast nut, which holds the main rotor to the mast of some helicopters. The related slang term Jesus pin refers to the lock pin used to secure the retaining nut.
Joe / Joe Navy A highly motivated member of the service who has “drank the kool aid”
Joe Schmuckatelli a reference to any person from Chief
Joker Idiot, someone who doesn’t take things seriously
JORG Junior officer requiring guidance: Ensign designated by wardroom as the bottom of the ensigns. JORG is in charge of events and wardroom shenanigans and carrying on “tradition”
Keelhaul A punishment inflicted for various offences in the Dutch Navy. It is performed by plunging the delinquent repeatedly under the ship's bottom on one side, and hoisting him up on the other, after having passed under the keel. Not currently in practice, hopefully.
Keep steady strain Keep up the hard work
Keep the plates spinning Keep juggling a lot of different projects and things that are going on
Khaki Term used to describe senior enlisted members (E-7 and above) or officers, due to the khaki-colored working uniform typically worn by them.
Khaki Fucker Someone who sucks up to khaki leadership
Knee-knockers A knee-knocker refers to the bottom portion of a watertight door’s frame. They are notorious for causing shin injuries. The drunken sailor’s worst enemy.
Knife hands A term to describe a flattened hand pointed at someone, either done seriously or ironically
Knock the high dust off Pay special attention to something, dig deep
Knock the rust off Get back to doing something after not doing it for a while
Knuckle-dragger Mechanic
LDI Liberty dependant item
Leaders Typically addressed to a group of sailors or khaki in an email; see 99 or ALCON.
Level cake When the cooks make a sheet cake that's 1/2" thick on one side and 4" on the other, and try to level it out with frosting Hollywood shower: shower that lasts longer than necessary, usually not done by the people that desperately need them
Liberty call, Liberty call The most sweet words you’ll ever hear after pulling into port; If you aren’t on duty, you can leave the ship
Like a monkey fuckin a coconut! Someone is messing something up
Line Flight Line
Line Rats Sailors who get around the flight line
Living document A document that is in draft and is expected to continue requiring updates
Living the dream A phrase said when asked how you are doing. Response following usually is: “Nightmares are dreams too” then everyone reflects on how deeply they are indoctrinated
Long pole in the tent The person doing all the work for everyone; also implying that you are not sharing the workload well enough
Maintenance Bible COMNAVAIRFORINST 4790.2
Maintenance by the book, with the book open Don’t fuck up this maintenance
Make a hole Move out of the way
Making sausage The arduous small steps in a larger process to actually accomplish a bigger project
Manned up/manned and ready Everyone is ready at where they are supposed to be to begin some evolution
MARF Make A Rove, Fucktard. What the duty chief tells the rover when he comes up for tour or smoke and the rover "just" came back from a rove and is hanging out in the pood shack every damn time
Marking turns for nowhere Not pulling into port anytime
Max blast Full capacity
Mech A mechanic
Mechanical agitation Smack the shit out of something with a hammer, mallet, or wrench until you get it loose, free, or make it work. You can't say, "Oh yeah, I just walloped it with a big-ass hammer." But you can say, "Liberally applied mechanical agitation to free the stuck valve." See percussive maintenance.
Melting kids to the sidewalk Blowing stuff up / dropping bombs; see warheads on foreheads
Mid-Rats Food served out at sea at midnight for the off-going watch team
Milk truck Someone who made/makes a bunch of noise on a submarine, threatening stealth
Missing gear Missing something, may have been stolen
MITRN Maybe in the Russian Navy
Monkey's Paw/fist A type of knot, so named because it looks somewhat like a small bunched fist/paw.
Monkey dick An idiot or dumbass
Monkey Shit Thick, white packing material used in a feeble attempt to seal openings between bulkheads where cables run through.
MOTO Master of the Obvious, Moto could also be short for motivated
ABA Answer by accident
Muscle fucked Need definition (FOR the record, I searched this one on google. I don’t think the videos that came up were what this phrase is referring to…
NAMP Naval Aviation Maintenance Program
Nastygram A email sent from your higher headquarters or other command telling you that you messed up
NAVY Never again volunteer yourself = lessons for life
Navy Gravy Navy coffee
Next time check the pub instead of your rectal database, shipmate! Someone gave you bad gouge
Night ops Operations at night; doing something in a clandestine way
NNMBM Navy Needs More Bosun's Mates (ie, you're a fucking idiot)
No liberty Can’t go out in town
NonQual Also known as a Dinq Ass bitch
Nooner A nap taken during lunch
NUB Non Useful Body
Nug it out Spend the time to do something that is time consuming
Nuke it To overthink an easy task
Nut to butt Get a close as possible; usually in marching formation
OBNOB Only black nuke onboard
Offline / talk offline Said during meetings to have a separate discussion outside the current situation. Said by either those who do not want their idiocy observed by others, OR they are considerate enough to not subject everyone else to the pointless conversation
Old dirt Unique and different from “new dirt”
Once over dust, twice over rust Said when painting; implying that sometimes its best to just paint over stuff
One is NONE You can’t do something alone
Out-fucking-standing Great, but usually said with heavy sarcasm
Outlook leadership Leading from the front, utilizing the finest Microsoft Office tech
Outside your Swim lane / wheelhouse An area that is not in your job description; “this task is outside your swimlane, BMC”
Oxygen Thief An idiot, literally stealing oxygen
Paper chiefs/ensigns/assholes Gummed Reinforcements (office supplies)
Part-time sailor SSBN sailors
Peanut butter shot A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus.
Pecker Checker Corpsman
Percussive maintenance Conduct maintenance by hitting something
PERGA PERGA / Permission Granted
Phantom shitter An unidentified fugitive who shits in places they should not
Phone Bitch Someone whose sole job it is to carry or talk on the phone
Piggyback To add to what someone else said. “To piggyback off of what the Captain said….”
Playing switchem with donuts See Switchem: Where one would stack donuts on the soiled thumb to chew on.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes You get hurt or get in trouble doing something that was dumb and people told you not to do
Point of Fuck UpPOFU "Sir, as depicted in this image is the battle groups POFU."
Pollywog / Wog Someone who has not yet participated in a “Crossing of the line” ceremony
Poopy Suit Coveralls
Pop smoke Make people aware of a bad situation / call for help
Port and starboard watch bill 6 hours on 6 hours off work indefinitely
Pot of money Where something is funded from
Problem with a capital P Big problem
Promulgate Put out information
Provide bodies Offer up a group of sailors who work for you to do a task
Pubs As in publications
Pukes Any group you have to deal with who isn't crew. i.e. Squadron pukes.
Pulling chocks Get ready to leave or leave
PUMA Possibly the ugliest man aboard
Push these racks outboard Boot camp reference prior to exercising the living crap out of your group
Putting out fires The act of taking care of problems
Rack back Go to bed
Rack city Beds / go to bed
Rack out Go to sleep
Rack to the future Go to bed to pass the time
Rattles like two skeletons fucking in a garbage can Something is loud
Read means dead If you see red, that is bad
Redline You cannot cross this line, or you are prohibited from doing something
Refreshment Technician Engine room watchstander. Sometimes called reactor technician
Rhinos Jets
Riders / Fucking Riders People who are TAD to a ship or aircraft and do absolutely nothing useful except take up space and get in line first
Ring knocker One of our illustrious Academy Graduates
Roach Coach The snack or lunch truck that stops by the pier.
ROAD Program Retired on Active Duty
Roast beast Pejorative term for the roast beef served
Rock fight “Navy cooks could fuck up a rock fight.”
Roger up Provide a response/provide a response that you are going to do something
Rolling out Leaving
RTFM Read the Fucking/Full Manual
Sailor-proof or Sailor-proofing Make something so hard to fuck up that even sailors cant fuck it up
Same shit, different day Phrase said by those who have long since lost their sense of self on their way to reaching that 20 year mark
SAT and UNSAT Satisfactory and unsatisfactory; terms to des
Saved rounds Additional comments; said at the end of a meeting “any saved rounds?”
Say again Please repeat what you just said
Schoolhouse The place where you go to “learn” skills from powerpoint and a bored instructor
Scooby snacks Snacks
Scuttlebutt A water fountain on a ship; also means gossip
Sea and Anchor Detail The all hands evolution required to get underway and go out to sea (as well as anchor.
Sea Dad/Daddy/mom/Pup A mentomentee
Sea lawyer Someone who cites, recites and interprets manuals, regulations and rule, usually to their own benefit or to prove someone wrong
Seaman/Fireman/_man Schmuckatelli /Timmy A random or average sailor (implication is that they’re new to the navy and kind of an idiot)
Sea Pussy A yeoman or personnelman - akin to a secretary - does clerical work
Sea sniffer Need definition
Secure for sea /but ironically and unironically) Make sure stuff is tied down so that it doesn’t move when the ship is bouncing around at sea
Semper gumby Remain flexible
Send it Do it
Send up to the old man Send something up to the Captain
Set Yoke on her To set Yoke
Shady Shit Stuff that is probably not legal
Shaft alley dive team People who do the work in the bilges
Shaft to aft The engineering spaces
Shellback The salty sailor who has crossed the line and is no longer a slimy polywog
Shillelagh Make fast Skivey waver Signalman
Shipmate / Shipmaaaaate A term to describe all fellow sailors: Said both ironically and un-ironically. Ship, shipmate, self!
Shitbag AKA Sierra Bravo; Usually not put together shipmate, or one who does stuff that constantly screws over others and doesn’t care about their own actions
Shitmate Shipmate + Shit
Shit on a shingle Darnit
Shitrats Pejorative term for midrats
Shitshow Describing something that was messed up
Shitwhack/Fuckwhack Same as shitload/fuckload
Shoot a red star cluster Let people know you need help
Shooting from the hip Guessing
Short As in short timer
Shotgun blast Send out information or an email to a lot of people unexpectedly
Sick call commando Someone who “gets sick” a lot
Sick call warrior Same as sick call commando
Sidebar A legal term used to describe the need to not subject everyone else to a conversation that is happening that does not concern the wider group
Silence on the net Shut up and stop talking on the radios; Also used as “I’m hearing silence on the net” as in no one is responding
Skate / skater Someone who’s trying to avoid work
Skim the wave tops Only talk about the important points
Slobbering geek IT, or anyone trying to be an IT
Sloppy Hoes Pejorative name for sloppy joes
SMAG Simple minded ass grabber. Superior mechanic, almost Godlike. And another that’s probably not allowed here. Certain type of Nuke (Engineering Lab Tech).
Smokin and jokin/ coking and joking Joking around; typically used in reference of a bunch of people who are not working when they should be
Smoking lamp Where you can smoke onboard the ship. When the smoking lamp is lit, you are allowed to smoke.
Smoothie Nuke ET. Short for smooth crotch. Refers to the lack of any defined features in the “crotchal region”
SNAFU Situation Normal All Fucked Up
SNOB Shortest (least time left) nuke on board)
Sound the alarm Make others aware of a situation
Soup sandwich Someone or something that is a complete mess/completely fucked up
Soup to nuts Beginning to end
Spearhead Initiate, lead
Standby to standby / Stand the fuck by Standby because you’re in trouble and whatever leader just said this is so angry they can’t think of a punishment just yet
Struggle snuggle Sleeping where you can between endless drillsets, usually in a pile.
Strut Gear Landing gear
Stump the chump Asking questions that are so specific and ridiculous, you’re not even sure if the person asking them knows; tactic employed by assholes sitting on qualifications boards
Sucked their way to the top/ EP Did or is perceived as having done special things to make rank or qualifications / eval
Sucking Ghost Dick Vaping
Suck start a mossberg Kill oneself
Sun of a gun Damnit
Super Secret squirrel The weirdos who do anything Information warfare related
Swabs Mops
Sweat equity The value of hard work
Sweepers Daily required cleaning of the ship
Switchem When you are sucking one thumb, and the other is up your ass. Then someone yells SWITCHEM and you switch the thumbs
Tacticool Term used for someone who is decked out in gear but kind of looks like a dweeb
Take a round turn Double check and work harder at something
TBI True but irrelevant
THE Academy THE United States Naval Academy
The balls Any watch that goes through midnight (0000)
The love shack Whichever room on the ship that has the most people shacking up caught in it)
The pit The engine room
The rev The watch in which reveille is called
The Sandbox What happens in the sandbox, stays in the sandbox)
The squeaky wheel gets the grease The most noticeable (or loudest) problems are the ones most likely to get attention.
Throat End/Beginning of the taxiway
Tie up loose ends Take care of the little unfinished tasks
Time in the rack is time off the boat Sleeping allows you to forget you’re on deployment
Toilet lasagna When a toilet doesn’t flush and someone shits in it, then someone lays a layer of TP to not look at it, the some shots on the TP. Repeat.
Too easy / Easy day The task ahead will be not difficult
Tool Bitch Someone who can't really help you fix something you are working on or anything else for that matter. So to make them feel like they are worth anything at all you allow them to get you the tools you need for the job.
Topsider Those fortunate souls who do not work in Engineering
Tracking Are you following? Often said by leadership needing while giving speeches to gauge or increase engagement of those poor souls that have to listen to their incessant blabbering
Triangle fish Fish served in galley
Tricare-atops People who marry servicemembers for the “amazing” healthcare; see Dependa
Trip to the fanroom Take care of something by physical means
Trust yet verify Trust that someone is doing something you asked them to do, but it’s best to double check and ensure they actually did it
Turning dead dinosaurs into noise Burning gas
Turnover (for watch) To leave your post only when properly relieved
Twidget Nuke ET
Two Five Stay Alive 2.5 GPA average often required to graduate certain school houses
Up on the governor Need definition
Ustafish The name for any submarine in your past "back on ustafish we would..."
Very well An official response to being informed of something
Vitamin M Motrin
Voluntold You were volunteetold to do something
Vulcan death watch Some brutal combination of six and four hour watches. These tend to be very grueling periods, hence the “death watches” part of the name
Waffle stomp Take a shit in the shower and then attempt to stomp it down the drain to cover your tracks.
Walking Aux tank Need definition
Walking on cans Need Definition
Warheads on foreheads The act of bombing something, or anything involved in the process
Wash Rack Need definition
Wattages on cottages Same meaning as Warheads on Foreheads
Weekend warrior Reservist
Wheels Nickname for a Quartermaster, usually given to senior QM onboard
Who’s who in the zoo A description of who people are
Wilco Will comply
Wire-biter Electricians
Word on the deckplates Gossip
Working party A group of sailors assigned to carry out a large task
Written in blood The rules to do or not do something are because somebody got hurt or died doing what you are not supposed to do
Your shit better be in one sock and not dripping Something chief says about your accuracy with things
Zarf A cup holder
Zoomies Radiation / also a term for members of the Air Force


In addition to the definitions provided from comments, I used Wikipedia, regular google searches, and Urban Dictionary. Also referred to the below resources that I recommend checking out if you are looking for a definition not covered in this /navy post.
Source Information
Goat Locker Navy Slang General Navy slang terms; pretty thorough resource. Check this one out before you go to the others.
Quarterdeck If you’re looking for more standardized definitions like, ‘bow’ or what a ‘keel’
Wiktionary Glossary of Military Slang General Military Slang from all over the world and different services
Wiktionary Glossary of U.S. Navy Slang Pretty definitive comprehensive list of internet-compiled Navy slang
Wiktionary Glossary of U.S. Navy Unit Nicknames Navy unit nicknames; this page is not well loved, but there are still some good definitions in here
2015 Business Insider article on Navy terms Pretty generic article regarding Navy terms, like 'Muster'
Jalopnik article on USN Submarine Article with a few good terms from the sub community
Dictionary of Naval Abbreviations (DICNAVAB) by Bill Wedertz (Apparently the writer of The Bluejackets’ Manual) I didn't actually get my hands on a copy, but it is a printed hardcopy version of this from years past.
submitted by HOOYAH_SHIPMATE to navy [link] [comments]

[Theory] Remember how the actors for the BF2 campaign are back in the studio? What if they're not working on a new project, but a secret update to the existing game? (Also ideas for theoretical new update)

If you weren't aware, this explains what happened relatively well
Basically, they're recording something, but what?
A new story for a new game doesn't really make sense, as all of those characters had their ends in the previous part of the campaign, and tainting a new game with the failure of that campaign doesn't seem like good business.
Cameos would make more sense, but then why were they so excited about it? and why would you bother putting in a cameo for papa versio, when he was such a memorable character.
HOwever, what does make a little bit of sense (to me) is the idea that they are doing a prequel campaign.
In other words, finally giving us the "Play as a ruthless imperial commando and see the galaxy from the empire's perspective" that they marketed from the beginning.
Finally we can forget about iden's contrived and nonsensical turn to the rebellion, and maybe see her as an actual badass.

But, Dear internet rando who's likely on crack, they've ended live support for the game! they've said their vision is complete!
Yes Dear other internet rando, this is true.

HOwever, we know that at this time EA/disney Knew for sure about the game going for free on Epic (cause by then even we knew), which they know would bring back thousands of new players
they didn't quite expect millions obviously, as the servers filled up, but the fact that they allocated more room is a sign to me that they somehow think such an action will be profitable in the long run (cause you don't just allocate dozens of servers to a game you just through in the bargain bin for no reason)

If they released a new update now, with all the things they wanted to add and almost had done (example:
and add tons of new cosmetics, they suddenly have millions of new players to sell those cosmetics to, which will no doubt be profitable.
Not to mention, a change like this would almost be enough to turn around EA's reputation in the eyes of many gamers (myself included)
(I would expect a new part of the campaign would be part of that idea, I doubt they would try to sell it)
Disney has certainly learned recently that pleasing the fans is more profitable than spitting in their faces, and with the power structure shake up at lucas film recently, plus more pressure being put on EA from the ending of their exclusivity deal, I think this is an outside possibility.
It may finally be in EA's best interest to give people what they want rather than squeezing us like money filled limes, because suddenly we can go elsewhere, and they desperately need loyalty now if they want to make anything in the future.

Now, clearly there was more of a positive response to the game being free on Epic than they anticipated (cause the servers freaking filled. Still can't quite wrap my head around that)
This means that there is a possibility they'll divert even more resources to a new update than they were thinking before
Or, maybe they don't even have to.
It's possible that they could pay the modders on nexus and patreon who have already made models for so many of the heroes and reinforcements we want to just use those.
That's the pipe dreamiest idea here though, but I don't see it as quite outside reality

Anyways, this leads me to the next part of this already way too long post:
telling Dice what to do with their time. cause I'm totally qualified to do that. yeah.
(Even if this whole theory is a pipe dream, I hope at least some of it could be useful to the next iteration of the instant actions improvement mod)

New heroes (obvious ones first):
Ahsoka -- Ventress
Padme -- Jango
Windu -- Savage Opress
Mando (Din Djarin) -- Moff Gideon
Bo Katan -- Pre Visla

This list hits all of the new things that have come out since battlefront's end, with a bit of overlap even (Ahsoka and Bo could be empire age heroes as well as clone wars. It would be weird to have more light side heroes than dark side in supremacy, but the rebellion is already under-powered, and it's not like it would be unbalanced. Bo could finally match Boba in the skies, and do the same with jango and visla in the clone wars)

Clone wars:
Republic flame trooper (enforcer) -- Mandalorian (Arial, both death watch and maul trooper skins)
Age of Empire:
Mandalorian (Arial, skins based off Din's haven, Bo-Katan's clan, maybe other things from Rebels) -- Dark Trooper (enforcer)

Clone wars:
Age of Empire:
City of Nevarro (Could easily throw together with assets from mos-eisley and sullust from BF1)

Now some comments on Abilities (I share them cause I think my ideas are cool, not cause I think any of them have to be this way)

Din -- (based more around early S1 abilities and gear) Uses pistol as main weapon, can switch to pulse rifle at any time (like Iden can). Pulse rifle is really powerful, and has no charge up time, but it takes a long time to reload, and it saves it's status of reloaded or not when it is un-equipped, so you can't put it away and take it out again to reload it quickly. When using pistol, melee is flamethrower, when using rifle, melee is the stun strike from the rifle. Left ability is whistling birds (works like lando's sharpshot, but in 360 degrees and a much shorter radius). Right ability is grapple (Stun ability that allows people to move slowly, but not use their weapons or abilities.)
4th ability (Totally out there. Least priority out of any of these, and would take extra work cause you'd have to animate the child's crib thing floating around with mando wherever he goes): Child's force freeze. Charges like retribution as mando takes damage. raises enemies up in the air similar to retribution, but doesn't deal damage, instead allows mando to freely move around and fire his blaster while dudes are frozen.
Passive: Damage resistance to lightsabers and normal blaster fire (still vulnerable to explosives and flames) He has relatively low health to compensate for this.

Gideon -- Main weapon = pistol thingy, secondary weapon (again switching like Din and Iden) = Darksaber, with very limited stamina, mainly for those Oh crap there's a jedi and I can't run yet moments, not for extended fighting. Left ability: call reinforcements. make it so that squadmates don't have the respawn timer when spawning on you for a period of time (maybe a minute to make it really useful) extremely useful for locking down checkpoints obviously. Could add an indicator on everyone's ready up screen to indicate when it's active) Right ability: some other support ability. maybe a scan thing.

Mandolorian Reinforcement -- Flies like the first order jet trooper does Has flamethrower for melee Wrist rocket Grapple stun like mando's, maybe less powerful. probably jet charge like first order jet trooper.

Dark Trooper -- Damage resistant to regular blasters and fire, but takes explosion damage normally, and very vulnerable to ion fire (maybe finally people would use those ion mods on the cr2 and the fwbk) Extremely powerful, but slow, melee strike. Middle ability could be a rocket jump slam thing (similar to what wookies have now) No idea what the other abilities would be.

Jango, Bo, and Visla should be easy enough to figure out. Basically boba with quirks. Same with new jedi and sith. Dice have been great at making those guys all unique already. could finally give Savage the ability that was his to begin with (i.e., heroic might) Visla could have the Darksaber as a secondary maybe. could be weird in HvV, but we already have anakin v vader, so I doubt most people would care. Supremacy and co-op are for role play, everything else is a mosh pit anyways.
submitted by WaldoTheRanger to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

Craps at Rivers (Des Plaines, IL) - Tuesday 1/26

IL casinos reopened last week. Drove down (about a 45 minute drive) this past Saturday only to find out that they were limiting how many people were in the casino and there was a 30+ minute wait (in the cold) so we decided to cut our losses and return home. I was bummed but my wife already wasn't excited about going to rivers. She prefers Potawatomi (Milwaukee) but they have removed all tables..hence my desire to go to Rivers (they do have 3 bubble machines at Potawatomi but not the same to me).
Because my wife wasn't too excited about going to Rivers, I knew my time might be short. I was hoping she would have a good day on the slots so I could play a while....but I also didn't want to push it too much as I'm hoping to go back down again and didn't want her annoyed waiting for me while I'm having fun.
The Casino
We had a snow storm come through the area on Tuesday and work was slow so we decided to try Rivers again Tuesday afternoon. The place was busy but not crazy and they had a lot of tables running. From a craps perspective, I counted 5 tables (one $5, three $10, and a $15). 3 to a side. One thing that surprised me is they were apparently short 'boxmen' as I only counted two and they were bouncing between tables, primarily handling cash and coloring up. My dealer took my cash and gave me chips without a boxman at the table. The table I joined ($5) was full but there was at least one $10 table with only one guy at it when I left.
As far as other table games go, Blackjack had $10 & $15 tables I saw and Ultimate Texas Hold'em had $5 and $15 tables. I'm sure there were other games being run but those are my jam so that is what I noted.
My short time playing Craps
I must have pulled up at the right time as a spot was open at the $5 table. Point was either 8 or 9 so I waited to join. They had just hit all the small and were one away from all the tall (I believe the 9). The guy to my left played a heavy lay bet as he had $10 on the all. The next roll hit the point and the roll after got them all...I believe a roll or two after 7'd out. I got in after the point was hit and ended up losing a little of my starting ($300) bankroll. I was playing the line with heavy odds (100x at rivers).
After that the dice made a fairly quick pass around the table. I rolled poorly in my first time rolling. Going into the casino, I assumed they would only have $15 tables so I wanted to try placing a $30 6/8 and then lowering it to table minimum after the first hit. Since I was at a $5 table, I adjusted a bit to play the line with odds but still placed a $30 6/8 on some shooters. That didn't work too well my first time at bat. I believe by the time it came back to me, I was down to my final $100. I played a similar strategy. I usually only play ATS when I roll which I did ($5 minimum). I hit a couple 6/8's but was down so much that I abandoned my strategy of lowering my wages after the first hit (I came to play, right?). Ended up hitting all the small and only had a 9 left on the tall. The guy to my left again, played a heavy lay bet against the 9 but I took a chance....I should have followed his lead as the next roll was a 7,
At this point I was close to my starting bankroll (I believe the small paid $160). I played the line and the point started at an 8. I placed the 6 for $30 and $25 odds. What I didn't do was play ATS. I mean...what are the chances.....but the guy to my left was having a good day. He played $5/$15/$5 on the ATS I believe. By now you probably see where this is heading....all the small was again hit first (again)...I don't recall what the last number was on the tall but he did his heavy lay ($900 I think) but hit it for a $2000 plus payout.
I ended up with $450 after tipping. My wife was having horrible luck at the slots and wasn't 'in the mood' so we weren't even there an hour (that's right....1.5 hours driving round trip and less than an hour at the casino). It felt like I should have been up a lot more but points weren't actually hitting that much...I hit my place bets a few times and then I hit the small once. But it was fun to see my 'teammate' next to me go up probably $3k in the short time I was there....I don't even think he was playing much outside the line bet and the place bets I mentioned.
All in all...a fun time was had. Wish I could have played longer (of course) but leaving with a 50% profit and not annoying my wife too much is a win in my book. Now I just have to wait for my next trip to Michigan/Indiana (Four Winds/Bluechip) next month.
submitted by TScottyy to Craps [link] [comments]

My take on BF6. Opinions?

So, just saying, I might be a bit biased. I've played the crap out of BF3 and BF4 but all others are far behind, to varying degrees.
So, since it's hinted it'll be pretty much a "remake" of BF3, I'd like to add elements I like from the rest.
We should keep Grand Operations from 1 and V, which have been huge. I also think we should bring back a proper Titan mode lookalike (Carrier from BF4 was a bit lackluster). As for classes, maybe keep the tankepilot thing from 1? I always found it weird that a I guy that just ejected from and F35 somehow had and SRAW on him. I also think we should definitely have Commander mode back, but I'd be content if they kept the Reinforcement system from V. Also, the destruction/fortification system from V is awesome, let's roll with that.
As for game modes, I think the BIG ones should base game and the more "niche" ones should be seasonal/DLC, it doesn't seem right that stuff like Air Superiority is left as secondary while Obliteration is base game.
Edit 1: IMO maing game modes should be: Conquest (obvious) Rush Deathmatch (squad and team) Titan/Carrier type Air Supperiority Domination
Eventually, we could have DLC special stuff like Armored Kill, Obliteration, Gun Master or Chain link/Frontlines.
I like customization, but it should be a lot more limited. Small deviations that armies would actually allow their soldiers (ski masks, pouches, etc) and maybe with a similar system to adaptive camo. Maybe players could be allowed much more freedom in an Alternate Game Mode* (more on that later).
Also, as some people pointed out, TESTING RANGE from 4. Also, the insane level of weapon custom options (yes, I know half the grips were the same, still it was a lot more than 3).
I would also like more factions, like in BF2. Maybe India? If part of the game takes place in Afghanistan, it would make quite some sense.
War Stories. That's all I need to say, that's all I will say.
Okay, so it's been made clear that Dice can perfectly do, not just a decent campaign, but add a third functional game mode (even fourth, considering firestorm, but I don't think the world needs more Battle Royale). Instead, I suggest:
A) Bring back coop from BF3, but with a few more missions. I absolutely LOVED it, the only part I disliked about it was that it was so short.
B) An additional game mode*: this is not a long shot, but just pure fantasy, it won't happen but let me dream. I suggest a game mode where the game would pitch small groups of players (3-8?) against each other in a Grand Operations sort of way, make it all very Spec Opsy. Maybe even throw in some bots to play "grunts." The whole thing would play like Mercs getting assigned dirty jobs, and players can go abit more crazy with the custom stuff, making their characters a bit more unique.
I know there will be a lot of disagreement with a few things I've said, but this is my personal idea of what would make me happy in BF6, I would love to know what you think of it and what you would like to see in it.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
submitted by iorchfdnv to Battlefield [link] [comments]

Burger Beard's Misadventures in the Game Group (Part 1; The Fifteen Minute Rage Quit)

Hear ye, hear ye!
I've been watching lots of ReddX (Seriously one of the best Reddit Readers out there. For realsies. It's scientifically proven. Google it!) and listening to all this ghoulish parade of hat-tipping, Cheeto-gorging, milady'ing crimes against humanity has stirred up memories.
Dark memories...
I come forth to submit for the approval of the Redditors, this tale of an unusual specimen of Neckbeardicus Harumphus, of the order Condescendicus.
Fifteen years ago, I was still in one of our nation's fine institutions of higher learning and I had sought out friends interested in tabletop roleplaying games as something to do on the side while throwing the money I'd earned in 4-H into a big bonfire called 'college'... I mean... pursuing a degree in Ancient History.
I got introduced to a larger group of gamers and we got along famously, each of them as nutty as me and most of us are friends to this very day!
Dramatis Personae:
Burger Beard: The star of these chronicles! So-named because he shares a first name with two other guys and we came up with job-related prefixes to differentiate. Burger Beard worked at a cheeseburger stand in the kitchen. Unlike many Neckbeards, BurgBeard showers regularly, has an aroma no more offensive than your average twenty-something of questionable BMI and shaved around his goatee. Most of the time. He enjoys a full head of hair that's high enough in volume and length that he ponytails it. Nay, dear reader, this Neckbeard's foulness is a sickness of the *spirit*. Every single time he opens his mouth, he speaks with nods, slowly and enunciating, as if he's talking to the mentally handicapped. All the damn time. Condescension oozes from his every pore. Imagine if Bill Lumberg from Office Space had a greasy little baby with Burke from Aliens and you'll get some idea as to how this manchild conducts his speech.
Zucca: OP, master of ceremonies and the guy who hosted most of the games because my family's house was nice and big. Bystander for most of these chronicles.
Badasstovich: The lanky ladies man with more rage than his body knew what to do with. He takes no crap from anyone and in spite of putting on the trappings of dickhood, he's a true pal. Prefers spellcasters in D&D Pathfinder, Tech Priests in Warhammer 40k and is a proper spotlight addict.
Wrangler: So named because his job, unchanged for years, chiefly involves corralling wild shopping carts out in the Parking Plains and taking them back home. Awkward, anxious and shares a first name with Burger Beard, to his deep and unmitigated displeasure.
Radio: Radio operator on the army, takes even less BS than Badasstovich. True bro. Not present for most of these chronicles.
Dragon: Nicest man in the universe, Japanese descended gamer nerd, works at a home improvement store and has two sons. Always makes support characters in the games we play.
Ninetails: So named because of her kitsune fixation. Weaboo of the First Degree and missing half her teeth. Dragon's wife and resident gamer mama.
Slumzy: Former best buddy who later had himself one moment of horrible neckbeardism that damn near overshadowed everything Burger Beard ever did. But at the time, a true bro and live-in assistant to Dragon and Ninetails.
Turtle: INTERNATIONAL MAN OF ACTION! (Sarcasm self-check: Complete!) Neckbeard of the Greasicus sub-genus. Sarcastically referred to as the International Man of Action because he will waddle to my big easy chair, nest in it and fall asleep, waking only to roll dice and mumble responses to questions. So named because he looks like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trying to cosplay Dwight Schrute, from 'The Office'. His head is stooped forward, his bell jutted out, his chest sunken and he has a mop of greasy black hair on his trapezoid-shaped head, like someone tried to paint the top of an egg with squiggly black sharpie lines. His Neckbeardism shall be chronicled later... He is Burger Beard's BFF and worshipped the ground Burger Beard walked on. It was long speculated that he and Burger Beard were an item, but further observation revealed it was less that they were lovers and more a... master and beloved pet kind of situation. And no, not sexually. Not that we'd judge. I mean to say that Turtle acts like Burger Beard's watchdog.
Jitters: Decent dude, terrible hygiene, the worst Game Master to live. Shivers at all times like a neurotic Chihuahua. Never lived down putting a Big Red Button in a game he ran that didn't move the plot along but TPK'd us. I mean, you've *gotta* push the big red button... what did he expect?
Bluto: Perpetual Special Guest Star. Always a listener, never a player. Neckbeard extraordinaire. The Toilet Slayer. He Who Melts in Direct Sunlight. A sense of humor as foul as his BO.
Ogre: The other guy who hosts all games. Big as a whale, generous as a jolly leprechaun, kept a clean house and runs a tight character when gaming.
The Stage: My family's former forever home was a beautiful Spanish Mission style ranch home on the farm I grew up on. The Dining Room, containing a gigantic wooden table was where I hosted games whenever it was my turn. A huge set of windows look out to the miles of farmland and the mountains beyond and when you step outside, with so few lights, you can see the stars with much clarity!
The troupe is ready and the stage is set...
Tale, The First: The Fifteen Minute Rage Quit
My house had all hands present and the game was BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth. An Anime RPG based loosely on GURPS, Generic Universal Role Playing System) that Badasstovich was running, based on the graphic novel 'Gold Digger'.
I was sitting near Badasstovich and the huge table at my place accommodated everyone with ease.
Badasstovich prefers to sit at the head of the table when he's running game and Burger Beard prefers the other end so he can roll dice far from Badasstovich's watchful eye.
The particulars are lost to time, but Badasstovich became cheesed with Burger Beard's seemingly supernatural luck, rolling max damage and perfect hits.
"I think you're full of shit, Burger." Badasstovich sneered after Burger Beard rolled his fifth natural twenty of the night.
Burger Beard smiles like the cat who got the cream. "I'm using my good dice." He smugly informed us.
"Come on, Burger Beard... at least let us SEE what you roll." Ninetails complained.
"That's fair, yeah? Just let us verify." Dragon cheerfully said.
Jitters adjusted his glasses and looked anxiously between Burger Beard and Badasstovich, looking like he's about to burst into tears from sheer pre-confrontation panic.
And Wrangler grabs his head in typical dramatic fashion, gritting his teeth.
Burger Beard scowls, but rolls for damage, dropping three eight-sided dice and swiping them up before Ninetails, sitting near him, can see.
"Hey, I saw two ones!" Ninetails piped up.
"Nah, those were... uh... sevens!" Burger Beard exclaims, eyes wide.
"Hold up... THREE D-8's?!" Dragon exclaims. "You're using your bare fists!"
"Well yeah, I'm a brawler! My strength modifier is plus-three, so I get to roll three eight-sided!" Burger Beard says in his trademarked 'I'm Smarter Than You' condescension.
"That. Is. SO. NOT!!!... how this works!" Slumzy bellows, looking disgusted. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"
Burger Beard scowls. "I didn't cheat! You're saying I'm cheating!"
"Look, just roll one six-sided, dude." I cut in. "The rules say that unless you've got the requisite talent, you can't do it."
"I've totally got the Talent!" Burger Beard bellows, maintaining eye contact while his hand "sneakily" writes on his character sheet...
"Hey Zucca, pass me his character sheet." Badasstovich scowls.
I glance at Burger Beard and give a sheepish grin, rubbing my forefinger, middle finger and thumb. "Well, you heard the man..." I say.
Burger Beard looks back and forth between me and Badasstovich and he gives a dramatic flourish of his hands. "If you don't trust me, then I'm LEAVING!" He exclaims, then begins to turn off his laptop.
His laptop, which at the time was so old that it requires a plug-in wifi antenna, was so frail that it could not be abruptly turned off...
... in other words, he couldn't just slam it shut and make a proper angry exit.
He sat there.
For fifteen minutes.
While his clunker of a laptop shut down, he sat there, arms crossed, ducking his head behind the screen.
Bluto, his impatience showing, shattered the awkward silence with all the grace of an inebriated hippopotamus on ice. "Keep playing the freaking game, dude!"
Badasstovich cleared his throat and looked towards Wrangler. "So uh.... your tu-"
"RRRRRRRGH..... Grrragrglrgh...!" Burger Beard interjected, making gutteral noises, as if his testicles were being fed into a garbage disposal...
"Well, I'll just attack the-" Wrangler begins.
"HRRRNNGGGH... BLRGLRHRGHLMURGLE!" Burger Beard lets out what I can only describe as a Humpback Whale's mating call.
Above water, that is.
So it went, with Burger Beard unleashing the Song of his People every time someone tried to talk, escalating in volume until they were sufficiently drowned out.
Ten minutes after the flash point, he finally closes up the laptop with a dramatic "HARUMPH!"
He stands up to his full height, a towering five feet and two inches, and stomps his way out the front door, slamming the heavy carved wood behind him..!!!
... and then walks back in, looking around.
Dead silence ensues.
"Uh... where are my keys.......?" He finally asks.
"Your jacket." I say, pointing to his Macross jacket he'd left.
"Oh." He retrieves it and shuffles out the door, Turtle waddling behind him and mumbling soothing reassurances, quietly closing it this time,
There's a pregnant pause as the thoroughly bamboozled table exchanged glances.
"Did he just take fifteen goddamn minutes to rage quit?" Slumzy murmured.
"I do believe he did." I chime in, snorting in laughter.
So shattered was our immersion that we spent the rest of the night playing Citadels and Munchkin.
And that, dear reader, is merely the tip of the iceberg. An appetizer to prepare you for the Feast of Fail that is to come in ensuing chapters of this saga.
Join me next time, where I tell the second entry in this shameful story: The Rules Lawyer vs. Burger Beard's liberal interpretations!
submitted by Zucca101 to talesofneckbeards [link] [comments]

These pictures will show you the pathetic state of quickmatch and why the game is dying

These pictures will show you the pathetic state of quickmatch and why the game is dying
Today I came back from a break to play HOTS. One of my friends, a totally new player, level 23, barely owns any heroes, wanted to play HOTS with me so I played quickmatch with him on one of my other lower mmr accounts hoping he can have some fun learning the game and decide to invest more time into it, because HOTS is honestly a really beautiful and fun game.
In our first game, we got completely stomped. End of match, as expected, enemy team was a 5-stack party with an insane winrate. Okay no problem, we were probably unlucky. I made sure to check the 5-stack's status after the game and waited until they were in a game before we started queuing again (although nobody should have to do this).
Next game, we lost to normal players, so this was a normal game.
Then next game we got stomped by another 5-stack. I made sure to avoid them again before queuing. Next game, stomped by another 5-stack.
So at this point I'm getting really fucking annoyed. My friend is obviously not enjoying himself. I think HOTS is a wonderful game and I want him to like it.
I checked the match history of the 5-stacks being matched against us, my friend, a level 23 player who owns less than 5 heroes. This is the match history of the 5-stack:
Blizz, I think the pictures speak for themselves.
There are 5-stacks whose full-time job is ruining the game experience of others. They do this ALL THE TIME, look at the number of games played. How many players do you think quit HOTS every week because of this? Guys if you're going to reply to this thread, answer this question.
Another question you should answer is, much as I like HOTS, do you think anyone going through this experience once would dare to introduce another friend to HOTS? What am I supposed to tell them "Oh don't worry your first 200 or so games will be completely unfair one-sided stomps because of a non-existent matchmaker, but just endure past that and it will be fun"?
Oh btw genji being the only defeat in that sea of wins is funny as well, because genji is another running joke, a dumpster hero for 2+ years with horrible talent diversity and ignored every single patch except for that previous undeserved nerf.

Oh and after that we actually got a fun game we won. But you know what? I bet it wasn't fun AT ALL for the enemy team because just look at their fucking team comp. Cho'gall + 3 tanks, seriously?
For this game, I could tell as early as the loading screen that even if my friend went afk, we would win. Is that supposed to be fun for the enemy team?
So the 2 biggest and most glaring problems of quickmatch:
  1. 5-stacks (and btw big parties not only can control their own draft, they can control the enemy draft as well, e.g. they can pick a chain-stun comp while purposely avoiding a tank and the enemy team will not have a tank to deal with it)
  2. Lack of drafting, horrible team comps, every game is a dice roll RNG

I know quickmatch defenders will downvote this post but I really don't care at this point. Quickmatch should have had a draft option YEARS ago. Even a blind draft would make quickmatch a far better game, or an option to allow certain players to fill. There have been so many suggestions on possible ways to make quickmatch team comps better and how many have blizz tried? None.
You know the reason why the forum and reddit are filed with quickmatch defenders? I'll tell you why. They're the minority who can tolerate the complete steaming pile of crap that is quickmatch.
Everyone else who couldn't stand quickmatch quit the game a long time ago.
I've played Dota Turbo and League's blind draft, both their extremely casual modes have drafting and they offer a far better experience than HOTS, despite HOTS being a better game.
submitted by morphlll to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

Just focus on the multiplayer next time people, build a engine from the ground up...

...not saying the campaign wasn't fun, but I pre-ordered this game and I played it once. As Im sure most people did if they played it at all that is. From the ground up make a game that will allow for customization for heros and all the other units. Such a missed opportunity with these first two games, if you do another just focus on multiplayer. A mix of game modes, yes! Arcady feel yet a balance that no one can really complain about, yes! Better net-code that won't be broken every match, yes... It's not hard to hit the check boxes of what the fans want, you already hit the first two and the second has been proven many times by other games of the same pedigree. My hope is EA keeps there Nerf herding hands out of the way and just gives it the funding this series deserve for finally getting a proper third installment. Keep dice though, just don't get all cought up in making it's look photo realistic... It's nice but not necessary for the genre. Ps: if anything fix the broken a** vehicle cameras, I mean how the heck did you guys let that slide and stay a bug. I've been told it's baked into the engine... Execute order 66 on it and use that damn money you spend on such high end graphics in your game, on a purpose built game engine. EA Charging what they do for crap and you leave a us a triple A buggy game.
submitted by ssilvasi to StarWarsBattlefront [link] [comments]

Las Vegas Trip Report, Late Stage COVID Edition

I avoided Vegas for all of 2020, not because I have any fears whatsoever regarding COVID, but simply because I felt that it was just going to be depressing and annoying combatting the virus hysteria. (Following the Vegas sub didn't help, as those folks pounce on anyone considering visiting as being selfish, despite tourism being the town's only export.)
I was pleasantly surprised that the Strip wasn't as post-apocalyptic as I was expecting. There still appear to be plenty of people visiting... the crowds weren't as thick as they normally would be, which some would say is a plus, but there also wasn't a dearth of people, either.
I was comped at both Caesars and MLife, so I booked at both. I stayed at the Paris and stuck my friend at the Grand. FWIW, the $20 trick worked at Paris (I figured it was an especially good play when the staff's income has taken a hit), and I was upgraded to a corner suite overlooking the Bellagio Fountains.
Onto the craps play... Sunday through MLK at noon, we failed to find anything below $15. I submitted my edits to the minimums spreadsheet that is stickied here. Oddly, Linq and Park MGM just did not open any tables at all... I'm not sure what the rationale is for that. We decided to stick mostly with Caesars properties, as they don't have Plexiglas dividers at the tables. All MGM properties have these, and it makes the casino look like a house of mirrors.
I had brought a $1k bankroll, but bought in for $300 each time...I tend to be very frugal, even while gambling. My strategy was to play the pass line, place the 6/8 for $12 each, and take 1x odds for 4/6/8/10. (I hate taking odds on 5/9.) After a place number hit 3 times, I would press on the 4th hit. That was usually a great way for the next roll to be an SO.
MLK afternoon at Paris I did "OK," but the recently lowered $10 minimum was raised back to $15 again. This depleted my bankroll faster than I expected, but I guess it makes sense, as my strategy went from costing me $44 to $66 per swing. There were a lot of PSOs, too. For reasons I can't understand, my friend and I could never get a good roll going, but there were two shooters at our table that we knew we could count on for recovery. I don't know how that is - the dice are the dice - but these two guys could always go on heaters for a long time. The dice would be passed to us, and after a few 2s and 3s, we'd PSO. After some ups and downs, I finally walked away with $250.
MLK evening, after some Beef Wellington at Gordon Ramsay Steak, the table was back to $10 again, and had no players, so my friend and I opened it. As with the above, our rolls were miserable. PSO after PSO. Other players would come and go, seeing how bad the game was going. I tried to switch to the DP when my friend rolled ("nothing personal"), and then he'd magically start making points. It was awful. I finally got down to my last $10, and bet the line with him, and he caught his second wind. Gradually brought me back to $292, and we colored up at 1am.
Although Paris doesn't have table dividers, they insisted on sanitizing the dice between shooters. Even when it was just my buddy and I, and I said we were in the same party, it wasn't necessary, they responded "well, it's for our safety." I bought that for a few minutes until I realized they hardly touch the dice, yet they don't mind grabbing everybody's chips that are getting intermixed with different people's germs.... whatever, it's all stupid theatre.
Tuesday afternoon, my friend headed back to Phoenix and I was waiting for a late flight. I stumbled upon a $10 table at Aria, and since it was just me, I decided to deal with the Plexiglas (which turned out to be wildly ineffective when I could still fist bump and talk to the player immediately left-of-stick from my catty-corner of the table, 3 feet away). My bad luck shooting dissipated. I hit several good rolls, and since it was my last day, I decided to loosen the wallet a bit, and would go up to 3x odds, particularly on 4s and 10s since they pay 2:1. I would also press 6s and 8s, which I had a real affinity for hitting, earlier than customary for me. (This probably still sounds like low rolling to many of you, but it's a big step for me!) I ended up more than doubling my buy-in, negating my losses from the other two sessions and putting me up slightly on the trip.
MGM has two sets of dice they can rotate between, and one goes in a golf ball washer while the other is in play. This seemed a lot smarter and didn't affect the game's momentum as much as Paris did, scrubbing them down with a ratty cheesecloth and diluted Clorox.
I still had 4 hours until my flight, which was bittersweet, but I'm glad I colored up when I got off of a good high shooting. It felt good, actually, that other players were disappointed that I was leaving, because I was making them some good money, but it was time for me to step back and enjoy my winnings. I bought my kiddo a T-shirt at the ABC store, waited an hour for the Centennial Express (told you I was frugal), and sat in The Club LAS until my flight boarded.
Both MGM and Caesars sent me e-mails asking me to book another complimentary trip before either room's folio arrived. I'm considering it.
submitted by Matchboxx to Craps [link] [comments]

DM Refuses to Give Descriptions, Party Quits 1st Session

Hello CritCrab, I recently told some friends about my first experience with D&D, and they said I should present it to the Crab Council for your judgment. It's a bit of a long story, but I tried to only include the important details. I’m a long-time player and DM of D&D, but this wasn’t almost the case. For your consideration, I would like to present my first and almost last time playing D&D. This happened almost 13 years ago, but I still remember it vividly.
Before we begin, I should probably showcase the cast. The names have been changed for obvious reasons.
Gabe: The DM and the source of the party’s ire, two grades ahead of me. It was my first time meeting him, and he came off as very knowledgeable.
Aiden: The DM’s younger cousin, the friend that invited me during theatre class, and an upper-classman. He had payed an elven bard. He had a bubbly personality and was prone to using laughter to lessen tension.
Duncan: Another friend and theatre classmate of mine, but also grade ahead of me. He had played a human fighter. He was a jokester kind of guy, always trying to be the comic relief, but when he was upset or displeased, he didn’t care who knew it.
Me: A naive kid trying to fit in. A new player to TRPGs whom was very excited to try. I had played a half-elf paladin.

The DM had an idea for running a 3.5 campaign heavily inspired by the world of Eberron. He took great care to talk about the cooler aspects of the campaign, such as artificers, lightning rails, and airships. I was excited to see all of these things, though I openly told the DM that I was nervous and wanted to fit in. He said it was alright to make a simplistic character, and that he wasn’t going to punish me for being new, then delegated the more experienced players to help me actually roll stats and learn the rules.
Aiden and Duncan had the task to “babysit” me (Gabe’s words not mine), all the while going through the regular character creation guff. The DM also tasked them to make sure I didn’t cheat, and they watched me roll my stats. I didn’t think much of it, because I just had assumed they had some newbie cheat before and didn’t want a repeat. I told them I wanted to play a Paladin, but they told me I’d better hope for some good rolls then.
I rolled my stats, and they were excellent. Better than I could ever have hoped to roll again. After racial modifiers, I had FIVE ability scores at 18, as well as a 16. We only rolled three d6’s six times, and down the list.
Duncan and Aiden were shocked. They both started texting Gabe about the rolls and the “newbie’s luck”. I was excited because, well, I was under the belief that since my scores were high, this would somehow make the game more fun.
Gabe met back up with us, saw my character sheet, and immediately asked the players if I had cheated. Duncan and Aiden both confirmed that I didn’t fudge any dice and they weren’t trying to help me cheat either. Then Gabe decided to take matters into his own hands.
“Your character immediately ascends into god-hood after being born,” Gabe said as he snatched my character sheet, “Roll a new character.” I was pretty heart-broken, not just because the DM had effectively killed my character before we even started playing, but because I was trying my hardest to make a compelling character regardless of rolls. Aiden and Duncan protested, saying it was pretty harsh to a new player, but Gabe was being stubborn. As to avoid conflict, I agreed to re-roll.
I re-rolled my stats and they were less exciting: lots of 10’s and 12’s. Again, stats didn’t matter to me then nor do they now, but with the juxtaposed excitement of the other players, it had felt like I was punished for doing well. But I didn’t complain, I re-rolled my character, decided to still be a paladin, and carried on.
The next week we were set to play, and I was still excited for the game. I was really sold on the world of Eberron, or at least the world Gabe had promised us. I would look at the Player’s Handbook at lunch when I would hang out with the guys, to make sure I knew what I would do on my turns, and Aiden, Duncan, and even Gabe would give me pointers on how to play my class. I patiently waited for the day and was mystified by the lore in the book.

Then came the actual day of the game. We each had a free period and met up in the vacant cafeteria to play. For the first time, I saw the screen unfolded, the books placed out, and all of our character sheets were hastily scrounged from our backpacks. We started by introducing our characters before any setting happened, so we all said who we were playing and added a bit of flavor. When we were done, Gabe was ready to set the scene.
As an important note, we were supposed to use theater of the mind. No board, no minis, just descriptions.
“You’re in a tundra,” Gabe dictated, “What do you do?”
A hush fell over the players. For a good, long while, no one said anything (which I now know is because there wasn’t anything to say), so I decided to pipe up. I asked if there was a town nearby. Nope. I asked if there were any landmarks I could see. Nope. I asked if there was a map we could consult. Nope. There were not trees, animals, people, settlements, or anything but the three of us standing in the snow beneath a cloudless sky. Duncan asks how we got there and he was met with a shrug. Duncan was visibly upset by this and Aiden started his nervous laughing.
Not knowing what to do, and trying to keep the game going, I devised a plan. I had assumed that if the terrain was so cold, assuming we were on an Earth-like planet, we must be either very far north or south. So by using the sun (which I could see), we would walk South; if it got colder, we turn around and go North. I didn’t know if this was the right way of handling it, but Duncan and Aiden liked it and followed suit.
So the DM says we walk South and then asks, “Now what?” I ask for a description, and I’m not given one. I tell him we are to march South until we’re given a description of something – anything else.
“A yeti approaches you,” Gabe said, “And it looks like it’s ready for a fight.”
“What?” said Duncan, “From where? I thought we were in an icy place with nothing else in it.”
We don’t roll initiative, which Duncan is quick to question why, and again we are asked what we’re going to do. I say my character would attack it with his longsword, which the DM has me roll. I crit, deal damage, and find out that my damage was not enough to kill it. I remember Duncan and Gabe arguing about something akin to Challenge Rating; I didn’t understand at the time, but I knew from RPG video games when an enemy was too difficult for the party’s level. So when Gabe asked me what I do next (because the rest of the party wasn’t asked to do anything), I said my character runs.
“I don’t know,” I said, “South, I guess.”
He describes that the only thing I can see is a large hole in the ground to escape to, with a 30 foot drop to the bottom. I ask if I can tie a rope, and Gabe says if I try to do that, the Yeti will attack me first and Aiden warns me that a single hit from a yeti would kill any of our characters. I ask for any other descriptions and are given none. So, seeing no other options, I tell Gabe my character jumps in the hole. I fumble an acrobatics check, my character drops to 1 HP, and breaks his leg, reducing his movement speed to 0.
He then says it’s the Yeti’s turn, who uses his turn to rip off Duncan’s fighter’s arm. No attack roll, or damage roll for that matter, it just happens. He says it’s then Aiden’s turn, in which Aiden replies, “What am I supposed to do?” Gabe then declares that it’s my turn, and I ask what I can do with a broken leg.
“Nothing,” Gabe says, “Do you end your turn?” I agree, but even with my naivety, I could tell this was bull-crap. Aiden and Duncan weren’t saying anything, their mouths agape with shock, holding their breaths like this was all a joke and the campaign would really start in a moment. I just remember Duncan was starting to get really irritated.
“It’s the Yeti’s turn again and he’s going to attack the Paladin,” said Gabe, “He’s gonna do the smart thing and move to the front of the cave.”
“What cave,” yells Duncan, “You didn’t describe any cave!” Gabe defends himself saying there wouldn’t be a hole in the ground without there also being a cave-mouth connected to it. The yeti moves an undetermined amount away from the one-armed fighter, to the front of this cave, and to me. He then proceeds to kill my character.
Again, no rolls, no damage, my Paladin’s just dead now.
Gabe hands me the PHB and a new character sheet and tells me to make a new character. In the meantime, he tells Duncan his character’s now dead from blood-loss and asks Aiden what he does for his turn. Aiden is still shocked and doesn’t respond, so Gabe ends his turn for him. He says that the yeti has run within 10 feet of him, so his character starts running. Where to? Well Aiden says he want to run South because nothing else has been described so far.
“A portal opens up in front of you,” Gabe says, “What do you do?”
“I guess I jump in the portal!” Aiden was still laughing because he could see the anger welling up inside Duncan, who made it very clear that half of our period has been used already.
“You’re at a beach and the yeti follows through the portal,” Gabe says, “What do you do?”
“I ask the Yeti why he’s chasing me,” Aiden says in an incredulous tone.
“I don’t know,” said the inexplicable Yeti. Gabe describes that the Yeti walks back through the portal, leaving two members of the party dead and the bard now stuck on the nondescript sands of wherever a beach may be.
Duncan had had enough and the worst parts of him began to show. As he stood up and, in a grandiose display, he ripped his character sheet in half and stormed off, leaving Gabe, Aiden, and I at the table. I still remember hearing Aiden trying to stifle his nervous laugh and seeing Gabe’s look of confusion and defeat. He had felt that he really tried, I suppose.
I politely returned both character sheets and the book and thanked them for the experience. I told Gabe that D&D just wasn’t for me, but I appreciated being included. We never met up for another session, but we still hung out at lunch and our free period, even if it was Gabe and I. We remained friends for a long time, but we all silently agreed that D&D would be a sore topic from here on out and never brought it up again.

Fast forward two years. I’m now a junior, Gabe has graduated, Duncan and Aiden are also about to graduate, and I have a new group of nerd friends my same grade. I had been hanging out with them for a while, and for the first time, one of them says they want to run D&D. They ask me if I’m interested and I decline. They’re curious, as they say it sounds like I would like it if I tried it. I tell them I have tried it, and recount this story to them.
“Oh,” one said, “You need to play with us.”
I put my new set of prejudices for the game aside and tried it again, and I had a blast. In fact, my new group has been playing D&D for a decade now and we are loving 5th edition in all its simplified glory.
I guess the moral of the story is that D&D is only as fun as the people you play with, and some friends aren't fun to be around when TRPGs get involved.
TL;DR: Friend invites me to first ever D&D group, DM doesn’t provide descriptions or a story, kills two of us, and almost turned me off of the game forever.
submitted by Taerocker to CritCrab [link] [comments]

DAYTRIPPER'S TRIP TIPS - Is Your Pasteurization Causing Contamination? Maybe it's time to trade your bucket for a thermometer. 🌡

Psychedelic Pasteurization -Tek (The PP Tek) LOL 🤣
So two weeks ago you threw a pot of boiling water on top of a bucket of coir, said a prayer to the Gods of Gaia, and a moment of silence to the spirit of Louis Pasteur, danced a ritual harvest jig around the bucket, and when it felt cool enough you threw your grain in to a monotub with the hopes of making mushrooms. If only it were that easy, because today you just took the walk of shame to the trash receptacle outside carrying a big ass smelly, chopped up, shitty green mold, hefty bag of your damn contam, for the third fucking time in a row. What a waste of time, money, and all your efforts of bleach smelling, floor scrubbing , scraping the paint off the walls sterilizing. Let's not forget the hand blistering, back breaking, busting coir blocks in your garage with a hammer and screwdriver. . . Damn you must be pretty fucking pissed off by now. Fuck that!
Do you think there might be a better way? You know there is, and it's time we graduate you from the Bucket-Tek method of preparing you bulk substrate for grain. I am going to go on record and officially saying the Bucket-Tek method is a crapshoot. How you gonna pour boiling water on coir and hope your shit makes it after all the time you put into in, to cut the one corner that ends you. If you're gonna roll the dice like that, eventually you will crap out. Even if you've done it before, everybody does it, and that's what they told you to do, the fact remains, here you are on the contam sub trying to figure it out. You're gonna have to have to do something different if you want a different result.
We did that contest question just to lead to this post and I have had some interesting conversation in the last few weeks about you and your bucket's of boiling water. The question, for those of you who played, forced you to look a few things up. First off I thought we should just give credit where credit is due, Louis Pasteur is the science mind behind this whole thing. And for those of you who lost some neurons trying to figure out question 5; what is the catalyst of pasteurization? We got all kinds of interesting answer but a lot of you were correct. A catalyst is simply put, one thing that creates a reaction in another without losing any of its own integrity in the process. The answer was HEAT! HaHa I'm going to turn y'all into chemisist and you won't realize it to you already are one. Watch out, I have a little friend now, scanning the posts for surgeons. Don't be pickin up that knife, he will catch you.
Okay, back to Pasteurization. There are three different ranges were going to give because they have all been published and all work, it just depends on how much time you have to cook substrate. So judging from the poll I took a while ago, 95% of you are growing on coir. We're gonna give this out in a number order and you are still going to boil water, but you will need a meat thermometer and your phone or whatever to keep time on. So here ya go. Proper pasteurization; It may just save you from the walk of fucking shame with the hefty, fucked again, bag.
  1. Preheat Oven to 180 F (82 C)
  2. Boil 8 to 10 liters of tap water. (Less if you already added water to break up blocks of coir)
  3. Mix up an 80/20 of Coir / Verm - (Use whatever Bulk Substrate you want to here this is your deal)
  4. Pour boiling water onto coir and thoroughly mix for 3-5 min making sure you're saturated.
  5. Put your substrate into large broiling / basting pan and check the coir temperature with the thermometer. You should be about 180 degrees, it doesn't really matter what temp you're at you just want to get a base. If your at 180 F put it the oven and start the timer for 30 minutes, if you're not, wait till the thermometer reads 180 then start timer.
  6. Now find a comfortable chair, pop a brew, blaze a blunt, and put on some Led Zeppelin.
  7. When you get your 30. take her out and let her cool.
  8. Don't add any grain till the core temps are 82 F (27C) or below.
If you want to go to another temperature for longer time that's fine. I like 180 F because it's about what you'll end up with after the boiling water is added., and 30 minutes is quicker than 90. So you can do these times as well.
160F - 60 min
140 - 90 min
120 - 120 min
The Main reason the bucket Tek doesn't completely pasteurize is because the temperatures fall off and after 10 min you lose 5 degrees and so on. You are never able to hit one temperature for a consecutive time with the Bucket - Tek and it's just what it is, a crapshoot.
My only disclaimer is that we never really know where the contam came from, and if you still get contam after a proper pasteurization then get with the program and Use a pH adjusted casing layer as well.
I'm trying to teach mycology in the preventative mode and my belief is, if you're here and you have failed, then step up your game. Basically all we are doing different than the Bucket tek is timing our bake and making sure we have the core temp on mark One simple step for the cost of a thermometer. So prevent contamination from making you take the Hefty bag walk of shame. And the learn casing layers.
submitted by DayTripperonone to ContamFam [link] [comments]

what is the dice game craps video

CRAPS LIVE The Dice Doctor’s BEST CRAPS STRATEGY Limit ... The 3 Most Popular Dice Sets for Craps - YouTube The scientifically proven best way to play craps - YouTube How to Play Craps and Win Part 1: Beginner Intro To the ... What's the BEST Dice Set? - YouTube C# 8.18 Game of Craps - Part 1: Creating the Game - YouTube Craps (HOW TO WIN ALL TIME )WITH KING DICE CRAPS LET PLAY A GAME WITH KING DICE - YouTube Craps Hackers STACKED Grip How to Grip the Dice - YouTube Craps Dice Control: THEORY for All 7's set

While craps is a distinctively American invention, it is based on a British dice game called Hazard that gained popularity some 2000 years ago. (Hazard is even mentioned by Chaucer in his... Craps is one of the only games in the casino where the player is in charge of the action with their own hand. You can literally grab the dice, give it a blow for good luck and roll it on down. In a single roll of the dice, there are a number of combinations in which a player can wager. Craps is a game of chance. Outcomes are all determined by the roll of the dice. There are more ways to roll a seven than any other number on the dice. This means that shooters are going to crap out often. We explain the main objective of the game, the craps table, the betting layout, and the basic rules. We also introduce the different types of bets. Game Objective in Craps. The main objective in craps is really quite straightforward. Basically you are just betting on the outcome of the roll of two dice. Craps is pure chance since you can’t affect the outcome in any way, but you do have the Schau dir unsere Auswahl an craps dice game an, um die tollsten einzigartigen oder spezialgefertigten, handgemachten Stücke aus unseren Shops zu finden. The dice game craps is played as follows: The player throws 2 dice, and if the sum is 7 or 11, he/she wins. If the sum is 2, 3, or 12, he/she loses. If the sum is anything else, then he/she continues throwing until that number appears again, or throws a 7, where the game ends in a loss. C# Game of craps using dice roll method. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 2 months ago. Active 1 year, 11 months ago. Viewed 1k times -1. The code below is for a game of Craps. I am not sure if the logic of the code is correct. I want to test it, but when I run this code no output is given. It compiles and a blank screen is displayed with no output. I can't figure out why nothing is displayed. Also BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images Street craps, also called "shooting dice," is a simple gambling game that can be played wherever dice and a flat surface are at hand. Although a relative of the casino game craps, street craps is simpler and faster. Craps is a fast paced game that doesn’t allow you a lot of times to sit and ask questions. If you’re just learning to play it would probably be good to team up with an advanced player at first. They can help you out if you are unsure what you should do and they’ll be able to explain each bet to you as it happens. However, it’s a lot of fun and you can help to prepare yourself by Craps is a fun casino game where players place bets on the table and root for the shooter to roll a winning number with the dice before sevening out. Only one player per round is the shooter, but any player can bet on the table. The dice are passed around the table clockwise after each round so anyone interested in being the shooter gets a turn. At the beginning of a round, the shooter chooses 2 dice and throws them across the table so they hit the back wall. This is called the

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#KINGDICE #KINGDICETECHNOLOGY #KDTCraps Special Report About BlackHawk KING DICE Join us at the Table & Become a Member! Craps Betting Strategy, Craps Dice Sets Game Control. With a Dice controlled throw one could definitely use this set to make money in the casinos. I don't advise anyone to use. I do because it ... 🎲 You’re watching the 5th episode of Craps Strategies LIVE! Today’s strategy comes from The Dice Doctor (Sam Grafstein). He calls it “the best craps strateg... Visual C# 2012 How to Program C# Programming Challenge 8.18: Game of Craps - Part 1: Creating the game LINK TO PART 2: Write an a... This video briefly covers how to approach the game and the most basic bet of the pass line. Enjoy and subscribe! Leave comments and questions below. More v... Starting out, KD found that it was not easy to find information on the game of craps in general, but specifically the exciting prospect of Dice Control and Controlled Shooting. Craps Hackers STACKED Grip How to Grip the Dice, this I feel is so important about this Throw. How to grip the Stacked Grip. This is key info for using this... The 3 Most Popular Dice Sets for Las Vegas Craps. Learn how to lay Blackjack and Craps with our Free Step by Step videos at Dice Probability is a mathematical theory in craps based off the 480 total different combinations that can be rolled. What's the BEST Dice Set? In this video... Expert strategy and best sign up bonuses to win at craps! Give yourself the best odds at beating the casinos here

what is the dice game craps

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