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11-11 20:16 - 'What about the right to die? Why is assisted suicide illegal? Why do I have to go through pain (overdosing/hanging/cutting of wrists) if I wanna die in such a progressive country' (self.germany) by /u/hasikatzen removed from /r/germany within 0-10min

Hello, I am a self harm enthusiast and I have wanted to die since I was 10 i am 20 now. I find it shocking that assisted suicide is still illegal in every degree, humans have the right to die but humans shouldn't suffer. All the good ways of ending yourself are illegal/hard to get for example suicide by headshot (not illegal but it takes forever to get a gun) heroin overdose (heroin is illegal) injection (good luck getting the poison with the lest pain ) not alot of people would use those methods but those few people that actively have decided they wanna die shouldn't be forced to take such ways and especially not if they want an open casket. Yes we help alot of those mentally I'll people and alot of them decide suicide isnt the way. But what about the small percentage that wants death who see no other way than death? Especially me yes I have borderline. Yes I love selfharm but just because that's not terminally sick and because you can "ignore the pain" I am made to suffer. I find this highly unfair and I am sick that the "right to die" is not written down anywhere
What about the right to die? Why is assisted suicide illegal? Why do I have to go through pain (overdosing/hanging/cutting of wrists) if I wanna die in such a progressive country
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Author: hasikatzen
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11-10 05:17 - 'as others already mentioned you are probaly not obligated to. / what you should keep in mind is that your landlord might take it out of your deposit if you dont paint. which will probably be illegal. so you'd have to sta...' by /u/KuyaJohnny removed from /r/germany within 1598-1608min

as others already mentioned you are probaly not obligated to.
what you should keep in mind is that your landlord might take it out of your deposit if you dont paint. which will probably be illegal. so you'd have to start legal procedures to get that money back. just something you should consider
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Author: KuyaJohnny
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08-11 22:46 - 'Drachenwiese hasn't been correctly updated. The description already says: / [quote] so the information kinda is there. / [quote] what places are you talking about? most are really narrow or in the "sadly illegal" sect...' by /u/Dr_Azrael_Tod removed from /r/germany within 2141-2151min

Drachenwiese hasn't been correctly updated. The description already says:
wenn es nicht eine neue Gartenordnung gäbe, die jegliche Drohnen untersagt.
so the information kinda is there.
some places are too close to the Elbe
what places are you talking about? most are really narrow or in the "sadly illegal" section for exactly that reason.
underneath the glideslope of EDDC
that doesn't matter, you are actually allowed to fly there - only never above 50m
…and that isn't even a restriction for FPV and the likes, since those are already restricted to maximum of 30m height
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Author: Dr_Azrael_Tod
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Noam Chomsky in 2010: "The United States is extremely lucky that no honest, charismatic figure has arisen... What are people supposed to think if someone says ‘I have got an answer, we have an enemy’? In Weimar Germany it was the Jews. Here it will be the illegal immigrants and the blacks..."

Noam Chomsky in 2010: submitted by YuriRedFox6969 to AntifascistsofReddit [link] [comments]

Just my sister in the 16 years I know her

Hello, this post is About one of the most entitled Person I know. My oldest sister is 25ish now. I know her since my birth and experienced her path to the ultimate entitlement. TL;DR at the mystic end of that beast. We'll just start at the beginning, so let's go.
Firstly, the cast (just the important ones):
Me: a Little Bowling-ball (In dialogue just OP)
M: my mom
S: my older sister
ES: my oldest sister, and the sister, which I meant in the title
N1: my first niece
N2: my second niece
My oldest sis was firstly a normal Girl. Took care About her little sister and her Little brother and so on. But Things changed rapidly. When she attended 5th grade, the bullying startet. It went so far, that she went no longer to School after when she was in grade 7. Since then, she started smoking and was going out with strange guys. My mom was super supportive and said to herself, that ES probably will learn from her mistakes. After she left school at grade 7, what is illegal in germany, she started to ruin our family and the health conditions of M and also my brain. S still takes responsibility for nearly everything, even she isn’t living near us anymore, ‘cause she just had to leave this situation.
When we were childs, ES wanted a dog. She went with my parents and got her a brown Chihuahua. (even this is over a decade ago, and the dog wasn’t a pupper when they gottem, he is still alive) Quickly we all noticed, that ES isn’t able to care about Doggo 1 (just D1 for short).
In Germany, the Czechian border is the place, where you can get cheap rip offs or just cheap stuff in general, so my parents often went there, and often with my two sisters. Some day M left with ES because they wanted to go to Czechia. At the next day, they came back with D2. D2 was sold them out of the trunk of a car. A thin little dog, no papers. Now my mum had a new dog, after ES didn’t care after two weeks. It was a hart change for my family, ‘cause we only had big dogs before. Not long, and D1 made D2 pregnant. Three adorable puppies and we kept one of it. This one was mine. ES wanted this dog hardly but I said no. She even tried to steal him.
Things got heated up at home and so M just concentrated on work, and was literally only at home to eat and sleep. Her oldest daughter being an entitled brat, she searched for distraction and recognition, and worked hard for a pretty high position. ES is 17 or so now and M got the first burnout, caused of her work and the behaviour of ES. After a year, M just went on as nothing happened. The second bournout came, and that one just wrecked M. Since then, and it was 5 years ago, M is unable to work or even talk to strangers or being just near to them. M had to quit her job, but didn’t get any money. Not from the government, how the most people without work do, neither from her health insurance. Our family went well, we had enough to have a pretty decent live. After the second burnout, that was done immediately. Now we had to rotate every penny and couldn’t even think about vacation while summer breaks.
When ES was 20, she was in love with a 16 year old boy from russia. They had a baby together, my first niece (N1). After one year we had finally enough money to go on vacation. We drove to hungary. I was 11 at the time. Since that vacation my mind and my brain, and how it works changed… forever. I sat with N1 in the living room of the house, we’ve rented, and played something. BF2 (BF1 was actually good, and helped ES behaviour, but they split up after a huge arguing, which resulted, that they assaulted each other (ES started)). He makes as loud as he can and as horrifying “Boo!” and N1 starts to cry. ES stormed in and yelled at me “What the fuck have you done you stupid son of a bitch” (in German “Hurensohn”) without realizing, that she insulted herself with it too. After an hour BF2 said to ES what happened, but she doesn’t apologized for it or anything. This thing hitted me hart. Since then, I never really showed my insultable side. Especially in school I was cold. I literally could kill someone, and it wouldn’t touch me, because ES startet bullying me whenever she could. When she stopped I was an emotional wreck, with splitted personalities, one insults the other. I had multiple nervous breakdowns and thought a lot about suicide and stuff.
At the time, we had been in Hungary, ES didn’t even lived with us anymore. (I won’t mention everytime she moved but it had been around 15 times in 7 years or so)
Short after N1’s second birthday, ES and BF2 split up, ‘cause ES cheated on BF2. And in comes BF3 and BF* number with countless digits* at the same time.
BF3 was the worst of all, but firstly no one expected this. But lastly, he ruined the good reputation of my grandpa and also my grandpas company. BF3 worked for my Grandpa, same did ES. But both showed up, when they wanted to. My grandpa supported a national delivery service, but because he only made red numbers, only made bigger deliveries with trucks. BF3 still worked for him and had a better work attitude now, until he split up with ES for the first time. They got together shortly after and BF3 startet to play with ES. Everything repeated. Insulting, assaulting, splitting up and come back together, just to let the circle begin new. Also ES has depressions. She threatened M, that she would drive against a tree. Because of this I threatened her with a knife, that she give me the keys. I was in full phsycomode and had a nervous breakdown right after it. At the same day, BF3’s brother nearly killed M with his car. He stopped literally millimeters in front of her. Since then BF3 wasn’t allowed near me or M, when I was with her, and especially not his brother. At the time, ES had N2 with BF3.
Since ES had no dog for circa 5 years now, she wanted a dog. 14 year old me said shure, I will lend you thousand Euro for a dog, with everything that belongs to it. But you have to pay 3% interest per month. She said shure, and we made a contract. Guess what, I haven't seen my money since now and she sold the dog, which costet 500€ for a 50€ tatto coupon, which never arrived. Now and than ES is lending money at my great granny, because my grandparents and my parents and I are broke, because of her. She moves at least two times a year and demands, that everyone helps her ( https://de.reddit.com/AmItheAsshole/comments/cbo57j/aita_for_not_want_to_help_my_sis_moving/ ). When my grandparents bought something for N1 and N1 doesn't want it, I ask them, if I could have it. (That are mostly chocolate-hazelnut-drinks(if you know the brand “Monte”, you know what I mean)) When I want to drink them, ES snatches them out of my hand and say something like “OP you don’t deserve it, your grades are to bad, and I’m the mother of N1 so I deserve it most, if N1 don’t want it” (N1 lives at my grandmas house and N2 lives with me and my parents, none of them is living with her, and she only takes them, if she have to look good in front of her friends)
ES’ bad and entitled behavior destroyed me mentally. Im unable to remember things, I’m stressed, all the time, I’m near her and take every mistake I make very serious. I’m often not able to understand sarcasm and I’m unable, with dealing with some situations. I’m not really able to work with people face to face and I was three years long addicted to gaming electronic. (Like Wii/PS3/Laptop/Gameboy Color (yes we still have one in Pokemon yellow edition)/Nintendo DS and so on)
I’m unable to deal with lies. I’m unable to trust people, because ES ruined that trust I gave her.
TL;DR: My entitled sister ruins my life and the life of my family just because she wants everything and everyone should do, what she want.
Edit: Btw. N1 is still saying to me sometimes "Bad OP" and sometimes cannot stand me, because ES told her shit About me firstly.
submitted by TorteVonSchlacht to EntitledPeople [link] [comments]

Is using Tor browser illegal in Germany? I have never used or seen someone using it I am just very curious about what's going on in the deep web. I won't buy, sell, down- or upload anything I just want to have a look around.

submitted by mrbabastone to TOR [link] [comments]

03-16 07:25 - 'Best of luck with that situation, I hope the police can help you with that, it sure is illegal. / For the future: / 1. Call 110, say whats up and ask for a Schlüsseldienst they can recommend in the area. In most cases, they...' by /u/jixxor removed from /r/germany within 2422-2432min

Best of luck with that situation, I hope the police can help you with that, it sure is illegal.
For the future:
  1. Call 110, say whats up and ask for a Schlüsseldienst they can recommend in the area. In most cases, they have 2 or 3 they know are trustworthy.
  2. When calling the Schlüsseldienst, say up-front that you ask for an invoice. No handwritten bullshit, printed.
  3. In case the guy wants more money and you feel intimidated, call the police. Better safe than sorry.
[I just found this within a quick search. They warn about both rohrblitz.de and schlossauf.de]1
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Author: jixxor
1: b**c**i*t-sch*a*zelis**.de/roh**litz-.-de.*tml
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"They come here illegally, the don't assimilate, and they turn communities into mini-Mexico. It truly is no different from what is happening in Germany, Sweden, France and other parts of Europe with the refugees."[+60]

submitted by Aw_Man_A_Srster to ShitRedditSays [link] [comments]

ONLINE MAGAZINE: What you see here is not a cattle drive in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Only hundreds of invaders storm the Spanish border in #Melilla (Spanish exclave with border to Morocco) to come as illegal migrants to Europe. (VIDEO)

ONLINE MAGAZINE: What you see here is not a cattle drive in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Only hundreds of invaders storm the Spanish border in #Melilla (Spanish exclave with border to Morocco) to come as illegal migrants to Europe. (VIDEO) submitted by Earth_Runs_Red to MAGA_MAGAZINE [link] [comments]

If German police chases me because I own some object which is illegal in Germany and I am exactly on border with Poland where this object is legal, what would happen if I move this object to Poland? Would they come to Poland to still take and destroy illegal object?

Again, assuming the object is illegal in Germany but legal in Poland.
submitted by luna206 to germany [link] [comments]

In Germany my beloved Mini Grip is actually illegal, so I carry this Enzo. What is your fave slip joint?

In Germany my beloved Mini Grip is actually illegal, so I carry this Enzo. What is your fave slip joint? submitted by dpew82 to knifeclub [link] [comments]

@FaithGoldy: RT @PrisonPlanet: Germany. Illegal immigrant decapitates baby, kills mother. Authorities respond by raiding the home of the man who posted a video of the scene online in an attempt to cover-up the full horror of what happened. Germany is going full authoritarian. https://t.co/pO4mhoxP2a

submitted by thefeedbot to TheTwitterFeed [link] [comments]

@ezralevant: RT @PrisonPlanet: Germany. Illegal immigrant decapitates baby, kills mother. Authorities respond by raiding the home of the man who posted a video of the scene online in an attempt to cover-up the full horror of what happened. Germany is going full authoritarian. https://t.co/pO4mhoxP2a

@ezralevant: RT @PrisonPlanet: Germany. Illegal immigrant decapitates baby, kills mother. Authorities respond by raiding the home of the man who posted a video of the scene online in an attempt to cover-up the full horror of what happened. Germany is going full authoritarian. https://t.co/pO4mhoxP2a submitted by thefeedbot to TheTwitterFeed [link] [comments]

(DW) 5 facts about cannabis laws in Germany | Cannabis is illegal in Germany, but there are exceptions to the rule. DW looks at what's legal and what isn't when it comes to the private consumption of pot — plus, who says it's high time to legalize marijuana?

submitted by Mukhasim to UMukhasimAutoNews [link] [comments]

03-16 17:43 - '[quote] Yeah he mentioned immigration because that's what the problem is, illegals coming in from north Africa/the Middle east, even though neither Germany or Hungary is the closest safe country to these Syria or anyw...' by /u/ValuableJackfruit removed from /r/europe within 95-105min

clearly he means brown people in general
Yeah he mentioned immigration because that's what the problem is, illegals coming in from north Africa/the Middle east, even though neither Germany or Hungary is the closest safe country to these Syria or anywhere else they are coming from. Most of these people coming in are Muslims since these are muslim majority countries. He is not talking about banning work visas for heart surgeons from Zimbabwe. This pedantic game of playing semantics is getting really old, I'm not sure if people like you do this on purpose just to troll or if you are seriously incapable of understanding what people are saying unless they spell it out to you like you are a 5 year old child, but there you go, I just did.
if the speaker is stupid enough not to dog whistle
You mean if the speaker is not retarded enough to use politically correct language out of fear of leftist backlash and autistic screeching from people like you crying about racism 24/7
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Author: ValuableJackfruit
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06-14 18:53 - '1. Thanks for writing at me in various conversations. Glad I am so popular in your mind. 2. Marital rape in the U.S.: no idea what you are talking about. 3. Insulting foreign leaders is still illegal. Law will supposedly be...' by /u/darrdarrx removed from /r/germany within 188-198min

  1. Thanks for writing at me in various conversations. Glad I am so popular in your mind.
  2. Marital rape in the U.S.: no idea what you are talking about.
  3. Insulting foreign leaders is still illegal. Law will supposedly be changed in 2018.
  4. Crazy laws in the United States that aren't enforced? Low energy.
  5. Trump signs executive orders in public, not laws. Good try.
  6. Signing up for a draft that has not happened in the last 40 years is obviously exactly the same as wasting 9-12 months of your life either running around in the desert with jarheads or wiping old peoples' bottoms for terrible pay. Low energy again.
  7. Oh and conversion therapy? We are talking about laws, not random things that people do places. Nice non-sequitur.
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Author: darrdarrx
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History Was Made Today

Today was the single greatest day in the history of the Internet. Not just wallstreetbets and not just Reddit.
The whole Internet.
Sometimes, when you're in the middle of a battle, you forget to take a look around and see what's happening. I don't think everyone here has fully grasped just how close we came to losing today. This thing was over.
We preach diamond hands, but we also saw everything that we've worked so hard for wiped out with the most blatantly illegal manipulation in market history. We couldn't buy. We could only watch as our beloved stock started dropping from the all-time high to a crushing low.
The people won't invest if they can't trust the market. And that's where we were. That's where I, personally, was. I was VERY close to paper handing and selling when we hit $112 (Sorry).
But then...an absolute MIRACLE.
A distress beacon that went out from America's allies to the entire world will be remembered as the single greatest moment in the history of the Internet. You came by the tens of thousands from literally all corners of the globe. And many of these were purchases of only a couple shares of stock. Peanuts.
But together, you absolutely OBLITERATED the opposing force. We watched and could only cheer you on as you stopped the short attack in its tracks and then gained back everything they'd taken from us.
You guys single-handedly reached out to America and said, "We got this."
In case you didn't scroll through this absolutely amazing post, here are just a few of the countries that helped:
(I'm so sorry if I missed anyone - reply with your country and I'll edit to add you!)
You saved us. You saved Americans.
Thank you. We are forever in your debt.
submitted by landmanpgh to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

01-16 22:11 - 'not it isnt, what im trying to tell is we need some secure border patrol against illegal immigrants and basicly divide in western islam europe and the "slavic" one. sweden gonna be 3rd world country soon, germany is also...' by /u/smokindatkirby removed from /r/europe within 10-15min

not it isnt, what im trying to tell is we need some secure border patrol against illegal immigrants and basicly divide in western islam europe and the "slavic" one. sweden gonna be 3rd world country soon, germany is also going that way. im sure true slavic people are against islamisation of europe
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Author: smokindatkirby
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Here's 100 confirmed conspiracies from the last 75 years. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Purpose: To indicate why we have a RIGHT to be skeptical and critical to our governments, corporations and other large institutions.
  1. 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing - FBI closed an investigation into a KKK-organised church bombing in 1963 that killed 4 children, despite knowing the suspects, they refused to share information with police and blocked them from being charged with federal crimes until 1977.
  2. Acteal Massacre - 45 indigenous people who were part of nonviolent anti-government activist groups praying in Mexico are shot by paramilitaries in 1997, with it being revealed in 2020 that the Mexican government was responsible for the massacre.
  3. Albanian Subversion - USA and UK try to overthrow government of Albania using ex-nazis, fascists and anti-communists from 1949 to 1953.
  4. Andre Cools - Belgian socialist politician was shot and killed in 1991, exposing massive corruption in the two major socialist parties of Belgium.
  5. Angolagate - French government secretly buying weapons from Central Europe and selling them to Angola during a civil war in the 1990s in exchange for oil.
  6. Aseveliakseli (Finnish Wikipedia) - CIA funds political parties in Finland throughout the Cold War.
  7. Ballets Roses - Politicians in 1950s France attended ballets by teenage girls that ended in orgies.
  8. Battalion 3-16 - CIA trained army batallion in Honduras responsible for killing and kidnapping political enemies in the 1980s
  9. Belgian stay-behind-network - Belgian deep state possibly linked to neo-nazis and terrorism.
  10. Betty Van Patten - Black Panther Party bookkeeper found murdered in 1974, likely by the Party.
  11. Bleed India with a Thousand Cuts - Pakistan covertly funding terrorism and insurgencies in India to undermine the state.
  12. Bob Denard - French soldier and mercenary who overthrew and attacked multiple African governments during the Cold War. Related to Francafrique.
  13. Bhanwari Devi - Indian midwife who slept with multiple high-ranking politicians killed after trying to blackmail them in 2011.
  14. Cannes and Nice attacks - Rare example of a non-state and non-corporate conspiracy on this list, neo-nazis bombed immigrant hostels in France in 1988 and attempted to frame the French Jewish community in order to provoke a race war between French Jews and French Arabs.
  15. Chicago Seven - Arrest of 8 left-wing political organisers in Chicago following a riot started by police. Trial involved jury tampering, a biased judge, gagging and chaining a defendant, wiretapping and ignoring key witnesses.
  16. Chico Mendes - Brazilian union leader, environmentalist and indigenous rights activists murdered by wealthy landowners in 1986.
  17. CIA activities in Laos - From 1964 to 1973, the CIA dropped 270 million bombs on Laos. Feel free to do the terrifying math on that and calculate bombs dropped per month, week, day and hour. They also got involved in drug trafficking!
  18. Corruption in Mauritius - So bad it needs its own article, covering 27 events since 1979 to 2020 from simple bribery networks to murder of political activists.
  19. Craig Williamson - Spy who carried out terrorist attacks and assassinations for the South African government in the 1980s.
  20. Chuka Massacre - British soldiers killed 20 unarmed civilians, including 1 child, in Kenya in 1953. Military investigation findings are never made public, the government initially denies the massacre and there are massive obstructions of justice.
  21. Coniston Massacre - Australian police and vigilantes kill between 31 and 200 people in a single massacre in 1928. The government attempts to minimise wrongdoing by the police in the eyes of the public.
  22. Daniel Morgan - Private investigator investigating police corruption murdered with an axe in a pub car park in London in 1987.
  23. Daphne Caruana Galizia - Maltese journalist who exposed political and corporate corruption despite being arrested multiple times and threatened with libel, she was eventually killed in a car bombing.
  24. Dikko Affair - Nigeria and Israel tried to kidnap a Nigerian ex-government man in London... in 1984. You gotta admire intelligence agencies for their humour sometimes.
  25. Dioxin Affair - Belgian government covers up contaminated meat and eggs being sold throughout the country.
  26. Dirty Thirty) - At least 35 NYPD cops were involved in drug trafficking until being caught in the 1990s.
  27. Eileen Sarmenta and Allan Gomez - Two Filipino university student murdered and raped by a corrupt mayor in 1993.
  28. Enrico Mattei - powerful Italian civil servant who built the state-run oil industry killed by a plane bombing by an unknown group.
  29. FBI-MLK Suicide Letter - FBI tried to make MLK kill himself in 1964.
  30. FIFA Corruption Case - Senior members of FIFA engaged in fraud and money laundering.
  31. Filiberto Ojeda Rios - FBI agents kill Puerto Rican revolutionary and fugitive in a shootou in 2005. The shootout broke local laws and the FBI used military-grade weapons against a civilian, blocked medical personnel from the area and delayed access for Puerto Rican forensic scientists investigating the crime scene.
  32. Francafrique - System of political, military and financial power that France uses to retain power over former African colonies.
  33. Fred Hampton - Him and another Black Panther Party member were murdered in a raid on his apartment, police lied about what happened during the shootout, claiming they were far more threatened than forensics indicated they were.
  34. French Connection - Massive criminal scheme from the 1940s to the 1970s of transporting opium from Turkey to France, where it was made into heroin and then shipped to the USA. It operated under the protection of the CIA in exchange for the mafia bullying political enemies of the USA in France.
  35. Gerald Bull - Canadian weapons engineer who wanted to make a gun so powerful the Iraqi government could launch things into space. Shot outside his apartment in Belgium in 1990, although officially unsolved, Israel and Iran are the main suspects. Although the USA, UK, Chile, Syria, Iraq and South Africa are all suspects.
  36. Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist - presented without comment
  37. Guns for Antigua - The government of Antigua and Barbuda bought Israeli weapons using US money and secretly gave them to Colombian drug cartels throughout the 1980s.
  38. Gustafen Lake standoff - Standoff between indigenous protesters and Canadian police in 1995, Canadian government leads a smear campaign and plants an IED.
  39. Iguala Mass Kidnapping - Mexican police, working with cartels, kidnap 43 student activists from a teachers college in 2014. They are still missing to this day.
  40. Jackson State Killings - In 1970 police confront a violent (throwing rocks and molotovs) anti-war protest and attack, killing 2 people and injuring 12, including shooting people fleeing. They lied and claimed they were under attack by anti-war snipers. (+ Orangeburg Massacre + Kent State Shootings)
  41. Jan Kuciak - Slovakian journalist and his wife are murdered by hitmen in 2018 hired by a company after he investigated tax evasion by said company.
  42. Jean Seberg - FBI conducts a smear campaign against a Black Panther Party supporter, claiming she was impregnated by a Black Panther Party member, the harassment became so severe the stress led her to miscarry and commit suicide in 1979.
  43. Jeffrey Epstein - you know this one, even if you believe he killed himself he did set up a conspiracy.
  44. Juanita Nielsen - Journalist in Sydney, Australia disappears after investigating and doing activism against the Mafia and police corruption in 1975.
  45. Kafr Qasim Massacre - Israeli Police murder 48 people including 23 children who were returning from work and school since they violated a recently placed curfew of which they were unaware had been created. This was in 1956 and an apology was only given in 2007.
  46. Karel Van Noppen - Government health inspector in Belgium shot in 1995 after exposing law violations in the meat industry.
  47. Kashmir Princess - Plane going from India to Indonesia carrying a notable Chinese politician in 1955. It was blown up by an unknown group, although presumably the KMT. It also failed to kill the politician who missed the flight for medical reasons.
  48. Koki Ishii - Japanese Politician murdered in 2002 after investigating government corruption, embezzlement and tax evasion by major Japanese corporations. He is killed by a Yakuza member in suspicious circumstances, his suitcase had documents removed from it after the murder and his diary went missing.
  49. LaVena Johnson - just a sad story
  50. Lavender Scare - US government decides to fire all gay people working for the government in the 1950s, firing 5,000 people.
  51. List of Apartheid Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, 20 confirmed assassinations.
  52. List of CIA Controversies - so big it needs its own article, covers 15 major controversies.
  53. List of Iranian Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, 10 confirmed assassinations, 10 suspected.
  54. List of Israeli Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, I can't count this one :(
  55. List of Russian Assassinations - so big it needs its own article, 120 assassinations listed.
  56. Mack Charles Backer - Black guy accused of raping a pregnant white woman in 1959 was lynched. Judge refused to give evidence to the FBI nor accept FBI testimony, nobody was arrested despite multiple confessions.
  57. Mafia Capitale - Mafia infriltrates the city government of Rome to embezzle and launder taxpayer money for criminal activities between 1999 and 2014.
  58. Manhattan Project - Conspiracy that nobody thinks is a conspiracy.
  59. Mani Pulite - Massive political corruption scandal in Italy. As many as 5,000 public figures fell under suspicion. At one point, more than half of the members of the Italian Parliament were under indictment, while more than 400 city and town councils were dissolved because of corruption charges. The estimated value of bribes paid annually in the 1980s by Italian and foreign companies bidding for large government contracts reached US$4 billion dollars.
  60. Marc Dutroux - Belgian serial killer and child rapist who was being protected by police. At least 4 witnesses connected to the case were murdered, although 16 others died in ways considered suspicious (suicides and car crashes).
  61. Mauro De Moro - Italian journalist who vanished without a trace in 1970. The 3 main explanations all involve government and corporate conspiracies.
  62. Mehdi Ben Barka - Moroccan politician who was kidnapped by French and Moroccan police and murdered in Paris in 1965.
  63. MLPN - A fake communist party set up by the Dutch government to gain contacts in China.
  64. Mordechai Vanunu - Moroccan-Israeli nuclear technician who exposed details of Israel's nuclear weapons program to the British media in 1986. He was then seduced by a Mossad agent to lure him to Italy and then drugged and kidnapped, then jailed until 2004, and he is now unable to leave the country.
  65. My Lai Massacre - US soldiers murdered hundreds of villagers in Vietnam and raped teenage girls there. The event was covered up for months and soldiers that tried to stop the killing were punished.
  66. Ndola United Nations DC-6 crash - Plane carrying 16 people, notably the UN General-Secretary Dan Hammarskjold explodes mid flight over the Congo in 1961. The Rhodesian government attempted to cover up their involvement.
  67. Niger Uranium Forgeries - Italian government forged documents showing Iraq was buying uranium from Niger in order to develop nuclear weapons. This was used as part of a justification for the US-British invasion.
  68. North Korean Abductions of Japanese People - In the 1970s and 1980s, North Korea abducted multiple Japanese citizens in Japan, including high schoolers.
  69. North Korea's Illicit Activities - Includes manufacture and sale of illegal drugs, the manufacture and sale of counterfeit consumer goods, human trafficking, arms trafficking, wildlife trafficking, counterfeiting currency and terrorism like Korean Air Flight 858.
  70. Nugan Hand Bank - Australian bank that turned out to be a front for weapons dealing, money laundering, drug smuggling and the CIA.
  71. Operation Chaos - CIA spies on left-wing activist groups and the Israeli embassy from 1967 to 1974, eventually having files on 7,200 people. They even purchased a garbage collection company to collect documents that were thrown out by these groups.
  72. Operation Mongoose - CIA sponsored effort to commit terrorist attacks and assassinations against Cuba.
  73. Panama Papers - you remember this
  74. Paris Massacre of 1961 - French police led by an ex-Nazi murdered between 40 and 300 peaceful protesters who wanted the government to stop discrimination against Muslims and to give Algeria independence. The government denied the massacre and censored media around it until 1998.
  75. Pat Finucane - Irish lawyer who brought human rights claims against the British government killed by paramilitaries working with the British secret service
  76. Pat Tillman - Soldier killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire at 10 yards away during no gunfight. Government tried to cover it up.
  77. Ponce Massacre - Peaceful protest by Puerto Ricans for an independent Puerto Rico are met with violence by police, who shoot into the crowd and kill 19 people. Nobody is ever prosecuted or reprimanded for the massacre.
  78. Projekt-26 - Deep state in Switzerland
  79. Qana Massacre - Israeli Military bombs a UN compound sheltering refugees in Lebanon in 1996, killing 106 people and injuring 116 others. Israel attempts to cover up the fact that it intentionally bombed the target.
  80. Ratlines) - The networks fascists and Nazis used to escape a collapsing Nazi Germany, mainly to Latin America.
  81. Robert Boulin - Suspicious death of a French politician in 1979 connected to financial crimes.
  82. Robert Remias - Slovakian police officer who testified against corruption in the government is murdered in a car bomb by members of the mafia and the government.
  83. Roger Rogerson - Australian cop who was linked to drug trafficking and multiple murders.
  84. Role of France in the Rwandan Genocide - pretty messed up.
  85. Sachsensumpf - German case from 2007 potentially exposing child trafficking among high-ranking politicians.
  86. Saddam Hussein - Dictator of Iraq until 2003, responsible for multiple genocide and a pretty shitty guy. But he was friends with the governments of the USA, USSR, France, Italy, Saudi Arabia, both Germanys and the UK.
  87. Sam Giancana - Mafia boss killed in 1975, shortly before he was to testify to the US government about CIA-Mafia collaboration and assassinations.
  88. Saskatoon freezing deaths - Police in Canada arrested indigenous men, drove them into the snowy countries, forced them to strip naked and then left them to freeze to death. They try to delete the Wikipedia article that discusses it between 2012 and 2016.
  89. Scala Case (Spanish Wikipedia) - police dress up as left-wing protesters firebomb a left-wing activist headquarters, killing 4 people in Spain in 1978, they use to as an execute to arrest more left-wingers.
  90. Service de Documentation Extérieure et de Contre-Espionnage - former French spy agency which sold guns to Nigeria, assassinated African leaders and tried to get Quebec to seperate from Canada.
  91. Subprime Mortgage Crisis - you remember this
  92. Sumitomo copper affair - generic price fixing and fraud.
  93. Sursulusk Scandal - Turkish deep state working with terrorists and organised crime.
  94. Tancos Arms Theft - Portuguese military armoury broken into and thousands of guns are stolen by soldiers for unknown purposes.
  95. Thule Air Base Crash - In 1968 a US Air Force B-52 carrying 4 nuclear bombs crashes into an ice sheet in Greenland, with 1 being lost forever. The Danish government knowingly violated its own nuclear-free zone policy in Greenland to appease the US government.
  96. U.S. intelligence involvement with German and Japanese war criminals after World War II - see also, Operation Bloodstone
  97. Vela Incident - Mysterious double flash of light detected in a storm in the Southern Ocean by a satellite. Most likely a joint Israeli-South African nuclear weapons test that the US government tried to help cover up.
  98. Viola Liuzzo - FBI paid informant and agent provocateur in the KKK leads a shooting against a car carrying civil rights activists in 1965, killing a woman. The FBI then smears her in the media claiming (with no evidence) she was only doing it to have sex with black men and was a communist and addicted to heroin.
  99. Volkswagen Emissions scandal - you remember this
  100. WA Inc - Network of bribery discovered between multiple Australian corporations and the government of Western Australia in the 1980s.
I tried to avoid overlap with the popular "Updated Compilation of Confirmed Conspiracy Theories" so stuff like Paperclip, MKUltra, Mockingbird and Bay of Pigs aren't covered.
submitted by Anarcho_Humanist to conspiracy [link] [comments]

OverSimplified's videos on the French Revolution are still completely wrong on everything

This is part II ! Read part I first if you haven't done it already.
Next we get to Louis XVI's trial, and OS is already doing as if Robespierre was the ultimate dictator of France, with him playing chess against Austria and Prussia. Yet at this point he's a mere conventionnel. A popular one, sure, but he is in no way more powerful than any of his 748 co-workers at this point. And he was far from being the only one advocating for Louis' death; maybe he didn't even have the most influential speech in this direction, as that title could be attributed to Saint-Just. 29 errors. This emphasis on Robespierre is completely unjustified : again, he is a mere deputy at this point, and he's part of the opposition at that. What's next ? Ah, OS peddles the idea that Louis' fate was decided by one vote - it was not. There was an absolute majority of just one vote not in favor of death, but in favor of death without conditions - 70 other deputies voted for death with a conditional sentance, making a total majority of 431 for death against 290 for all other options. 30 errors.
Surprisingly, OS says nothing egregiously wrong after that - until he says "so as the Revolution turned increasingly violent and anti-christian" : again this is caricatural as it doesn't take the slightest nuance into account and hammers how horrifically violent the Revolution was - the reality is that it was not violence per se that apalled the conservative, but violence against refractory priests. But let's be lenient for once, because was indeed perceived rabidly anti-clerical, albeit things are always more complex. Still his introduction of the Chouannerie and the Vendée rebellion are approximately correct. But then he confuses the royalist insurrections with the federalist insurrections, the latter being actually republican. In Toulon, it was originally a federalist revolt that was later taken over by royalists; for the other cities and regions in revolts - Marseille, Lyon, Bordeaux and Normandie, all these regions saw federalist insurrections, but as OS doesn't introduce the federalist revolts (to sum it up briefly, a violent reaction of certain departements to the eviction of tne Girondins) them and just paint France in two colors, we're left misguided. 31 errors.
"The republic sent a relatively unknown young captain by the name of Napoléon Bonaparte (of course his face is comically ugly, why do you even ask, it's the French Revolution, all of its protagonists were ugly !) to help stage the siege of the city."
Not really. The Republic sent general Carteaux, and latter Dugommier; Bonaparte was only their subordinate and not the commander-in-chief. 32 errors.
"General Jean-Baptiste Carrier committed brutal atrocities. [...] [He] was later found guily of war crimes."
He was not a general, but a civilian; specifically, a Représentant en Mission, aka an envoy of the Convention whose task is to apply the Convention's laws in the regions. As for him being found guilty of war crimes, that's stricltly impossible since war crimes became a legal charge more than a century afterwards, as conferences, such as the Hague's and Geneva's set up rules for warfare. So this is an anachronism. 34 errors. Otherwise, yeah, the repression in Vendée was indeed gruesome.
Back to Paris, where OS butchers the complete story of the Girondin's expulsion from the Convention. His chain of events is :
the government is increasingly unpopular -> Marat calls for the elimination of the traitors in the Convention and his put on trial -> Robespierre calls to insurrection.
Both the timeline and the facts are thrown in the trash : Marat was indeed tried, but in april, and he was acquitted on the 24th of that month, more than a month before the eviction of the Girondins. Many other events made them unpopular : they had created a commission to investigate the Paris Commune, that they suspected of treason, which logically didn't please the sans-culottes who hold the Commune. They were also holding to their old motto that property and economic liberalism were both sacred, even though food was still very costly and many sans-culottes demanded price fixing. What really lit the fuses though is that on may 25th, feeling that there might be an insurrection, Isnard, the girondin president of the Convention, threatens to have the entire city razed to the ground - really, I'm not making that up. That's exactly like the Brunswick manifesto. That's why Robespierre indeed called for an insurrection a few days later : he feared that a violent purge coming from the right may happen soon, and while it is easy to dismiss it as sheer paranoia, remember that all these men had lived through the Champ-de-Mars massacre, during which two men who were considered as heroes, Lafayette and Bailly (the guy who prononced the Tennis Court Oath first and the National Assembly's first president, it's him you see standing above everyone else in David's painting of the event) odered the National Guard to fire on the crowd. When even supposedly dedicated revolutionaries betray you, it's easy to think that others might do the same. I also want to add that the Girondin were not instantly executed : they were merely placed under house arrest, allowing many to flee Paris for province, where they would spark the federalist revolts I mentioned earlier.
Anyway, one error for all this. 34 errors.
"Robespierre and his radicals would be in almost total control of the government."
Good thing you said almost, because it's not the case. Even in the most dire moments of the French Revolution, the government, or the Committee of Public Safety that more or less acts as a government needs the approval of the Convention to pass any decree. This is no governmental dictatorship. 35 errors.
"In death, he became an even more powerful inspiration for the extreme levels of violence that were about to rip throughout the new republic".
While this is true, OS' heavy insistance about how horrifically violent the Revolution was falls under the paragraphs I've written above about the violence of the Revolution. But indeed, Marat's assassination confirmed the suspicions many had about traitors within their ranks. I want though to heavily insist myself on one point, and OS is going to introduce it for me.
The Reign of Terror. I want to introduce to you a new theory that has emerged at least in french academic research : the idea that the Republic basically became a totally centralised and dictatorial regime officially promoting Terror at this point is... wrong. More on that later. But first let me dump the inaccuracies that OS put in his account : the Committee of Public Safety was established on april 6th 1793, and the Revolutionary Tribunal was established on march 10th 1793; both were established as the Girondins were still firmly sitting in the Convention and government. Now the factual inaccuracies : the CPS (if you allow the abbreviation) was not a dictatorship, and Robespierre was not at its head. It needed the approval of the Convention to pass anything, and it couldn't force his will on all the other committees. Because it was not alone. There was a committee of finances, a committee of public education, a committee of the navy and the colonies, etc. The CPS simply led and coordinated the whole thing.
Internally speaking, its 12 members were strictly equal. Robespierre was not at its head - there was no "head of the committtee" and decisions needed to be approved by the majority of its members. If Robespierre is in the minority, he is powerless. So he was not, I repeat he was NOT a dictator; he has never been more than one of the 12 members of one of the executive branch, albeit the main branch. And he needed, like all the members of the CPS, to be reelected each month to keep his seat. So OS' heavy insistance on what Robespierre wanted is completely off the mark since Robespierre's personal desire don't matter that much.
Now onto the Revolutionary tribunal. Contrary to what OS depicts, and to a popular conception of it, the Revolutionary Tribunal was a real tribunal, not a sham : there were procedures, attorneys, exhibits, and half, half of the people who passed before it were acquitted. In total, that already makes five more errors : we're already at 40.
But now we get onto the interesting part. OS claims that Terror was proclaimed to be the order of the day. What does that mean exactly ? It means that in early september, after hearing of the betrayal of the admirals who gave Toulon to the Coalition forces, a group of sans-culottes entered the Convention and demanded that Terror be the order of the day. And by that, I mean the order of the day of the Convention, the official topic of today's debate in the assembly. And yet... it never happened. Historians such as Jean-Clément Martin dug into the Convention's (rigorously organised) archives and found no trace of the word Terror in the Convention's order of the day on september 5th 1793, nor in any other day of the French Revolution. That's right : there has never been any official reign of Terror. When Terror was indeed applied, it was largely the result of local iniatives that the Convention couldn't control, such as some Representatives in mission's crimes (Fouché in Lyon, Carrier, in Nantes, Barras and Fréron in Toulon), or the results of political moves to eliminate rivals and please the radical part of the public opinion. The conclusion that Martin and others like Michel Biard draw is that far from being a hyper-centralised and bloodthirsty dictatorship, France during the "Terror" was actually in a state of anarchy, to put it bluntly; the decisions the Republic then took in terms of internal traitors hunt ought not to be compared with, say, the USSR, as it is commonly depicted, but to the decisions France took again during WW1, when deserters where being shot, the press' freedom was being suppressed and the opposition parties were forced into a Sacred Union for the sake of maintaining a unified and efficient war effort. This is, according to Martin, and I'm firmly inclined to believe him, a far better comparison than François Furet's old song about the Revolution being the mother of totalitarianism, a theory that is nowadays out of favor. So OS now has 41 errors. To be specific, when the sans-culottes asked for Terror to be the order of the day, Thuriot, President of the Convention, answered "you're right : justice is the order of the day"2. The central government never claimed to rule with Terror during the actual "Reign of Terror"; even Robespierre's famous speech about Virtue and Terror is not enough to prove the contrary, as Robespierre here is simply defining the principles of the Revolutionary Government in times of crisis : remember that he and the rest of the Conventionnels were dedicated republicans who had advocated for more liberty and equality during the days of the Constitutional Monarchy; their hands were forced by a one of the most dire crisis of French history, with civil war and external war in which France was alone and on the verge of collapse, but they were all clearly saying that laws like the suspect laws were exception laws, and that they would be removed once the dust would have settled. Terror was rarely mentioned by those members of the Revolutionary Government, and when it was, it was either to condemn it or to call it a necessary evil. None of these men were "bloodthirsty" : we don't live in a fairy tale with bad guys rubbing their hands and preparing plans to dominate the world. It was after the Terror supposedly ended that the Thermidorians, men such as Fouché and Barras who had defintely ruled with Terror in their proconsulships, absolved themselves of all their crimes by creating this false narrative of an almighty and bloodthirsty Robespierre overseeing mass executions all across France. OS is blindly listening to these sympathetic men when he says :
"Fear had become an official government policy."
This is a myth. Don't get me wrong though : it is neither the actual violence, nor the death toll I'm questioning (though the death toll will always be a complex question), it's the way violence was implemented. 42 errors.
So what does OS have to say about what's coming ?
The usual story of Robespierre being a psychopath who personally oversaw the spying and executions, even though he was neither a dictator, nor even a member of the Committee that actually took charge of the spying : the Committee of General Security, whose president Vadier, hated Robespierre and played a key role in his elimination. 43 errors. Also, the 40 thousands execution OS quote still leaves me skeptical, but as I couldn't find a death toll that was both more precise and more convincing, I'll go with it. I'll be happy to hear a more recent calculation though.
OS then arrives to Marie-Antoinette, and that allows me to jump on another topic : remember that quote from Danton ? "We must be terribe so the people don't have to" ? Well that was the spirit behind the infamous "loi des suspects", the law of suspects, that allowed the government to imprison anyone deemed suspect; if we don't take such decisions, there will be new September massacres : that's the logic behind it. It's a way of institutionalising a practice that would otherwise happen illegally, thus more violently, at the expense of the government's image. It is also to please the sans-culottes that the revolutionary tribunal launched a wave of executions of celebrities now labelled as traitors in october and november 1793 : Marie-Antoinette of course, but also Bailly, the Girondins, former conservative member of the Constituant Assembly such as Barnave, royal princes such as Philippe Egalité, who happened to be the king's cousin and the father of a deserter, and even Louis XV's last mistress, madame du Barry !
The idea behind these trials (those one being indeed show trials, unlike the trials faced by non-celebrities) was to satisfy the radical's demands for harsh punitive measures while also eliminating old enemies, or simply people whose death doesn't cost much to the Convention. They were, to put it bluntly, feeding the popular movement with heads they could afford to chop.
"Robespierre had saved the Revolution through Terror."
Wrong on both accounts. The revolutionary government as a whole managed to save the French republic from collapsing, Robespierre again wasn't alone in the government, nor was he at its head. Just for the anecdote, Furet calculated that the members of the CPS worked between 16 and 18 hours a day. The guys spent gigantic quantities of energy on reorganising the nation's whole war effort for victory. At least, OS somewhat acknowledges that. Still, 45 errors. We arleady adressed the question of Terror.
"Even the french military has got to act together again and pummeled the Allies at the Battle of Fleurus. For Danton and his followers, the time was right to try to normalize the French Republic."
This is probably the most scandalous timeline inaccuracy of te whole videos, since OS presents Danton's demand for clemency as a consequence of the Battle of Fleurus. However, Danton was executed in early April, and Fleurus was won in late June. You see how distorted the chronology is here ? That's seriously an hallucinating inaccuracy, doing ten seconds of actual research would have prevented it. What's even more infuriating is that OS twists the timeline seemingly only because he wants to show Robespierre was a bloodthirsty monster. This passage is one of the worst of the entire videos, OS, tell me, how the hell did you arrived at such a catastrophically inaccurate result ? 46 errors.
So apparently Robespierre alone decided to sent the Dantonists to the guillotine because he wanted the war and the Terror to continue. Robespierre was advocating for a quick end to the war; that's even what led Carnot, fellow member of the CPS partially in charge of the military matters, to actively take part in Thermidor, because Carnot was all for a war of conquest - and plundering I should add. So the war point doesn't stand. I'll repeat it : at this point, peace was not an option, unless France was to surrender to the Coalition. 47 errors. And as we saw, Robespierre was not the almighty dictator OS' seems to think he is : 48 errors.
Now a complex question must be asked. Why were the Dantonists tried (in what was clearly a show trial) and executed ? The popular explanation is that Robespierre was a mad psycho and that he killed them all by sheer sadism or lust for power. An explanation more accurate is the one given by Martin. It is essential to know that before the Indulgents/Dantonists, another group had been elminated : the Exagérés/Hébertistes, who were actually further left than most of the CPS, including Robespierre. These two groups both criticized the government for opposite reasons : the Hébertistes wanted more heads and less churches, and the Dantonists advocated for the abolition of the "exception laws" and the release of all prisoners - while the situation was still dire, because France could not be considered safe from invasion until the victory at Fleurus in late June. Here, it is extremely important to remember that Robespierre was no dictator and that decisions didn't come from him alone. He was indeed in agreement with the rest of the CPS that both groups needed to be eliminated; the most right-wing members of the committee, like Carnot and Barère opposed Hébert's atheism and revolutionary zeal, while the most left-wing, Billaud-Varenne and Collot d'Herbois, opposed Danton's penchant for corruption and leniency. It also didn't helped that Danton refused to disscoiate from fis close friend Fabre d'Eglantine, whose reputation had just been badly marred by the East India Company scandal. Robespierre was not the driving force here, and McPhee even argues that he seems to have been "cajoled" into signing Danton and co's arrest wanrrants. So it was decided that both groups would be eliminated one after the other : first the Hébertistes, and then to reassure the sans-culottes who loved Hébert and might feel betrayed, the Dantonist soon followed. It's as simple as that : the CPS wanted to eliminate two potential rival (or even insurrection callers) from both sides of the political spectrum in order to maintain a central position and please everyone - because again, the government aimed at forming a "Sacred Union" avant la lettre. In this regard, the elimination of the Dantonists can be compared to the Bonnet Rouge trial : in 1918, Clémenceau had a bunch of journalist and politicians advocating for a compromise with Germany arrested, tried and condemned, for the sake of maintaining a "Sacred Union" that would be hell-bent on winning no matter what. The Great War with Indy Neidell had some episodes about that trial.
"Robespierre went "a bit mental"."
Classic old song about Robespierre being a bloodthirsty and almighty psychopath. It's still egregiously wrong, but OS' is still clinging to it, probably because it was more difficult to do actual research than to produce dumb memes. I have already said it, and anybody who has the patience and the willingness to read a good biography of Robespierre, such as Hervé Leuwers' or Peter McPhee's : Robespierre was neither a bloodthirsty psycho nor an almighty tyrant. 49 errors. But what about the Cult of the Suprem Being ? Clearly that was Robespierre creating a crazy cult because he was a megalomaniac madman ! Well, not really. First let's remember one thing : deism, Robespierre's spiritual belief, was vastly widespread in the 18th century. Several american Founding Fathers, such as Jefferson and Thomas Paine (and possibly Washington), as well as several philosophers of the Enlightenment era such as Voltaire and Diderot were deist. To sum it up very briefly, it means believing in a super-human entity from which the universe is originated, but all the dogma and rites of Christianity are swept aside (that's really an oversimplification though). There was no darwinist theory of Evolution, no Plate Tectonics theory, no Big Bang Theory (no, not the series !). So being deist made sense, and it was not Robespierre's personal sect. Now what about the festival ? First, Robespierre presided it... because he was President of the Convention at this moment. That doesn't give him any special powers, and besides the presidency of the Convention changed every three or two weeks. He sure pushed for the thing, but the initiative came from the Committe of public instruction, not from him, and it was NOT, as OS' ridiculously portrays, a cult to Robespierre. This passage is one of the most blatantly and wholly inaccuracte passage of the videos, and yet there is some serious competition, as I think now is pretty clear since we're already at 50 errors !
What exactly was this cult ? It was three things :
- a new civic form of spiritualism that didn't include any rite or clergy, so it was NOT a religion; its goal was to make principles of equality, liberty and fraternity truly sacred.
- an appeal to the still catholic peasantry who can see in this "catholicism with extra steps" and forgive the Republic about the harsh treatment of the refractory clergy.
- a pretext to organize great national festivities to unite the people of France as they had been united by the Fête de la Fédération organized by the Constitutional monarchy on July 14st 1790. What's that ? Ah, yes, OS didn't even mention it back then, even though it was a crucial moment in the history of the French Revolution. 51 Errors.
Then comes Thermidor. This post is getting too long by now, so let's make it quick (or as quick as possible) : as insanely frustrating as it is to admit it, OS' account of Thermidor isn't inaccurate. It's thoroughly lacking, but the channel is called Oversimplified after all. He however really misses what happens after Thermidor. Because Thermidor was not the revenge of the moderates against the extremists : it was mainly a new internal purge inside the Montagne, the left side of the Convention. Not like Danton's and Hébert's elimination, but similar to that of the Girondins : a vague group, the robespierrists, who is partially (only partially, through Robespierre and his allies) in charge of the government, and who is suddenly - and violently (in the 48 following Robespierre's death, more than a hundred people were sent to the guillotine, which is the deadliest moment of the whole period, and it happens AFTER Robespierre's death, so OS' grandiloquent sentence about Robespierre being "the last victim of the moustrous system of Terror he had created" is pure nonsense : 52 errors) by a loose coalition that will soon break away. Indeed, "a more moderate group called the Thermidorian took over the Convention", but it actually took them a few weeks; Billaud-Varenne and Collot d'Herbois, the most radical members of the CPS, will not be forced to resign before early September, a full month after Robespierre died. To sum it up very basically, Thermidor was an internal purge within the Montagne, which left it too weakened to face the increasingly powerful centre-right, especially as the danger of invasion seemed to fade away. Some montagnards will switch sides, such as Fouché and Barras, and other stayed true to their conviction : they were slowly but steadily eliminated between Thermidor and the creation of the Directory. That's why more than a year passes between Thermidor and the Directory. It was not a sudden turning point.
To add insult to injury, this period saw an gigantic black legend appear, as everyone now charged Robespierre (who couldn't defend hismelf anymore) with every crime he could think of to make evryone forget their own crimes. Vadier, president of the Committee of General Security, even had a false seal with a fleur-de-lys fabricated and hidden in Robespierre's room so that Robespierre could be accused of wanting to marry Louis XVI's daughter to become King, as ludicrous as it sounds. Sadly, this black legend is still the popular conception of Robespierre. I'm not saying he was a saint, but damn, posterity has really been unfair with him, more than with anyone else I can think of, and this kind of video is exactly what allows this black legend - this complete myth of a bloodthirsty pyscho dictator that doesn't hold any ground - to still thrive. 52 errors.
"[The Directory had] the purpose of preventing power from falling into the hands of a single individual - again."
For the last time, Robespierre has never been a dictator. I think I made it pretty clear. 55 errors. What actually prompted the thermidorian to adopt such a "careful" constitution was more the fear of seeing monarchy restored through legal means, as royalist were rapidly gaining ground via elections; they won the legislative elections of 1797 and almost restored monarchy. Having five Directors sharing the executive power meant that several sincerely republican directors could nip in the bud any such attempt to restore the monarchy. That's what happened in 1797, during the coup of Fructidor, which led to entire elections being cancelled because people had not voted correctly - which of course spurred a wave of disgust for the Republic in France, understandably so. Ironically, the thermidorian legend succeeded way beyond the thermidorians' expectations, as it ended up tainting the image of the Republic as a whole, which also resulted a decline in republicanism.
[Talking about the crushing of the royalist insurrection of Vendémiaire] "From this moment on, the people of Paris would never again be able to stage a popular uprising and lost their control over the Revolution."
OverSimplified...? Are you even conscious of what is written in your script ? *"*Never again be able to stage a popular uprising" ? Ever heard of the July 1830 and 1848 Revolutions, of the Paris Commune, and all ? Okay, okay, he's only talking of the French Revolution, and it is true that there was no longer any major insurrection in Paris after that, but then, choose the right words, because "never again" means "never again", not "for the next 35 years".
There is then a whole passage about custom relaxing, and it's true that old religiosity lost some of its grip on everyday life. Suicide and divorce for example became more and more common despite being of course completely condemned by the Church. I guess that "It was social anarchy" is some weird and exaggerated way of seeing things, but frankly, after all the avalanche of nonsense that was the previous part, I'm inclined to be lenient towards that.
Surprisingly enough, OS then goes on to describe pretty accurately the last years of the Directory, even though it is of course hugely simplified - at least it's not the sheer inaccuracy we saw earlier.
However, OverSimplified eventually claims to take stock of the French Revoluion as a whole, and boy, this is the grande finale :
"The French Revolution ! Born with great promises of liberty and equality. The commone people dared to challenge an oppressive system that had existed for centuries."
For now, all seems alright.
"Before they knew it, they found liberty sidelined by Terror, equality that possibly didn't hit the mark, and an absolute monarchy replaced with an absolute dictator."
It's tiring by now. We get it, it was violent. But I repeat it : it was NOT exceptionally violent. And what it achieves surpasses what it costed. For all the talks about the revolutionaries being sadistic and bloodthirsty monsters, the guys actually had sane and human programs : the revolutionary government, along with the representatives in mission, even some of the most criminal ones, redistributed the lands of the expelled and executed, sometimes even freely and to the poorest like with Saint-Just's decrees of Ventôse 13th, created taxes directed at the richest ones, rebuilt and reinvigorated the army, not only saving France from invasion but also laying the foundations of Napoléon's Grande Armée, they began implementing free public school as much as they could given the circumstances, before the Directory decided to focus on education for the wealthiest classes, they made the food crisis less severe, they abolished slavery and proclaimed full equality of rights for all citizens, no matter their skin color, on February 4th 1794; the Republic saw France's first elections being held with universal male suffrage, the constitutional monarchy having only accepted census suffrage. While on August 4th 1789 the Constituant assembly had agreed to authorize the peasantry to pay their nobles to get rid of the old feudal dues, in August 1793 the revolutionary government abolished feudalism altogether, without condition. Now of course, not all of this was implemented efficiently : the abolition of slavery for example was impossible to force upon french islands in the Indian ocean who were out of reach, and these measures were often accompanied by a brutal repression. I'm not denying the violence. I'm trying to explain it rather than just patronizingly judge it as the result of dirty savages being bloodthirsty. I'm sick of seeing videos like this that paint the Revolution as little more than a giant bloodbath. It's both egregiously simplistic and reductive, and an inuslt to the generations of historians who worked and are still working to truly understand this incredibly complex event. If you zoom back and include the "respectable" part of the Revolution, going from 1789 to 1792, it is also the final abolition of the three orders and their inequalities, the birth of nationalism, the creation of a modern administration, and in general the creation of a modern France. If the French Revolution is generally considered to be the starting point of a new era, it's not without reasons. 53 errors.
"He (Napoléon) restored the Catholic Church"
For the last time : no, the French Revolution has never abolished the Church. Napoléon didn't "restore" anything, he just gave a new regime for the Church, in the Concordat of 1801. 54 errors.
"and got rid of that crazy calendar."
Laugh all you want a this "crazy calendar"; for many people it had a true sense, and this patronizing attitude does you no credit at all, OS. 55 errors.
And then we have a cliffhanger.
In my final assessment about Oversimplified's videos about the French Revolution, I must conclude that they're neither funny, nor instructive. They manage to be completely wrong on almost every single thing or person they talk about, while indulging in a generally conter-productive, moralizing and patronizing narrative, that doesn't do anything else than strengthening an outdated, ridiculous and completely erroneous vision of the French Revolution. I don't know if it's laziness, ignorance, or even dishonesty, or the three combined that led OverSimplified to produce such bad videos, but what I'm sure of is that with them, he well earned the nickname of OverFalsified. And since, according to seemingly everyone on this sub, his other videos are good, I beg OverSimplified's team to do something, anything to repair the damages, even a simple tweet would be welcome : the first part has 19M views, the second one has 14M. Looking at the comments and like/dislike ratio, one has to admit that what is being told in this videos is blindly believed by a majority. Take a little walk at HistoryMemes and search "French Revolution", "Terror" or "Robespierre": you'll see that this insultingly simplistic take on the French Revolution, that of a mere bloodbath led by a megalomaniac psychopath, is broadly accepted. And this is discouraging to say the least. Thanks, OverSimplified.
And thank you for reading this huge wall of text, I didn't think it would be that long.
Sources :
Nouvelle Histoire de la Révolution Française, Jean-Clément Martin, 2019
La Terreur : Vérités et Légendes, Jean-Clément Martin, 2017
Le Dictionnaire des Révolutionnaires français, Pierre Brasme, 2014
Robespierre, Hervé Leuwers, 2014
Les Sans-Culottes parisiens en l'an II, Albert Soboul, 1958
1: La Terreur : Vérités et Légendes, p. 23
2: La Terreur : Vérités et Légendes, p. 27
submitted by Vaspour_ to badhistory [link] [comments]

Generation War AKA the "German Band of Brothers".

Has anyone seen or heard of the German miniseries Generation War - widely dubbed as the German equivalent to Band of Brothers? (Which is an insult to Band of Brothers. Band of Brothers is absolutely amazing)
Basically it's about five German friends, none of whom are Nazis or show Nazi sympathies. 2 of them are brothers and are German soldiers, a nurse who joins the brothers, a singer and her lover who is a Jewish man, which is odd considering that by the time the series is set, 1941, such relationships were illegal, it's even more odd that (SPOILERS!) the Jewish man is one of only three survivors at the end.
I had a look at the reviews of it and it is very controversial. One the one hand it is praised by the Germans for depiction of warfare and highlighting some of the war crimes of the Wehrmacht. But at the same time it tries to paint the Germans as the victims.
One the one hand it tries to dispute the myth of the Clean Wehrmacht but it also unintentionally creates a false equivalence between the Wehrmacht, the Red Army and the Polish resistance.
However the series has received much more negative reviews in Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States and Israel.
The Polish and the Israeli reviewers in particular have pointed out that the series portrays the Red Army and Polish resistance as rampant Antisemites while significantly downplaying or even omitting antisemitism within the Wehrmacht. (of course antisemitism unfortunately existed in Poland and in the Red Army but not to the extent in the Wehrmacht). The show depicts the Armia Krajowa, an Anti-Nazi resistance group as being rampantly antisemitic, while ignoring the fact that Armia Krajowa had Jewish members and even had a branch set up specifically to save Jews or the fact that Poles consist of one quarter of the Righteous Among the Nations. It also omits the Concentration camps and many other aspects of the Holocaust.
British and American reviewers have also noted the series of promoting falsehoods about Nazi Germany. Laurence Zuckerman, an American reviewer for the British based newspaper The Tablet notes that the presentation of Germans as tolerant and free of anti-Semitism was "wildly out of sync" with what scholars have learned from letters, diaries and other primary sources. Zuckerman really puts it best, he correctly writes that in reality "most ordinary Germans at the time held attitudes of casual racism at the very least, and a strong sense of imperial entitlement over Jews, Slavs and other races deemed racially and culturally inferior. The series tries to draw a distinction between Nazis and everyday Germans that simply did not exist in any broad way. The tagline on the movie's poster – 'What happens when the country you love betrays everything you believe?' – is demonstrably false. Most Germans believed in the Nazi agenda."
Alan Posener a British-German journalist also points out that the film oddly gives a realistic view of the dealings of East Germany but plays down it's depiction of Nazi Germany.
It seems that this show was an attempt to try and reveal the human side of German forces in WWII and uncover the truth of it and show that the Germans were just as much "victims" of the war as the Allies were. But it seems that in actuality it promotes the very same myths that it is trying to reveal. The most serious anti-Semitic crimes depicted are committed by people other than the Germans. Safe to say I will probably give this series a miss!
Downfall does a very good job of highlighting both the realism and brutality of Hitler and his men will also making us connect with these evil people. Downfall makes no attempt to tone down or downplay the crimes of Nazi Germany, but this series seems to undo that. It doesn't matter whether it was intentional or not, this sort of thing is dangerous.
submitted by AngryScotty22 to ShitWehraboosSay [link] [comments]

Donald Trump's effort to pressure Georgia SoS Brad Raffensperger to overturn the election results.

On June 24, David Ralston, the Republican speaker of Georgia's House, said of the expanded use of mail voting:
…[it] will be extremely devastating to Republicans and conservatives in Georgia.
Secretary of state Raffensperger did not agree:
By a wide margin, voters on both sides of the political spectrum agree that sending absentee applications to all active voters was the safest and best thing our office could do to protect our voters at the peak of COVID-19. Some seem to be saying that our office should have ignored the wave of absentee voting that was clearly coming.
The Republicans’ attempt to curb mail voting in the state failed.
Georgia's election went mostly completely fine:
Despite some technical problems, voting in Georgia went smoothly Tuesday — a marked departure from a June primary that required some voters to wait in line for hours to cast their ballots. People lined up outside polling places before they opened at 7 a.m. but the average wait time was short throughout the day, the secretary of state’s office said. “We are having a successful election in Georgia today,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said with roughly five hours of voting still to go.
Raffensperger credited the large numbers of people who voted ahead of Election Day. A record of nearly 2.7 million voters cast their ballots during the state’s three-week early in-person voting period. Another 1.5 million absentee ballots had been received and accepted.
Georgia's Republican senators were not pleased with the outcome, and made a statement (pressured by Trump):
“There have been too many failures in Georgia elections this year and the most recent election has shined a national light on the problems,” Loeffler and Perdue said in a joint statement. “The Secretary of State has failed to deliver honest and transparent elections. He has failed the people of Georgia, and he should step down immediately."
It was noted that these supposed failures had no evidence behind them:
The two Republicans were attempting to energize conservatives upset over Trump’s loss to President-elect Joe Biden, who is on the cusp of becoming the first Democrat to win Georgia since 1992. Biden led Trump by over 12,000 votes Monday evening.
But the criticism flies in the face of comments from other state elections officials and other Republican leaders who say there’s no evidence of wrongdoing.
Hours earlier, a state elections official held a press conference at the Capitol focused on debunking several conspiracy theories alleging missing or mishandled ballots. Raffensperger said he would continue to ensure that the election is fair.
“My job is to follow Georgia law and see to it that all legal votes — and no illegal votes — are counted properly and accurately,” Raffensperger said. “As secretary of state, that is my duty, and I will continue to do my duty. As a Republican, I am concerned about Republicans keeping the U.S. Senate. I recommend that Sens. Loeffler and Perdue start focusing on that.”
This led to a hand recount of all votes:
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday that he has come under increasing pressure in recent days from fellow Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who he said questioned the validity of legally cast absentee ballots, in an effort to reverse President Trump’s narrow loss in the state.
In a wide-ranging interview about the election, Raffensperger expressed exasperation over a string of baseless allegations coming from Trump and his allies about the integrity of the Georgia results, including claims that Dominion Voting Systems, the Colorado-based manufacturer of Georgia’s voting machines, is a “leftist” company with ties to Venezuela that engineered thousands of Trump votes to be left out of the count.
The atmosphere has grown so contentious, Raffensperger said, that he and his wife, Tricia, have received death threats in recent days, including a text to him that read: “You better not botch this recount. Your life depends on it.”
Raffensperger provided more details on this pressuring:
Hours after the Post story appeared, Graham denied that he had sought to pressure Raffensperger to intervene on behalf of Trump. “I’m asking him to explain to me the system,” Graham told reporters. “If you send a mail-in ballot to a county, a single person verifies the signature against what’s in the database. They don’t mail out ballots. You got to actually request one. So they expanded mail-in voting, and how you verify the signature, to me, is the big issue of mail-in voting.” “If you’re going to have mail-in voting, you got to verify the person who signed the envelope is also the person,” Graham added.
But in a second interview with the Wall Street Journal, Raffensperger said Graham had called his office twice on Friday. In the second call, Graham suggested the idea of invalidating all absentee ballots from counties with higher signature errors, the Journal reported. Also on the call was Gabriel Sterling, the official who manages Georgia's voting system. On Tuesday, he confirmed that Graham suggested “entire counties need to be redone” in the state but was told that idea was a nonstarter.
The invective rhetoric intensified:
Mr. Raffensperger also hit back at Representative Doug Collins, who is overseeing Mr. Trump’s efforts in Georgia and who accused the secretary of state of caving in to pressure from Democrats. Mr. Raffensperger called Mr. Collins a “liar” and a “charlatan.”
Trump made widespread attacks on those who claimed there were no issues with the election, including Georgia's SoS.
Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger does not have a brother named Ron who works for a Chinese tech firm, regardless of what the president of the United States says.
In a late-night tweet, President Donald Trump attacked Gov. Brian Kemp and Raffensperger for failing to overturn election results in his favor and claimed that "Brad R's brother works for China." Except, that's not true.
On Dec. 23, GPB News reported on the "Battleground" blog and on social media that Brad and Ron were not related, that Raffensperger had two sisters and no brother in debunking the claims made by the Gateway Pundit and other right-wing media outlets seeking to allege nefarious actions that somehow altered election results.
It is quite obvious that by this point this increasing hostility towards Raffensperger and other election officials would lead to more direct action. And that's exactly what happened.
The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”
Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate. Trump dismissed their arguments.
“The people of Georgia are angry, the people in the country are angry,” he said. “And there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, um, that you’ve recalculated.”
Raffensperger responded: “Well, Mr. President, the challenge that you have is, the data you have is wrong.” At another point, Trump said: “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state.”

During their conversation, Trump issued a vague threat to both Raffensperger and Ryan Germany, the secretary of state’s general counsel, suggesting that if they don’t find that thousands of ballots in Fulton County have been illegally destroyed to block investigators — an allegation for which there is no evidence — they would be subject to criminal liability.
“That’s a criminal offense,” he said. “And you can’t let that happen. That’s a big risk to you and to Ryan, your lawyer.”
The legality of Trump's blatant attempts at manipulation in the call are dubious:
Trump’s conversation with Raffensperger put him in legally questionable territory, legal experts said. By exhorting the secretary of state to “find” votes and to deploy investigators who “want to find answers,” Trump appears to be encouraging him to doctor the election outcome in Georgia.
Here is the full transcript and audio.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D) will seek a motion to censure Trump over the call.
submitted by transfo47 to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

what is illegal in germany video

In Germany, customs police and tax authorities are all involved in uncovering and investigating illegal employment. Their efforts can lead to prosecutions of employers as well as workers. For those who hire illegal migrants, there can be fines of up to €500,000 and, in serious cases, even imprisonment. Illegal drugs, particularly cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and marijuana, remain widely available in Germany. The illegal sale and distribution of these and other drugs often occur near major train stations, public parks, and nightclubs. One thing that all American libertarians, and not only they, absolutely know is that “homeschooling” is illegal in Germany. I think it ties in with notions that European countries are almost ... Cannabis is illegal. Germany's Narcotics Act classifies cannabis as an Appendix III drug: neither too dangerous to market, nor too dangerous to prescribe. LSD and heroin fall, by contrast, under ... Germany. While running out of gas itself is hardly a crime in Germany, stopping on the country’s famous Autobahn for any reason that’s not an emergency is illegal. If you forget to fill up your tank and end up sputtering to a stop on the federally controlled high-speed motorway, be prepared to receive a fine. In Germany it's illegal to deny it ever happened and in Sweden it's illegal to do Sieg Heil (think it is in Germany too but not sure) along with many other different laws in the individual ... Is downloading legal in Germany? Let´s start from the very beginning. German law consider that sharing content protected by copyright is illegal. That means, that you should be careful when using P2P programs such as Emule or Torrent because when we download any content from those online tools we are, at the same time, sharing it with other ... 1) Cycling whilst drunk: Getting caught cycling whilst under the influence of alcohol (blood alcohol level of 1.6 percent or more) has serious implications in Germany. Not only can German ... Irregular migration is a major global challenge. As resources become scarce, migration policy and management assume increasing importance. Illegal entry and residence in Germany are punishable under Section 95 of the Residence Act because they undermine the whole purpose of German residence law, which is to manage immigration while keeping in mind Germany’s economic and labour market needs ... Illegal download of copyrighted material in Germany – What you should know: What am I really guilty of ? German laws concerning file-sharing are pretty strict and clearly condemn any kind of file sharing activity related to copyrighted content.While both download and upload are condemned by law, it’s really in reality the uploading part of the process that will be rewarded with a warning ...

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