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The fundaments of Armenian nationalism, cultural/moral standards, the Armenian Honour Codes and political guidelines of the Armenian Renaissance movement (still a concept, needs to be rewritten and there are a lot of points that need to be added).

Lately the extreme leftist Armenians (usually whitewashed, Westernized or NGO shills) engaged an attempt to rewrite and redefine on what Armenian traditional family life means. This is mostly consisted of cheap misrepresentations and presenting the worst examples as being the main drive of our traditional family life - which actually in reality proves to be more stable, lovely and meaningful than the current Western family life that mostly got deconstructed by the academic, cultural and media influences of Cultural Marxism, harmful parts of capitalism/hypermaterialism/consumerism, feminism and egocentrism/hedonism that replaced any sense of belonging and higher transcendent ethnic goals.
Problem with "liberalism" is that it gives people the illusion of choice while this "choice" is mostly decided by the dominant corporates and globalist powerstructures that give the mass selective ideas of "freedom" (through controlled/conformistic ideas that are pushed by their institutions of education, artificial mass-cultures & media). Most people rather let others think for thems & follow their lusts.Thats why any administration that loves the well being of it's own people needs to have a defense-mechanism against external threats & subversive elements that damage the cultural and religious values of your nation (which are essential for the continuation of your ethnic group). It was evident that Armenians were easy to manipulate in 2018 by the effective Western ideologic imperialism and didnt understand the socio-cultural harmful parts of "liberalism" (especially for a country like Armenia that can't afford to be weakened and fragmentized).Western "liberalism" also gives room for other influential parties to spread degeneracy among your people (this happend to Armenia with all these Soros lackeys infiltrating in our government). We cant let the current globalist օտարամոլ traitors of Nikols party rule us any longer. You can also clearly see the negative results of "liberalism" in our diasporan communities where many of our young Armenians are alienated from our traditional culture & rather LARP the values & ideologies of white liberals. Many of them have severe identity-crisises due to this & then call your culture "outdated", "bigoted" & "archaic" for the sole reason that it doesnt represent their "progressive" standards. Liberals and fake neo-conservatists are the true colonizers of the modern world, while the most European nationalists just want their own space. There are many examthes in this document on why certain Western liberal doctrines should be rejected in order to protect the moral and cultural well being of your people. Liberal-progressivist Armenians should wake up from their ideologic arrogance and realize that we cant afford to culturally and morally weaken ourselves. The CM methods are meant to deconstruct our essential values and replace them with what the political Western elite wants.
West-Europeans have ruined many unique cultures in the past by Westernizing/Colonizing them and trying to make them behave and think like them. They still try to do the same by using their political and media influences (to reach Ideologic Western Hegemony > their code word for this agenda is Cultural Globalism, political liberalism/progressivism or mass culture). For example: the Brits used Westernized Indish lackeys for their colonial/imperialistic interests by giving them power and the idea that they are superior over other Indians who wished to stay true to their cultural principles (Im sure any there should ring a bell to any Armenian EU-NGO shill reading this). Be an individual for heavens sake, there is no pride in being a tool of foreign group of people who dont care about Armenia or Armenians (its their own idoelogic, political and cultural agenda that has the priority).
Thats why we non-Western PoC that value our traditionalistic cultures need to have a more aggressive tone and approach towards their indoctrination methods (cultural whitewashing/assimilation), so that we dont fall for the same cultural deconstruction proces that happend to many authentic cultures who were assimilated and Westernized by white West-Europeans (you can compare the contemporary Melting Pot tactics to this development). If you’re proud of your traditionalistic culture say it out loud! You will not conquer us ideologically, culturally or spiritually (by spreading your void, liberalism and nihilism) and we will stay true to ourselves even if it means literally fighting you! Dont trust white liberals, they are just as arrogant like their ancestors who thought that you’re a savage if you didnt submit to their “progressivism”.
The Rebirth of the Armenian Soul in the Modern Era : The Struggle For Survival of The Armenian Diaspora.
The imprortance of a New Cultural Awakening and a Revolution against Cultural assimilation and ideologic liberal colonialism.
The fundaments of Armenian nationalism, cultural standards, the Armenian Honour Codes and political guidelines of the Armenian Renaissance movement.
  1. Family and community are the cornerstones of the society and the guarantee of having a future for the Armenians. Starting a family and having as many children as possible must be encouraged at all time and by any means. This also implies not giving postmodern Western anti-family values any space in Armenia or in our diaspora.
  2. Armenian nationalism should be the default mindset of any nation loving Armenian who prioritizes the well being of his/her people. Protecting our own interests and countering globalists or Panturkic powerstructures is an essential part of maintaining this mindset.
  3. Respecting our Armenian church that ensured the existence of the Armenian identity during the periods of Islamic and Soviet occupation. Christian values are also vital for having a morally balanced society and Armenian Apostolic Church is the main institution to project these values into our people. Every Armenian family is obliged to teach their children proper theology, Church history, teachings of our Church fathers (not seculahumanistic drivel of the current Western churches) and giving the same responsibility to pass this on to the next generation.
  4. (Diaspora): Permanent repatriation should be the goal of all Armenians who live in the diaspora. There is no long term future for the Armenian diaspora since cultural detoriation, Westernization (mass-culture) and mixed-marriages intensify the assimilation process.
  5. (Diaspora): being able to speak, read and write in Armenian is an important part of what makes us Armenian and what makes possible to pass down our cultural identity to the next generation. Speak Armenian at home and with your Armenian friends, there are no excuses of not knowing your own language when we live in the age of accesible information overload. The Armenian soul lives through the breath of our language.
  6. (Diaspora): Our history (see lost diasporas) and many researches already proved that mixed-marriages result into higher rates of assimilation for the upcoming generation (its basically game over when your half-Armenian child also marries a non-Armenian). By knowing this we should teach our children to focus on trying to find an Armenian partner and try to avoid dating otars (this will make it harder for your future children to grow up Armenian (identity crisis). This does not mean that we should exclude half-Armenians (its not their fault that they are half), in contrary: we should encourage them to adapt the same protectionistic mentality and to marry with an Armenian. We cant afford to lose even more Armenians to assimilation since we are less than 8 million in the world (this would have been different if we had 20+ million Armenians around the world). Its important to recover from the Armenian Genocide by increasing our population. Note: this is not relevant for Armenia itself since the mixed Armenians will be overwhelmengly influenced by the dominant Armenian culture and will stay Armenian.
  7. Ensuring a more interactive connection/relation/institutions between Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora (as a means for repatriation or cultural preservation).
  8. Installing diaspora governments that are situated in Russia, USA, France and Middle-East (as a part of guideline 7).
  9. Every Armenian should aspire to have a higher understanding of our history, ethno-genetics, literature, poetry, language, music, traditional/cultural values, dance, customs and spiritualism. Its important to also facilitate this knowledge/insights to your children.
  10. The Western liberal order and its mass-culture bring new challenges in preserverving our culture in the diaspora and in Armenia itself. Armenians must be aware of this ideologic warfare and not replace our values with the ones that go against our own principles and cultural standards. You're not only Armenian by name but also need to be Armenian in your soul, mind, behaviour and lifestyle (by being wise, mentally strong and intelligent enough to recognize Western postmodern poison and protect whats ours - this should also apply to Armenian socialists that reject imperialism and Western neo-colonialism). What use does it have to call yourself an Armenian when you have culturally more similarities with foreign nations? (Becoming more enveloped in and identified with the Western contemporary culture/mindset) Being raised and surrounded by primary Western culture and influences is not an excuse to degrade and feel more superior over the culture/mindset which the majority of our people from our actual homeland cherrish and respect (refind your roots instead of trying to change it for your own comfort or cope for your identity crisis).
No matter what these deconstructionist/Globalist pseudo-intellectual "educated" subversives say, what an Armenian is does depend on essential collective factors (they are interlinked):
  1. Genetics
  2. Cultural identity
  3. Language
  4. Religious identity
  5. Traditional values
  1. The nuclear monogamous hetrenormative family structure remains the standard (by opposing the Capitalistic Trojan Horse of Neo-Feminism ).
  2. Traditional gender norms in the family that generate harmony, healthy relationships and order.
  3. Wholesome protectionistic masculinity.
  4. Virtueous nurturing femininity.
  5. Men have the obligation to take care of their community, be responsible for its people, protect the honour of its women, raise their sons in way that they can take over this responsibility and act as strong moral guidelines.
  6. Having higher standards of sexual morals that is needed to keep the worth of love and intimacy in balance. Not losing the worth of intimacy by normalizing meaningless soulless HookUp and Tindr culture in your community - sexual "liberation" degeneracy (Essentialism)
  7. Respect and decency against older people and our parents.
  8. Egocentrism, selfishness and having cold relationships are not appreciated within the family.
  9. Honour, dignity, sacredness, class & nobleness are concepts that we have the responsibility to keep them alive (see point ... for more explanation).
  10. We don’t hypersexualize our culture or sexually objectify our women (at least not our decent women who dont want to oversexualize themselves and rather keep their class, elegence and dignity).
  11. Honour-codes in the family
  12. Dont let your daughters fall into whoredom and your sons into weak effeminized men or MGTOW lowlives
  13. When we date each other, we have the intention to look at the possibilies of engaging a long term relationship that eventually will lead to marriage and start a family.
  14. We don’t see our women as sexual objects for temporary use but as future mothers and loving wives (unless they present themselves as such).
  15. Reject promiscuity. Valuing your intimacy and not sharing it with everyone is vital for having a healthy marriage & healthy perception of what love is. There is a good reason why promiscuity causes so much misery in the more Western liberal countries (higher divorces, teen pregnancies & degeneracy). Teaching your children that unfiltered "sexual revolution" does have negative consequences on their mental state & commitment is one of the essentials to prevent this damage. They will only accept partners who have serious intentions with them (not solely for their temporary pleasure). This is the an important obligation that parents have towards their children. You need to give your daughters wise directions on how to be modest, elegant and most important of all: to be a woman that has dignity. This will reduce the chances of attracting the "wrong crowd". You need to teach your sons to protect their women, be responsible, be respectable towards women who also respect themselves and focus on finding and recognzing women that are suited for marriage.
  16. Even before marrying, we make sure to involve our parents and create a stronger bond so our families can unite with each other (collectivism > individualism).
  17. After the marriage the other family members are still involved to assist and support you with matters like raising up children, relationship issues or maybe help you out from certain financial problems. We always look for each other.
  18. During the marriage there are clear roles and functions that the husband and wife NATURALLY are taking on them.
  19. Upholding the sanctity of marriage between husband and wife.
  20. Husband: keeps the peace at home, loves his wife and makes her feel the queen of the castle. Loves his wife unconditionally and does everything to fulfil her demands, makes his wife confident and lets her feel special, provides for the needs of his wife and kids, takes important decisions, sets out the essential moral values of the family, is a natural leader that radiates dominance without even forcefully demanding authority. Protects his daughter from intruders who have bad intentions with her (also teaches her how to recognize wrong men and how to bond with men in a more healthy way) - she also needs to understand the concept of the worth of intimacy and selfrespect. Explains to his son what being a man is, the concept of honour and how to take responsibility for his own actions + teach him how to recognize girls who are suited for marriage.
  21. Wife: she is the safe haven of the home and very caring for the whole family. She decides how the house is run, takes care of the household, is the architect of the appearance of the house and makes sure everyone is loved at home. She supports her husband to become more successful and gives him confidence and hope, loves him UNCONDITIONALLY even when he gets struck by misfortune, always doing effort to look good for her husband. Her traits are soft, elegent, classy and she cares the pride of the family with her. The mother must be like a second girlfriend to her daughter and teach her everything what it means to be a good loving wife and protects her from the filth of the outside world (oversexualization, degeneracy, wrong men, harmful subcultures). Also every other aspects of giving them the Christian and Armenian heritage that I described in the sections ...
  22. Active ivolvement of other family members. “To each his own” is a postmodern selfish individualism that diminishes any warm bonds between the family members (cold approach).
  23. Keeping our tradition of valuing and respecting erudition, intelligence, talent, excellence, high education, ancient wisdom and creativity by not being taken away by Western Mass Culture, consumerism-materialism and their shallow decadent entertainment industry that lowers and dumbs down the collective quality of our people (brain drain).
  24. The militarization of our minds and bodies
  25. Rejection of decadentism, hedonism, nihilism and cosmopolitan worldview (duty before pleasure) - having a connection to our homeland and culture rather than identifying with an abstract cosmopolitan feeling of “universalism” or "Global Citizen" (which is a vague artificial Western concept) or worshipping the corporate pushed Western mass-culture (entertainment industry, liberal order and other institutions of social-engineering).
  26. Ethnocentrism
  27. Allegiance to the foreign country first is out of the question (supporting/working for foreign powers that go against our interests)
  28. Understanding the fragile position of Armenia and Armenians in the diaspora by not promoting Western liberal values like pacifism, cultural-moral relativism, anti-patriotism and egotistic fake "individualism" which weakens the fundaments, unity, ethno-cultural identity and the urge to fight for the cause of our people
  29. Defensive Nationalistic mindset and having Historic Realism above Political Correctness if it comes to our enemies (reject all notions of the deluded illusions of "co-existence).
39.The transcendent understanding of our Tribal (pagan), Tseghakron and Christian Spiritualism
  1. Rejection of normalizing and facilitating sins that go against our religion or common cultural moral standards
  2. pornikutsjun
  3. gomikutsjun
  4. alcoholism
  5. drug addiction
  6. cheating
  7. see 7 deadly sins
  8. Healthy dose of “social-control” (keeping each other sharp and on check).
  9. The current Western notions of secularism and "humanism" are counterproductive for the interests of the Armenian people.
  10. Rejection of the progressive religion, 3th wave feminism and the goal of moral/cultural deconstruction to reach their idealistic standards of utopian egalitarianism.
  11. Completely reject the actions of Armenians who degrade themselves sexually but still use the Armenian label, which they have no right to, to advance their evil intentions (ex. lowlife hook-up culture that is spreaded by the likes of Kim Whoredashian trend, materialistic/shallow “Kukla” lifestyle and neo-feminist degeneracy)
  12. Completely reject the throwing down the name of Armenians via cultural, historical, and other means of harassment (attempts of liberalization, whitewashing and Westernization of our ethnic-cultural identity)
  1. Prioritizing the position of the Church and our faith with the use of education, media and public Church activities.
  2. Oppose any form of LGBT-propaganda, anti-family feminism or other ideologic imperialistic movements that are instigated from the West - the true inentions rely behind geo-political hegemonie and dominance in our region (stop being naive and understand the intentions behind the Western NGO infiltration of our government and other public institutions).
  3. Abortions must be more restricted in order to stop the decrease of the Armenian population.
  4. Not allowing any mass-immigration from nations that are not compatible with our ethno-cultural identity (repat of Armenians must be the top priority).
  5. Ban online porn websites in Armenia.
  6. Increase the punishment of prostitution (also for the visitors).
  7. Restrict the requirement for casino permits.
  8. Increase the punishment for the distribution of drugs.
  9. Free speech will only be restricted in cases of physical threats
  10. Aspire for higher standards of aesthetics & beauty in the fields of art, theater and architecture
  11. Improve the Labour Laws and working conditions of the least paid workers (ARF Socialism)
  12. The public schools do not promote or push demoralizing and deconstructive harmful doctrines of Cultural Marxism and other ideologies (see points ...) that go against our Armenian interests.
  13. The Armenian public tv/media do not broadcast and facilitate degeneracy and demoralization.
  14. Not allowing hormone therapy on children to turn them transgender
  15. Localism above Globalism if it comes to fragile markts/branches/sectors (putting some restrictions on hostile/predatory multinationals)
  16. Prohibit any Soros linked NGO’s.
  17. Responsible deep ecology/environmentalism.
  18. Improving our own Labour Market instead of importing cheap immigrant workers.
  19. Criticizing mass bio-industry.
  20. Implementing laws that improve transparancy and monitoring banks.
  21. Maintaining good diplomatic relationships with Russia, Iran and China and be more attentive (in a careful way) on Western hegemony in the region (their imperialistic program of ousting Russia in expanse of Armenia).
submitted by NovaSociete to ArmenianRenaissance [link] [comments]

Slotland Casino - no deposit bonus, free spins, promo codes

Slotland Casino - no deposit bonus, free spins, promo codes

Slotland Casino Review & Free Chip Bonuses
Get $38 FREE BONUS (no deposit required) when you register your account with Slotland Casino! This casino is available for players from the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe. Enjoy Provably Fair Gaming with cryptocurrencies!
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About Slotland Casino [REVIEW]

Slotland is a highly experienced and enjoyable online casino that specializes in slots and video poker games. They have been in business since 1998 which is extremely impressive and it is clear that they are offering a superior product at this point in time. This popular online casino is owned by Slotland Entertainment S.A. which is a well-known gaming company that also owns their sister site WinADay.
Not only does Slotland make their own games, but you will never find these unique titles on any other gambling site. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key ingredients that Slotland is made of and try to figure out why it is that they have been successful for so many years.

Reputation of Slotland

Players Not Accepted: BY, CN, CZ, FR, ID, IN, KZ, LT, LV, MY, PT, RU, SK, TR, TW, UA and VN
Even though they have been in operation since 1998, it appears as if Slotland has made its way onto a couple of blacklists across the internet. When we investigated the casino further, we found that this was simply because their progressive jackpot video poker games play like slot games, and their old roulette games were apparently broken in a way that was unfair to players.
With that being said, there are a ton of gamblers who still enjoy their experience with Slotland and they don’t even offer any roulette games anymore. They are licensed and registered by the Government of Anjouan, which we have to admit we have never heard of before today. This might be because the only online casinos that they have licensed are Slotland and their sister casino WinADay.
After more research we found that this small island off of the southeastern corner of Africa has apparently licensed more than 300 offshore banks as well, so we feel that they are a relatively trustworthy entity. In addition to this, they also are responsible for issuing brokerage licenses, finance licenses, and insurance licenses. The only red flag that we can find is that there is zero information available on the internet about complaint and dispute resolutions from their operations.
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Software and Client at Slotland

There is no downloadable software to worry about on Slotland since every game is accessible via web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Once you make an account and make your way to the game library on Slotland you simply need to click on the yellow “Instant Play” button that is underneath each game to give them a whirl. Unfortunately, there is no option to practice these games for free like most other casinos offer.
Before you begin to play these games you will be prompted to decide whether you wish to allow Adobe Flash Player to open the game. If you do not wish to use Adobe Flash Player, some games will allow you to play the HTML version of the game. Playing on the HTML version will not change the games in any way except that the graphics will be much less impressive. We are shocked at how colorful and clear all of the games are when played in Adobe Flash player since it might be some of the best graphics we have ever come across.
It seems as if the best way that Slotland could improve their software is to add in some more games since there are currently only 61 games in total. This is far below the industry standard, but they more than make up for this deficiency with eye-popping graphics and the fact that you can only find these games on Slotland.

Slot Games at Slotland

Slot Providers: Slotland Entertainment (Proprietary) Slot Betting Limits: $0.01 to $8.50
There are a total of 50 slot games available on, which is far less than we expected from a casino that has “Slot” in their name. However, the quality of these games and their graphics is extremely high so we will give them a pass for valuing quality over quantity.
The number of reels that you will find in these slot games ranges from 3-reels to 9-reels. The number of paylines that you will find ranges from 8 paylines to 40 paylines.
Many of these slot games share a progressive jackpot which is also shared with the video poker progressive games. Even the games that are not participating in the progressive jackpot appear to come with a ton of bonus features which keeps the games fun and your potential earnings high. A great example of this would be the Zodiac game which does not have a progressive jackpot but still comes with FOUR bonus features.
We are extremely impressed by the innovative nature of some of these games since some of them do not appear to be your usual average slot game. For example, Slotris incorporates the game of Tetris into their slot and your spins determine the shape of the piece that drops next. Another example is the Slot 21 game which incorporates a blackjack mini-game into the slot game.
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Table Games at Slotland

It is clear that Slotland does not feel that table games are an important part of an online casino since they left them out entirely. Whether they are correct about that or not is undetermined, but they do offer one slot game which has a blackjack mini-game built into it.

Baccarat at Slotland

Sorry, Baccarat fans. You will not find any sort of Baccarat games on Slotland Casino.

Blackjack at Slotland

Types of Blackjack Offered: Slot 21 You will not find any traditional blackjack games at Slotland Casino since they do not appear to be very fond of table games in general. However, one of the slot games named Slot 21 comes with a bonus blackjack game for those who are really itching to test their luck at this popular two-card table game.

Roulette at Slotland

If you are looking for roulette games, you will have to take a spin at another casino since Slotland does not currently offer any.

Video Poker Games at Slotland

Video Poker Games Offered: Jacks or Better, Double Bonus Poker, Aces & Eights, Deuces & Joker Wild, All American, Tens or Better, Joker Wild, Jacks or Better Progressive, Wild Heart, Striking 7’s Video Poker Betting Limits: $0.10 to $25 per hand
Video poker games are clearly the second most popular game that you can find on Slotland and nothing else really comes close. While you will find classic video poker games such as Jacks or Better and Double Bonus Poker, you will also find unique games that are tough to find on other casinos such as Wild Heart or Striking 7’s.
One of the most exciting parts of this collection of video poker games is that some of them come with a progressive jackpot attached to them. For example, Striking 7’s and Jacks or Better Progressive currently share a progressive jackpot of over a quarter of a million dollars which can only be won by hitting a natural royal flush while simultaneously betting the maximum amount of $10 per hand.
However, you should be warned that the odds of winning the jackpot are not the same as the odds of hitting a natural royal flush. Considering the fact that you need a natural royal flush to win the jackpot, this means that the game designers altered the odds to make these video poker jackpot games more like slot games, which is why some review sites have chosen to blacklist Slotland.

Specialty Games at Slotland

Keno 101 is the only game you will find on Slotland which is neither a slot game nor a video poker game. This popular lottery-style game simply requires you to pick what numbers you think will be the winners and also comes with a Quick Pick option which will select random numbers for you. You can bet anywhere from $0.50 to $10 per round.

Live Dealer Games at Slotland

Sorry folks, you won’t find any Live Dealer games in the game library of Slotland. If you can’t live without having a human dealer while you play, you can check out our list of highly recommended brick-and-mortar casinos here.
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Mobile Games at Slotland

There is no mobile app available on Slotland, but you can access the casino through your mobile web browser. All you need to do is download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to your phone, visit and then log into your account to begin playing.
The devices that you can use to access their website include iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and Wii consoles. We have never seen a Wii console as an option for an online casino so we give them props for being so innovative in this area.
As is the standard for mobile versions of online casinos, you will not be able to access every game that you normally would from a computer. In fact, the only type of games that you can play on your mobile device will be slot games. However, you will still be able to redeem any bonuses from your mobile device without any issues.

Welcome Bonus at Slotland

The welcome bonus promotion at Slotland gives new players a chance to claim up to $1,075 in bonus funds over the course of their first TEN deposits. This might seem like a lot of deposits, but the level of investment that is required is relatively low compared to other casinos.
On your first deposit, you will be greeted with a 100% match bonus up to $100, since $100 is the maximum deposit for your first three deposits. On the second and third deposits, you will be granted a 50% match bonus for up to $50 in bonus funds each time. For the seven deposits that follow those, you will be rewarded with a 50% match bonus on a maximum deposit of $250 each time. When all is said and done, you will need to deposit a total of $2,050 to receive a total of $1,075 in bonus funds.
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Other Promotions at Slotland

Once you have already taken advantage of the Welcome Bonus, you might be wondering what else Slotland has in store for you. The rest of their promotions program involves a tiered VIP, a ton of deposit bonuses, a weekly raffle drawing, and a unique newsletter which provides bonuses to its readers.
This is a fairly well-rounded list of bonus promotions, and if you combine that with the low playthrough requirements on every single bonus it is clear that this program is superior to that of most online casinos. We are extremely impressed with the effort that they have put into giving back to their regular players and highly recommend getting involved with as many of these promotions as possible.

VIP Program

The VIP Program on Slotland provides frequent gamblers with a way to win extra match bonuses, a subscription to the VIP newsletter, higher chances in the weekly draws, and special VIP customer service. The three VIP levels that currently exist are Bronze Level, Silver Level, and Gold Level.
Unlike other casino VIP programs, you will not belong to any VIP level when you first sign-up on Slotland. Once you have deposited at least $3,000 they will consider adding you to the Bronze Level, although this is not guaranteed to get you in since they use other unspecified criteria to decide who qualifies. The final level, otherwise known as the Gold Level, will provide you with 15% cash back, a $200 welcome bonus, a 200% match bonus in addition to all the other perks that Bronze Level players receive.
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Newsletter Bonuses

Slotland is smart to realize that most people do not read newsletters that come from online casinos, so they decided to add some incentives to get people to do so. By checking out the monthly newsletter that is posted right on their website, you will be able to find out what the game of the month is and exactly what perks come from playing this game.
Usually, the prizes for this promotion include a match bonus that you can claim twice per day using the code “GOTM” as well as a random cash drawing. For every 100 rounds you play on the game of the month, you will receive a ticket into the random cash drawing where $600 is up for grabs among the four players whose tickets are chosen. Every month these prizes will change and so will the game that you must play to clear the playthrough requirements, so be sure to keep an eye out for any new newsletters that pop up on their site.

Monthly Mystery Bonus

The monthly mystery bonus is another promotion that utilizes the monthly newsletter since the only way to earn this bonus is to play in the mini-slot game that can be found there. The only catch is that you must redeem this bonus during the first seven days of the month in question.
The results of your spins on the mini-slot game will decide which reload bonus will be waiting for you during the following month. The reload bonus that you are given will range anywhere from 30% to 100% for players with a low VIP status while the more experienced VIP players will be rewarded with a bonus that is anywhere from 45% to 150% of their deposit.
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Weekday Bonuses

No matter what weekday it is, there is guaranteed to be a deposit bonus that you can claim as long as you currently do not have any other active bonuses. Each bonus comes with its own wagering requirements and is only valid for specific types of games.
On Mondays, you will receive a 50% match bonus using the bonus code “50MOBILE” and you are only allowed to play slot games on your mobile phone. On Tuesdays, you will receive a 60% match bonus using the bonus code “KENO60” and you must clear this bonus using the game Keno 101. On Wednesdays, the match bonus is set at 75% and you have to clear the bonus using oldies slot games such as Booster, Golden 8, Lucky Ducts, and Lucky Stars. For Thursdays, the match bonus will be 40% if you use the bonus code “VPOKER” which can only be cleared using video poker games. Lastly, Fridays will reward you will a 50% match bonus that can be cleared using any slot game of Keno game.

Weekly Free Draw

For every dollar you deposit during any given week, you will be rewarded with one raffle ticket into the weekly free draw. Each Wednesday, a total of 20 players will be chosen to receive prizes and you will have to check your email to see if you won. The first place prize is an impressive $500 while 2nd through 10th place will receive $100 and 11th through 20th place will receive $10. If you are a winner, you will be required to wager your prize 1x before you can withdraw any of the money.
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Bonus Terms and Conditions at Slotland

Each bonus promotion on Slotland comes with a different playthrough requirement which is specified on the webpage that is dedicated to that specific promotion. These playthrough requirements appear to range anywhere from 1X to 18X, which is EXTREMELY easy compared to other casinos. In fact, this might be the easiest playthrough requirements that we have ever seen since most casinos set their requirements between 30x and 60x. There also appears to be a very lenient timeframe in which you have to complete these requirements since 90 days is more time than most casinos will give you.
However, just like on most other online casinos, not every game will contribute equally towards clearing the playthrough requirements for each bonus. In fact, the only type of game which will count 100% of your wagers are slot games. Keno will contribute 50% of your bets towards the wagering requirements, video poker games will contribute 20%, and roulette games will contribute 1%.
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Customer Support at Slotland

Customer Support Options: Email, Live Chat
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Speaking of email, there are numerous email addresses that you can use to contact them and you will normally receive a response in under an hour which is relatively fast for this method. The email address that you choose to contact will be decided by the issue that you need to speak to them about. For general inquiries, you can contact them at [email protected]. For billing inquiries, you can contact them at [email protected]. Finally, any VIP players will be permitted to contact them at [email protected] which has a quicker response time guaranteed.

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If you are a cryptocurrency enthusiast, then you will truly appreciate the fact that Slotland accepts three different forms of this digital currency. While it is normal to see Bitcoin on the list of deposit options for an online casino these days it is equally abnormal to find sites that accept Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash.
All deposit methods will be completed instantly and free of charge. They also have the exact same minimum and maximum limits. The only real difference between the cryptocurrency methods, e-wallet methods, and the bank card methods is that your bank might charge an international transaction fee of up to 10% if necessary since all transactions are processed in U.S. dollars.
If you plan on taking advantage of any of the deposit bonuses that we listed in the promotions section above, you will need to enter your bonus code BEFORE making a deposit. You can do this by clicking on the “Bonus Code” option on the side menu once you access your account cashier.
Once you are ready to withdraw the funds that are in your Slotland account there is a total of seven methods that you can choose from. Each of the methods that are available to players from the U.S. comes with a minimum withdrawal limit of $100, which is a little high considering the fact that the minimum deposit is $25. Players from other countries will be able to withdraw a minimum of $25 by using Neteller or Skrill.
When you choose Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Cash as your withdrawal option, your transaction will be processed the very next business day. This is much faster than the check or wire transfer withdrawal methods which will take 5-10 days to process and receive. Therefore, we recommend using one of Slotland’s supported cryptocurrencies so that you can take advantage of the high level of efficiency that these three coins offer. On the other hand, players from other countries will be able to take advantage of the 24 to 48-hour processing times of Skrill and Neteller.
In the event that you have a lucky day and win more than $5,000, you will need to make special arrangements to withdraw your money in increments. The best way to do this is to email them at [email protected] and they will work with you to figure out a payment plan.
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Lost in the Sauce: March 8 - 14

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater. House-keeping:
  1. How to read: Since the coronavirus was the one big story last week, I’m going to do away with the “Main Course” division this week - these are all “sides” in the sense that I have a feeling many people missed these developments.
  2. How to support: If you enjoy my work, please consider becoming a patron. I do this to keep track and will never hide behind a paywall, but these projects take a lot of time and effort to create. Even a couple of dollars a month helps. Since someone asked a few weeks ago (thank you!), here's a PayPal option
  3. How to get notifications: If you’d like to be added to my newsletter, use this SIGNUP FORM and you’ll get these recaps in your inbox!
Let’s dig in!
Since the coronavirus was the one big story last week, I’m going to do away with the “Main Course” division this week - these are all “sides” in the sense that I have a feeling many people missed these developments.

Biden-probe subpoena

Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) canceled a planned vote to issue a subpoena in its investigation into Hunter Biden and his work in Ukraine. Johnson informed the committee that instead of subpoenaing former consultant Andrii Telizhenko, he will issue a subpoena to the Democratic public relations firm he worked for: Blue Star Strategies.
Although Johnson said the subpoena vote was canceled to give senators time to “receive additional briefings,” a Ukrainian source (Chief editor of The Odessa Review Vladislav Davidzon) told CNN that the subject of the subpoena, Telizhenko, offered him cash to lobby Republican politicians to speak out against Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts - specifically Ukrainian lawmaker’s attempts to censure two media networks for “broadcasting Russian propaganda.”
In October 2018, the same month that lawmakers voted in favor of a resolution to sanction the two stations, Telizhenko wrote to Davidzon, asking: "Have a question do you or your father have contacts with US Senators? I really need a favour for witch (sic) I can pay up to 5k."
...After expressing concerns about how the new Ukrainian proposals could shut the broadcasters down, Telizhenko then says: “My question is is it possible to get an official comment on a Senators (Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham for example) website next week about this situation of censorship in Ukraine? Really important for me and need fast.”
Ranking member on the committee, Sen. Gary Peters, opposed subpoenaing Telizhenko because he warned that the investigation could be tainted by Russian disinformation. The revelation that Telizhenko has indeed worked for Russian interests seems to substantiate his concerns.

Politicizing intelligence

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence provided its first briefing to Congress since the previous DNI, Joseph Maguire, was fired by Trump for allowing his aide to tell Congress that Russia was acting to boost his re-election chances. The current acting-DNI, Ric Grenell, backed out of briefing Congress himself, reportedly because he did not want to discuss issues that make President Trump angry. Instead, his office was represented by William Evanina, the top counterintelligence official at the ODNI.
The latest briefing provided information contradictory to Maguire’s briefing, confusing and frustrating House members. Grenell’s office told Congress that the Kremlin is not “directly aiding any candidate’s re-election or any other candidates’ election.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer reportedly confronted the ODNI officials, accusing them of politicizing critical intelligence and providing insufficient and contradictory information about Russia’s interference.

Russia ramps up interference

While the Trump administration continues to hide and spin intelligence, the media reports that Russia continues to interfere in the U.S. political system. According to seven current officials, the Kremlin is increasing efforts to inflame racial tensions in America as part of its ongoing operation to influence the November elections.
...Now, Russia is also trying to influence white supremacist groups, the officials said; they gave few details, but one official said federal investigators are examining how at least one neo-Nazi organization with ties to Russia is funded. Other Russian efforts, which American intelligence agencies have tracked, involve simply prodding white nationalists to more aggressively spread hate messages and amplifying their invective. Russian operatives are also trying to push black extremist groups toward violence...
Last week, Facebook and Twitter announced they had discovered a Russian-led network of professional trolls outsourced to operatives in Ghana and Nigeria. The network’s 71 Twitter accounts, 49 Facebook accounts, and 85 Instagram accounts were removed.
“These 71 removed accounts, operating out of Ghana and Nigeria and which we can reliably associate with Russia, attempted to sow discord by engaging in conversations about social issues, like race and civil rights,” said Twitter’s safety team in a statement.
Senate Democrats, including Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, sent a letter requesting that the EU introduce additional sanctions against “Putin’s Chef” Yevgeny Prighozin to deter him and the Kremlin from interfering in elections this year.
“As the presidential election in the United States draws closer, our concerns about foreign interference have intensified...The U.S. and European Union should be unified in facing this common threat and take concrete measures to isolate this malign actor and his affiliated firms. This includes sanctions, but also a joint diplomatic approach to urge that countries avoid engaging with Mr. Prigozhin, Wagner and any other organization associated with him."

Purge continues

Acting-DNI Ric Grenell imposed a hiring freeze at the ODNI starting last week, ordering a review of the agency’s personnel and mission:
Some current and former officials said they saw the effort as an attempt to oust intelligence officers who disagreed politically with Mr. Trump. Those officials questioned why Mr. Grenell, in the job temporarily, would undertake a large-scale reorganization, particularly one that previous directors had considered but put aside…Kashyap Patel, an aide in the director’s office who was transferred last month from the White House [and former aide to Representative Devin Nunes], is involved in the review…
The White House is also holding up the nomination of Kathryn Wheelbarger for one of the Pentagon’s top intelligence jobs because she is not considered sufficiently loyal to Trump. Wheelbarger, who has been serving as acting assistant secretary of Defense for international security affairs since November 2018, is nominated to become the deputy undersecretary of Defense for intelligence.
The post that Wheelbarger would fill is one of 21 senior positions at the Pentagon that are empty or filled on a temporary basis, a record high for the Trump administration.
In the middle of a global pandemic, one of the lead response agencies is losing its chief: Mark Green is set to resign from the U.S. Agency for International Development at the end of the month. Green will be replaced by USAID Deputy Administrator Bonnie Glick, a Trump loyalist.

FEC nominee confirmation

Last Tuesday, the Senate held a confirmation hearing for Trump’s nominee to the Federal Election Commission, James “Trey” Trainor. It’s been over two years since Trainor was first nominated to fill the seat left empty by Republican Commissioner Lee Goodman in 2018. Then, last year, the commission’s vice chairman, Matthew Petersen, resigned, leaving only three members in place. The FEC needs a minimum of four members to take actions like investigating campaign finance violations, enforcing rules, and issuing fines.
Trainor is a controversial nominee with a history of advancing partisan gerrymandering and past work for Trump. After the Supreme Court invalidated a key part of the Voting Rights Act, Trainor worked with gerrymandering expert and Republican strategist Thomas Hofeller to successfully implement redistricting maps in Texas that were previously ruled to be discriminatory. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said the following at Tuesday’s hearing:
“He has worked closely with Thomas Hofeller, notorious for masterminding Republican gerrymandering schemes, to redraw maps that significantly disenfranchise minority voters at the local level. Mr. Trainor’s former law firm described him as being ‘intimately involved’ in Texas’s 2003 redistricting, which the Supreme Court deemed in violation of the Voting Rights Act. Mr. Trainor has argued the Voting Rights Act has become a political tool.”
Schumer also quoted Trainor as saying in 2017 that political donations should be anonymous.
“The Republicans have nominated someone who wants to roll back Citizens United, which the overwhelming majority of the American people support, public disclosure of who’s giving,” Schumer said, adding: “It’s amazing.”
Trainor faced pressure to recuse himself from overseeing any campaign finance matters involving Trump, because he served as a legal adviser on Trump’s 2016 campaign team. Ranking Senate Rules and Administration Committee Member Amy Klobuchar pressed Trainor:
“So you’re not going to just recuse yourself from the beginning on a Trump matter?” Klobuchar asked, visibly surprised.
“No, not as a blanket recusal, and I don’t think that there is anyone at the commission currently who has a blanket recusal,” Trainor said. “I think we should all follow the same rules and guidelines.”

Judges finally speak out

U.S District Judge Lynn Adelman, of Wisconsin, published an article in the Harvard Law and Policy Review titled “The Roberts Court's Assault on Democracy.” Adelman takes Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts to task for joining the court’s hard right justices in “undermining American democracy” by “carrying out a sustained assault on the right of poor people and minorities to vote” and “reinforcing the enormous imbalance in wealth and political power that has developed in recent decades.”
He described Roberts' 2005 Senate confirmation testimony as "misleading" and declared that "the Roberts Court has contributed to insuring that the political system in the United States pays little attention to ordinary Americans and responds only to the wishes of a relatively small number of powerful corporations and individuals."
Adelman also attacks President Trump for helping the Republican party continue policies that worsen wealth inequality:
Although he ran as a populist and promised to promote policies that benefited ordinary people, upon taking office Trump almost entirely reversed course. He appointed mostly wealthy far-right Republicans and their supporters to his cabinet and to key positions in his administration… Trump also supported a tax bill that provided big benefits to the country’s largest corporations and wealthiest individuals and virtually nothing to the majority of American taxpayers.
...Because Congressional Republicans depend on a relatively small number of wealthy donors to stay in power, their major public policy goal is to do whatever makes such donors happy.
Last week, another prominent member of the judicial community publicly blasted the Chief Justice: Former Hawaii District Judge for 27 years James Dannenberg submitted his resignation from the Supreme Court Bar to Roberts. In a public letter, Dannenberg criticized Roberts for “allowing the Court to become an ‘errand boy’ for an administration that has little respect for the rule of law.”
“I have been a member of the Supreme Court Bar since 1972, far longer than you have,” Dannenberg’s letter to Roberts begins.
The Court, under your leadership and with your votes, has wantonly flouted established precedent. Your “conservative” majority has cynically undermined basic freedoms by hypocritically weaponizing others… More than a score of decisions during your tenure have overturned established precedents—some more than forty years old– and you voted with the majority in most. There is nothing “conservative” about this trend. This is radical “legal activism” at its worst.
...The only constitutional freedoms ultimately recognized may soon be limited to those useful to wealthy, Republican, White, straight, Christian, and armed males— and the corporations they control. This is wrong. Period. This is not America.
...I no longer have respect for you or your majority, and I have little hope for change. I can’t vote you out of office because you have life tenure, but I can withdraw whatever insignificant support my Bar membership might seem to provide.

Important court rulings

McGahn and border wall
The full bench of the powerful D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals announced on Friday that it will rehear the House’s appeal for Don McGahn’s testimony, vacating the three-judge panel’s previous ruling that judges can’t resolve subpoena disputes between the executive branch and Congress. Arguments are set for April 28.
The same court will also take on the House’s challenge of Trump’s emergency declaration to use over $6 billion of federal funds to fund his southern border wall even though Congress only appropriated $1.375 billion. Trump-appointed judge Trevor McFadden dismissed the House’s initial lawsuit last year.
Mueller’s grand jury
In a 2-1 ruling, a panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that the Justice Department must allow Congress access to secret material collected by Mueller’s grand jury in its Russian interference investigation. Judges Judith Rogers and Thomas Griffith - Clinton and W. Bush appointees, respectively - found that the House’s impeachment investigation is a legal judicial process that exempts Congress from secrecy rules that typically shield grand jury materials. The Appeals Court decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court.
Trump appointee Judge Neomi Rao dissented, saying the House did have legal grounds to ask the court to enforce the subpoena since the impeachment investigation has ended. Rao has taken Trump’s side in virtually every case she’s heard.
it’s hard not to see the trap Rao has built around Congress. Her Mazars opinion claims that Congress has only one path it can use to investigate President Trump. Then, when Congress traveled down the very same path that Rao identified in Mazars, Judge Rao invents a new limit — suggesting that Congress may only get one shot at an impeachment inquiry. Moreover, as Tatel suggests in the Mazars majority opinion, Rao appears to have invented the constitutional limit she placed on congressional investigations out of thin air.
The Atlantic’s David Frum wrote that Rao’s Mazars dissent was “wild talk that would shut down almost all congressional investigations.” Maybe that’s the point — at least as long as Trump is in the White House.
Food stamp cuts
Friday evening, U.S. District Court Judge Beryl Howell issued an injunction preventing the Trump administration from implementing a rule change that would force nearly 700,000 Americans off food stamps.
"Especially now, as a global pandemic poses widespread health risks, guaranteeing that government officials at both the federal and state levels have flexibility to address the nutritional needs of residents and ensure their well-being through programs like SNAP, is essential," Howell wrote.

Trump cases

The Washington Post reported that District Court Judge Lorna Schofield ordered Trump and his three adult children to “search through 15 years of business records for materials that could inform a lawsuit alleging they profited by promoting a marketing scam targeting vulnerable investors.”
Trump is being sued by four people who say they were duped into joining the multilevel marketing company ACN years ago because of his endorsement. The suit characterizes ACN as a pyramid scheme and accuses Trump of having made misleading claims as a paid pitchman prior to his presidency. All four say they suffered financially as a result.
...In this case, unlike in others, he has not asserted presidential immunity as a defense, and his legal team has already turned over a number of documents.
Atlantic City officials announced they will soon be filing an injunction in Superior Court to demolish the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino tower because it is an “imminent hazard.” The city’s mayor, Mary Small, told the press that chunks of the building’s concrete and stucco facade are actively raining onto nearby streets.
“We could have had a fatality,” Small said. “Things will not be tolerated in the city of Atlantic City.”
The crumbling building has been owned by billionaire and Trump-ally Carl Icahn since 2016, though it has been closed since 2014.
Icahn endorsed Trump for president in 2016 and financially supported his campaign. Icahn also served as special economic adviser on financial regulation to Trump briefly in 2017, leaving amid concerns of conflicts of interest. In one of many concerning incidents, it was reported that stock for CVR Energy, in which Icahn has 82% ownership, doubled after President Trump's election, increasing $455 million in value.
  • Don’t miss: Teen models, powerful men and private dinners: when Trump hosted Look of the Year. “In the early 90s, Donald Trump judged the world’s biggest modelling competition - since hit by allegations of abuse… The stories we have heard suggest that Casablancas, and some of the men in his orbit, used the contest to engage in sexual relationships with vulnerable young models. Some of these allegations amount to sexual harassment, abuse or exploitation of teenage girls; others are more accurately described as rape.”

Trump profiting off presidency: Week 164

  • CNN: Hotels, clubs and restaurants owned by Trump or bearing his name have billed various federal agencies and personnel more than $1 million since he became the Republican nominee for president...About half of the documented expenses involve the U.S. Secret Service, which has been charged more than $600,000 by various Trump properties between September 2016 and August 2019.
  • CREW: Taxpayers paid President Trump’s Doonbeg resort $15,144.94 for Secret Service lodging during Vice President Mike Pence’s September 2019 trip to Ireland… We can now say definitively that Pence’s detour not only cost taxpayers extra due to large transportation costs, but also that the bill subsidized one of Trump’s struggling businesses.
  • CREW: On March 7, less than two weeks after President Trump returned from an official visit to India, the business he still owns and profits from made an announcement: it would now ship Trump-branded products to India. This appears to be a clear violation of the Trump family’s pledge of no new foreign business during the Trump presidency, and an invitation for corruption... India is joined on the announcement by Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scotland (which we must note is still technically part of the United Kingdom) and Germany.
  • ProPublica: The Trump Organization paid bribes, through middlemen, to New York City tax assessors to lower its property tax bills for several Manhattan buildings in the 1980s and 1990s, according to five former tax assessors and city employees as well as a former Trump Organization employee. Two of the five city employees said they personally took bribes to lower the assessment on a Trump property; the other three said they had indirect knowledge of the payments.
  • New York Times summarized by HuffPo: President Donald Trump’s campaign manager is quietly channeling money to Eric Trump’s wife, Lara Trump, and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle… The family benefits are linked to a network of politically connected private companies — operating with the support and help of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner — that have charged roughly $75 million since 2017 to the Trump reelection campaign, the Republican National Committee and other Republican clients

States, elections, and environment

  • Ecowatch: A federal judge in Alaska ruled late Wednesday against a Trump administration plan to open 1.8 million acres of America's largest national forest to logging. The Forest Service plan targeted part of the Tongass National Forest on Prince of Wales Island.
  • Press release: The Center for Biological Diversity sued the Trump administration today for failing to decide whether 241 plants and animals across the country — from the Midwest’s golden-winged warbler to Venus flytraps in the Carolinas — should be protected under the Endangered Species Act. The lawsuit, filed in district court in Washington, D.C., is one of the largest ever under the Act and seeks to undo years of illegal inaction by the Trump administration.
  • NYT: A New York man who threatened to kill Representative Ilhan Omar in a hate-filled call to her office was sentenced to a year and a day in prison… Mr. Carlineo admitted to making the threatening call, and described himself as a patriot who loved Mr. Trump and hated “radical Muslims in our government,” according to the criminal complaint.
  • ProPublica: The Republican National Committee has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to contractors closely connected to the organization’s chairwoman, Ronna McDaniel. One contract went to her husband’s insurance company. Two others went to businesses whose executives recently donated to Ronna for Chair, a largely inactive political action committee that McDaniel controls.
  • CNN and NYT: Infowars founder and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested in Texas on a charge of driving while intoxicated… [Also,] The New York State attorney general has issued a cease-and-desist order to Alex Jones, the conservative radio host, alarmed by false claims on his website that his diet supplements and toothpaste could be used to fight the coronavirus.

Immigration news

  • Politico: Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Tuesday he was unaware of any indication from his agency that physical barriers along America’s borders would help halt the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S. — contradicting an assertion President Donald Trump made earlier in the day.
  • The Guardian: Doctors are concerned the spread of coronavirus to the US’s prison-like immigration detention centers is inevitable and will hit a system blighted by overcrowding and medical negligence… Dr Josiah Rich, an epidemiologist at Brown University, said one tool the US government has to prevent the spread of coronavirus is to release some of the 43,990 people in immigration detention, while their legal cases are being processed. People are held in these detention centers for civil immigration violations, not criminal charges, and the government can release them unless they are considered a danger to the community.
  • NPR: The U.S. Supreme Court delivered the Trump administration another win on one of its signature immigration policies on Wednesday, allowing it to continue the controversial "Remain in Mexico" policy across the entire southern border. The policy, officially called the Migrant Protection Protocols, requires asylum seekers to wait in Mexico for their day in U.S. immigration court. That has led to roughly 60,000 migrants getting sent back across the border since MPP was first implemented in January 2019.
  • NPR: Hundreds of asylum-seekers who reach the Texas-Mexico border aren't getting a chance to make their case in U.S. immigration court. Instead, the migrants — mostly women and children — are put on planes to Guatemala and told to ask for asylum in that country.
  • CNN: In explosive audio obtained through the work of a leading human rights group and released by CNN, a Trump administration attorney is heard finally admitting what experts and advocates have been insisting from the start: Remain in Mexico, the administration policy forcing tens of thousands of vulnerable asylum-seekers to wait for their U.S. immigration court dates in Mexico, is in fact dangerous.
    • “I think what I’m hearing from the government is, and I’ll be honest, I don’t like it,” the judge said, according to the audio. “What I’m hearing is, that well everybody has to take that risk and that chance, and you get kidnapped, you get kidnapped, that’s the risk you take for being in Mexico, and wanting to apply for asylum here in the United States … I don’t think it’s humane. But we’re talking about human beings and lives. It’s not a piece of paper in my opinion. And I really don’t like what I just heard.”
  • Washington Post: Pregnant woman dies after falling from border wall, a sign of migrants’ desperation… A year ago, during the height of the family migration surge, the couple probably would have tried to turn themselves in to seek asylum, he said. But an array of new restrictions imposed by the Trump administration is driving border-crossers to take more risks, migrant advocates say.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Ideas for Star Wars Sequel Trilogy REDONE so far

I will do the Sequels REDONE sometime later. Like the Prequels, I am intending to be a script-doctor fixing the stories rather than doing a full rewrite... except for Episode 9. So far, these are my ideas.
I was inspired by Timothy Mably's fix of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker. These two are the best fixes of Disney Star Wars I have ever read.
Episode VII - The Force Awakens:
The Empire has fallen, but decades of anarchy followed. The FIRST ORDER formed by legendary Rebel General Armitage Hux has risen in the New Republic with the promise to rebuild the galaxy.
General Leia Organa leads a brave RESISTANCE. She is desperate to find her brother Luke and gain his help in restoring peace and justice to the galaxy.
Leia has sent her most daring pilot on a secret mission to Tatooine, where an old ally has discovered a clue to Luke's whereabouts....
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi:
The RESISTANCE has evacuated, but Supreme Leader Hux deploys the merciless legions to chase after the brave heroes.
Only General Leia Organa's band of fighters stand against the rising tyranny. They live in hope that Jedi Master Luke Skywalker will return and restore a spark of hope for the galaxy.
As the FIRST ORDER of the New Republic speeds toward the Resistance rendezvous point in the Aquilae system, the fate of the galaxy rests on their escape....
Episode IX - Balance in the Force:
This movie needs to be completely rewritten. The whole premise of this story was wrong. Episode 9 should never have been the plot conclusion that reverses from The Last Jedi and attempts to be a thoughtless fan service finale that ties up the Prequels and the Originals by redoing Avengers Endgame and Return of the Jedi. Episode 9 should have been the thematic conclusion that wraps up the motifs of the Prequels, the Originals, and The Last Jedi.
As the title suggests, this story is about our heroes exploring what the balance in the Force means. The balance is not just killing Palpy again and be done with it. Here are the basic ideas. Let's continue The Last Jedi's message about the power of myth and everyman.
I just read about Trevorrow's script for Ep9, and while I did not like the overall storyline, there were good ideas in there. I have just incorporated some ideas from that version.
The flames of resistance burn brightly! Word of mouth about the heroic act of LUKE SKYWALKER has spread from planet to planet and inspired the galaxy anew.
To suffocate growing unrest, Supreme Leader Hux has silenced all communication between neighboring systems. Defiance is punishable by death.
As the First Order struggles to maintain their systems, Lord KYLO REN rages in search of all records of the Force and anyone associated with it, determined to destroy any threat to his power....
If you have feedback, please write it in the comment.
submitted by onex7805 to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

Cronologia do Covid-19

Boas malta fiz uma cronologia dos eventos nos estados unidos para entender como é que eles estiveram e quis comparar com a nossa. Decidi postar depois de ver este e este posts.
As conclusões não são boas, os media (americanos) dizem mal da inação do Trump mas nós tivemos uma sorte do Carvalho. Se em movimento de pessoas fossemos iguais a outros países os números eram muito piores, que se formos a olhar bem proporcionalmente em casos estamos ao nível dos estados unidos (mas com metade das mortes). A nossa primeira ação foi a meio de março.
(A minha cronologia certamente que não está completa e estou aberto a adicionar ou retirar coisas dadas fontes, Grande parte veio da Lusa/CM/JN outras coisas vieram da cronologia que fiz dos EUA)
31 de dezembro de 2019 Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) revela haver mais de duas dezenas de casos de pneumonia de origem desconhecida detetados na cidade chinesa de Wuhan, província de Hubei.
1 de janeiro de 2020 É encerrado o mercado de peixe e carne de Wuhan que se pensa estar na origem da contaminação, dado que os doentes tinham todos ligação ao local.
4 de janeiro São 44 os casos de doentes com uma pneumonia de origem desconhecida reportados pelas autoridades chinesas.
5 de janeiro A OMS relatou uma "pneumonia de causa desconhecida" em Wuhan, China. A OMS desaconselhou restrições de viagem ou comércio na época.
8 de janeiro O CDC (EUA) emitiu o primeiro alerta público sobre o coronavírus.
9 de janeiro A OMS emitiu uma declaração nomeando a doença como um novo coronavírus em Wuhan. A China publicou os dados genéticos do novo coronavírus.
10 de janeiro É registado o primeiro morto, um homem de 61 anos, frequentador do mercado de Wuhan. Oficialmente há 41 pessoas infetadas na China. As autoridades chinesas identificam o agente causador das pneumonias como um tipo novo de coronavírus, que foi isolado em sete doentes.
13 de janeiro Primeiro caso confirmado fora da China, na Tailândia.
14 de janeiro A OMS disse que não encontrou provas de transmissão de pessoa para pessoa.
O chefe da Comissão Nacional de Saúde da China, Ma Xiaowei, forneceu confidencialmente uma avaliação “sombria” da situação para as principais autoridades de saúde chinesas. O memorando relacionado afirmava que "a transmissão de humano para humano é possível". Uma investigação da AP News indicou que a denúncia de um caso na Tailândia levou à reunião, bem como o risco de se espalhar com o aumento das viagens durante o Ano Novo Chinês e várias considerações políticas. No entanto, o público chinês não é avisado até 20 de janeiro.
15 de janeiro Primeiro caso reportado no Japão do novo coronavírus, entretanto designado como 2019-nCoV. Primeira declaração das autoridades portuguesas sobre o novo coronavírus. A diretora-geral da Saúde estima, com base nas informações provenientes da China, que o surto estará contido e que uma eventual propagação em massa não é "uma hipótese no momento a ser equacionada".
20 de janeiro Autoridades confirmam que há transmissão entre seres humanos. (CM reporta isto mas não consigo confirmar em mais fonte nenhuma, a OMS só confirmou a 23 de Janeiro)
O secretário geral do Partido Comunista Chinês, Xi Jinping, e o primeiro-ministro do Conselho de Estado, Li Keqiang, emitem o primeiro aviso público sobre o coronavírus aos cidadãos chineses. Uma investigação da AP News alegou que, de 14 a 20 de janeiro, as autoridades chinesas tomaram medidas confidenciais para mobilizar sua resposta à pandemia, mas não alertaram o público. Alertar o público seis dias antes podia ter evitado "o colapso do sistema médico de Wuhan", segundo um epidemiologista.
21 de janeiro Primeiro caso nos Estados Unidos, num doente em Washington regressado de Wuhan.
22 de janeiro Macau confirma o primeiro caso da doença, numa altura em que há mais de 440 infetados. Começa o isolamento da cidade de Wuhan ao mundo. Autoridades de saúde chinesas cancelam voos e saída de comboios. Portugal anuncia que acionou os dispositivos de saúde pública e tem três hospitais em alerta: São João (Porto), Curry Cabral e Estefânia (ambos Lisboa).
23 de janeiro OMS reúne comité de emergência na Suíça para avaliar se o surto constitui uma emergência de saúde pública internacional. Decide não a decretar. Autoridades chinesas proíbem entradas e saídas numa segunda cidade, Huanggan, a 70 km de Wuhan. As duas cidades têm em conjunto mais de 18 milhões de habitantes. Alguns aeroportos no mundo, como no Dubai, nos Estados Unidos e nalguns países africanos, começam a tomar precauções para lidar com o fluxo de turistas chineses que tiram férias no Ano Novo Lunar, que coincide com o surto.
24 de janeiro Confirmados em França os primeiros dois casos na Europa, ambos importados.
25 de janeiro Pequim suspende as viagens organizadas na China e ao estrangeiro. Austrália anuncia primeiro caso. Hong Kong declara estado de emergência. Primeiro caso suspeito em Portugal, mas as análises revelam que é negativo.
27 de janeiro O Centro Europeu de Controlo das Doenças pede aos estados-membros da União Europeia que adotem "medidas rigorosas e oportunas" para controlo do novo coronavírus.
28 de janeiro Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil é ativado, a pedido de França, para repatriamento dos franceses em Wuhan. Confirmados dois casos, um na Alemanha e outro no Japão, de doentes que não estiveram na China, tendo sido infetados nos seus países por pessoas provenientes de Wuhan.
29 de janeiro Pelo menos 17 portugueses pedem para sair da China, quase todos na região de Wuhan. Finlândia confirma primeiro caso. Rússia encerra fronteira terrestre com a China. Estudo genético confirma que o novo coronavírus terá sido transmitido aos humanos através de um animal selvagem, ainda desconhecido, que foi infetado por morcegos.
30 de janeiro OMS declara surto como caso de emergência de saúde pública internacional, mas opõe-se a restrições de viagens e trocas comerciais.
31 de janeiro Estados Unidos decidem proibir a entrada de estrangeiros que tenham estado na China nos últimos 14 dias e impor quarentena a viajantes de qualquer nacionalidade provenientes da província de Hubei. Ministério da Saúde de Portugal anuncia que vai disponibilizar instalações onde os portugueses provenientes de Wuhan possam ficar em isolamento voluntário.
1 de fevereiro Austrália proíbe entrada no país a não residentes vindos da China.
2 de fevereiro Os 18 portugueses e as duas brasileiras retirados da cidade de Wuhan chegam a Lisboa e ficam em isolamento voluntário por 14 dias. Filipinas anunciam o primeiro caso mortal no país. É a primeira morte fora da China.
3 de fevereiro OMS anuncia que está a trabalhar com a Google para travar informações falsas sobre o novo coronavírus. O chefe da OMS, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declarou que não havia necessidade de medidas que "interferissem desnecessariamente com viagens e comércio internacionais" para parar o coronavírus. Elogiou a resposta chinesa e referiu que a propagação do vírus é "mínima e lenta".
11 de fevereiro OMS decide dar oficialmente o nome de Covid-19 à infeção provocada pelo novo coronavírus.
13 de fevereiro Autoridades chinesas mudam a forma de contabilizar e assumir casos de infeção. Passam a contar não apenas os casos com confirmação laboratorial, mas também os que têm confirmação clínica apoiada por exames radiológicos.
14 de fevereiro Segunda morte confirmada fora da China, no Japão.
15 de fevereiro Um turista chinês de 80 anos morre em França. É a primeira morte registada na Europa - o primeiro europeu a morrer no seu continente acontece a 26 de fevereiro.
16 de fevereiro Terceira morte confirmada fora da China, num turista chinês que visitava França.
19 de fevereiro Dois primeiros casos revelados no Irão. No mesmo dia é anunciado que os dois morreram devido ao Covid-19.
20 de fevereiro Autoridades chinesas voltam a alterar a metodologia da contagem de infetados, uma decisão que se reflete numa descida acentuada no número de novos casos. Coreia do Sul regista a primeira morte. Suíça adia uma cimeira internacional sobre saúde devido à epidemia, na qual estaria presente o diretor-geral da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e ministros da Saúde.
21 de fevereiro Autoridades chinesas anunciam que surto está "sob controlo". Itália regista primeira vítima mortal, um italiano de 78 anos.
22 de fevereiro Irão fecha escolas, universidades e centros educativos em duas cidades. País confirma mais de 40 casos de infeção e oito mortes.
23 de fevereiro Autoridade japonesas confirmam que um português, Adriano Maranhão, canalizador no navio Diamond Princess, atracado no porto de Yokohama, deu teste positivo ao vírus da infeção Covid-19. Presidente da China, Xi Jiping, admite que o surto é a mais grave emergência de saúde no país desde a fundação do regime comunista, em 1949. Autoridades italianas ordenam suspensão dos festejos do Carnaval de Veneza. Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) considera que epidemia coloca em risco a recuperação económica mundial e manifesta disponibilidade para ajudar financeiramente os países mais pobres e vulneráveis.
24 de fevereiro Comissão Europeia anuncia mobilização de 230 milhões de euros para apoiar a luta global contra o Covid-19. Diretor-geral da OMS avisa que o mundo tem de se preparar para uma "eventual pandemia", considerando "muito preocupante" o "aumento repentino" de casos em Itália, Coreia do Sul e Irão.
25 de fevereiro O português infetado a bordo de um navio de cruzeiros atracado no Japão é enviado para um hospital de referência local. O especialista que liderou a equipa da OMS enviada à China afirma que o mundo "simplesmente não está pronto" para enfrentar a epidemia.
26 de fevereiro Primeiro caso de contágio na América do Sul. É no Brasil, um homem de 61 anos, de São Paulo, regressado do norte de Itália. Vários países confirmam igualmente os primeiros casos: Grécia, Finlândia, Macedónia do Norte, Geórgia e Paquistão. OMS revela que o número de novos casos diários confirmados no resto do mundo ultrapassou pela primeira vez os registados na China.
27 de fevereiro Arábia Saudita suspende temporariamente a entrada de peregrinos que visitam a mesquita do profeta Maomé e os lugares sagrados do Islão em Meca e Medina, bem como turistas de países afetados pelo coronavírus. Segundo português hospitalizado no Japão "por indícios relacionados" com o Covid-19, também tripulante do navio de cruzeiros Diamond Princess. A DGS divulga orientações às empresas, aconselhando-as a definir planos de contingência para casos suspeitos entre os trabalhadores que contemplem zonas de isolamento e regras específicas de higiene, e para portos e viajantes via marítima, que define que qualquer caso suspeito validado deve ser isolado e que apenas um elemento da tripulação deve contactar com o passageiro.
28 de fevereiro Primeiro caso confirmado na África subsariana, na Nigéria, depois de terem sido identificadas infeções no norte do continente, no Egito e na Argélia. Suíça proíbe pelo menos até 15 de março qualquer evento público ou privado que reúna mais de mil pessoas. Comissão Europeia solicita aos Estados-membros da UE que avaliem os impactos económicos do novo coronavírus. OMS aumenta para "muito elevado" o nível de ameaça do novo coronavírus. Responsáveis da Feira Internacional de Turismo de Berlim anunciam a suspensão do evento, considerado o maior do mundo, que se deveria realizar entre 4 e 8 de março. Governo português reforça em 20% o stock de medicamentos em todos os hospitais do país, além de estar a preparar um eventual reforço de recursos humanos.
29 de fevereiro Governo francês anuncia cancelamento de "todas as concentrações com mais de 5.000 pessoas" em espaços fechados e alguns eventos no exterior, como a meia-maratona de Paris. Primeira vítima mortal nos Estados Unidos da América.
1 de março Governo das Astúrias confirma primeiro caso de infeção pelo novo coronavírus na região espanhola, o escritor chileno Luis Sepúlveda, que esteve recentemente na Póvoa de Varzim, em Portugal. Macau com perdas históricas nas receitas do jogo em fevereiro, menos 87,8% em relação a igual período de 2019, num mês em que os casinos fecharam por 15 dias devido ao surto de Covid-19. Adriano Maranhão, primeiro português infetado no Japão, tem alta hospitalar.
2 de março Confirmados dois primeiros casos em Portugal Funcionários públicos em teletrabalho ou isolamento profilático sem perda de salário em Portugal, segundo um despacho do Governo. Governo português divulga um despacho a ordenar aos serviços públicos que elaborarem planos de contingência para o surto de Covid-19.
3 de março Primeira morte em Espanha. Itália confirma 79 mortes. Número de infetados em Portugal sobe para quatro. Mais de três mil mortos e de 91 mil infetados em todos os continentes, segundo dados da OMS. Os países mais afetados são China, Coreia do Sul, Irão e Itália. Hospitais São João e Santo António, no Porto, esgotaram capacidade de resposta a casos suspeitos, novas unidades são ativadas Comissão Nacional de Proteção Civil passa a funcionar em permanência, para fazer face ao novo coronavírus. Governo português dá cinco dias às empresas públicas para elaborarem planos de contingência. Reserva Federal dos Estados Unidos (Fed), que gere a política monetária do país, corta em 50 pontos base as taxas de juro, devido ao novo coronavírus. O presidente da Fed, Jerome Powell, considera inevitável que os efeitos do surto alastrem às economias mundiais e alterem o seu normal funcionamento "durante algum tempo". FMI e Banco Mundial anunciam que reuniões de abril, que se realizam anualmente em Washington, vão ser feitas à distância, em "formato virtual".
4 de março Itália, o país europeu mais afetado, fecha todas as escolas e universidades. Tinha então 3,089 infetados e 107 mortos. Número de infetados em Portugal sobre para seis. Em todo o mundo, há registo de mais de 3.100 mortos e de 93.100 infetados em 77 países de cinco continentes. Mais de 290 milhões de jovens sem aulas em todo o mundo, segundo a UNESCO. Os trabalhadores em quarentena em Portugal por determinação de autoridade de saúde vão receber integralmente o rendimento nos primeiros 14 dias, diz despacho do Diário da República. O primeiro-ministro português anuncia linha de crédito para apoio de tesouraria a empresas afetadas pelo impacto económico do surto do novo coronavírus, caso seja necessário, no valor inicial de 100 milhões de euros. Banco Mundial anuncia 12.000 milhões de dólares (cerca de 10.786 milhões de euros) para ajudar os países que enfrentam impactos económicos e de saúde. O setor dos serviços contraiu pela primeira vez na China desde que há registos. FMI diz que crescimento mundial será inferior em 2020 ao de 2019 devido ao impacto da epidemia do novo coronavírus, mas que é "difícil prever quanto". Surto diminuiu exportações mundiais em 50 mil milhões de dólares em fevereiro, segundo uma análise publicada pela Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Comércio e Desenvolvimento. A Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, no Porto, suspende aulas por ter havido contactos com o quinto infetado.
5 de março Portugal com nove casos de infeção. O número de pessoas infetadas em todo o mundo aumenta para 97.510, das quais 3.346 morreram, em 85 países e territórios. A China é o país mais afetado (80.409 casos e 3.012 mortes); seguido pela Coreia do Sul (6.088 casos, 35 mortes), Itália (3.858 casos, 148 mortes) e Irão (3.513 casos, 107 mortes). Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa adiada para 27 a 31 de maio Perdas das companhias aéreas mundiais podem chegar aos 113 mil milhões de dólares (101,1 mil milhões de euros), estima a associação internacional de transporte aéreo (IATA). TAP reduz 1.000 voos em março e abril devido a quebra nas reservas, suspende investimentos e avança com licenças sem vencimento. O Fundo Monetário Internacional disponibiliza 50 mil milhões de dólares (cerca de 46,7 mil milhões de euros) para combater o surto.
6 de março 13 casos infetados em Portugal. Número de casos no mundo ultrapassa os 100 mil, das quais 3.456 morreram, em 92 países e territórios. A China (sem as regiões administrativas de Macau e Hong Kong), o país onde a epidemia foi declarada no final de dezembro, soma 80.552 casos e 3.042 mortes. Preço do barril de Brent cai mais de 6%, para 47 dólares, devido à quebra da procura
7 de março Número de infeções em Portugal sobe para 21 Visitas a hospitais, lares e estabelecimentos prisionais da região Norte suspensas temporariamente. A ministra da Saúde portuguesa, Marta Temido, recomenda também o adiamento de eventos sociais. Uma escola de Idães, em Felgueiras, o Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar (ICBAS), a Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto e o edifício do curso de História da Universidade do Minho foram encerrados por serem instituições relacionadas com casos de pessoas infetadas em Portugal. Governo italiano proíbe as entradas e saídas da Lombardia e de outras 11 províncias próximas para limitar a disseminação do coronavírus, que já causou 233 mortes e 5.061 infetados em todo o país.
8 março Presidente da República Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa decide entrar em quarentena de 14 dias após receber em Belém uma turma de Felgueiras. Mais quatro casos em Portugal, número de infetados sobe para 25. Reino Unido anuncia um aumento de 64 novos casos, elevando-o a um total de 273 casos. Este país regista três mortos. EUA tem 564 infetados, os mortos são 21. Itália confirma 1.492 casos adicionais e 133 mortes. Números totais: 7.375 infetados e 366 mortos. O primeiro-ministro Giuseppe Conte estendeu o bloqueio de quarentena para cobrir toda a região da Lombardia e outras 14 províncias do norte do país. Registado o primeiro morto em África, que ocorre no Egito - um cidadão alemão hospitalizado a 1 de março e depois sofreu insuficiência respiratória causada por pneumonia aguda. DGS encerra escolas e suspende atividades de lazer e culturais nos concelhos de Lousada e Felgueiras por causa do acumular de casos.
9 março Alemanha regista as duas primeiras mortes no país. Infetados aumentam para 1.176. Universidades de Lisboa e Coimbra suspendem todas as aulas presenciais por duas semanas. Itália estende quarentena a todo o país, onde número de mortos atinge 463. Primeiros casos em Chipre significam que todos os países da União Europeia estão atingidos pelo novo coronavírus. Números da Espanha aumentam para 1.231 casos, com 30 mortes. Itália: 9.172 infetados e 463 mortos. França revela que os deputados Guillaume Vuilletet e Sylvie Tolmont estão infetados, havendo cinco deputados da Assembleia com Covid-19. Também foi confirmado que o ministro da Cultura, Franck Riester, havia testado positivo. O número de casos aumentou para 1.412.
10 março Câmara de Lisboa encerra museus, teatros municipais e suspende atividades desportivas em recintos fechados. Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (DGPC) decreta fecho de museus, monumentos e palácios na sua dependência. Governo português suspende voos para todas as regiões de Itália por 14 dias. O primeiro-ministro italiano Conte estende o bloqueio de quarentena a toda a Itália, incluindo restrições de viagens e a proibição de reuniões públicas. Número de infetados sobe para 10.149, número de mortos é já 631. Portugal: 41 infetados
11 março Organização Mundial de Saúde passa a considerar o Covid-19 como uma pandemia, isto é um surto de doença com distribuição geográfica internacional muito alargada e simultânea. Itália anuncia que o jogador da Juventus Daniele Rugani, colega de Ronaldo, testa positivo para Covid-19. Total de infetados em Itália: 12.462. Total de mortos: 827. Portugal: 59 infetados. Turquia anuncia primeiro caso num homem regressado da Europa. Mais de mil médicos disponibilizam-se para reforçar a capacidade de resposta do Serviço Nacional de Saúde.
12 março Portugal decide encerrar todos os estabelecimentos de ensino até ao final das férias da Páscoa a partir de 16 de março, encerramento de discotecas, restrições em restaurantes, centros comerciais, serviços públicos e proibição de desembarque de passageiros de cruzeiros. Portugal tem agora 78 pessoas infetadas e ainda zero mortes relacionadas com Covid-19. Estado de alerta declarado em todo o país, com proteção civil e forças e serviços de segurança em prontidão. Região Autónoma da Madeira suspende atracagem de navios de cruzeiro e impõe medição de temperatura a passageiros nos aeroportos. Governo dos Açores fecha escolas e museus, interdita cinemas e ginásios. Hospital de São João anuncia que uma das primeiras pessoas internadas em Portugal com Covid-19 se curou. Em apenas um dia, Itália regista 2651 novos infetados, elevando o número de doentes com Covid-19 para 15.113. Nas mesmas 24 horas, morreram 189 italianos. O total de mortos em Itália é agora 1.016.
13 março Europa toma o lugar da China como maior epicentro do coronavírus, diz a OMS, numa altura em que o crescimento de casos abranda no país oriental (China tem agora 80.815 infetados e 3.117 mortos) e acelera em Itália e no resto do continente europeu. Portugal: 112 infetados com o Covid-19. 61 países da África, Ásia, Europa, Oriente Médio, América do Norte e América do Sul anunciaram ou implementaram fecho total ou parcial de escolas e universidades. Trinta e nove países fecharam todas as escolas, afetando 421,4 milhões de crianças e jovens. Nesta altura são 11 os países que proíbem a entrada de voos de Portugal (e da Europa): Arábia Saudita, Argentina, El Salvador, EUA, Guatemala, Itália, Jordânia, Kuwait, Nepal, República Checa e Venezuela. Estados Unidos proíbem entrada de voos de passageiros vindos do espaço Schengen na Europa (26 países, incluindo obviamente Portugal) durante 30 dias. Venezuela, país de 32 milhões de habitantes, confirma os dois primeiros casos de infetados: uma pessoa vinda dos EUA e outra de Espanha. O país de Nicolas Maduro também proibiu voos vindos da Europa durante um mês. Eslováquia, Malta e República Checa fecham fronteiras com os países membros da EU. Governo permite a funcionários públicos ficar em casa em regime de teletrabalho sempre que funções o permitam. Madeira suspende voos provenientes da Dinamarca, França, Alemanha, Suíça e Espanha, países de transmissão ativa.
Presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, declara estado de emergência nacional.
UEFA suspende todos os jogos sob a sua égide, incluindo Liga dos Campeões e Liga Europa. República Checa anuncia fecho total de fronteiras a partir de 16 de março.
14 março Número mundial de infetados: 150.054. Total de mortos: 5.617 Portugal: 169 infetados. Nas últimas 24 horas houve 57 novos casos. Não há ainda mortes em Portugal. Ministra da Saúde, Marta Temido, anuncia que Portugal entrou "numa fase de crescimento exponencial da epidemia", com 169 casos confirmados.
Açores e Madeira decidem quarentena obrigatória para todas as pessoas que cheguem às regiões autónomas. Governo de Espanha, onde há mais de 5.700 casos, impõe "medidas drásticas" no âmbito do estado de alerta, proíbe cidadãos de andar na rua, exceto para irem trabalhar, comprar comida ou à farmácia.
15 de março Número de casos em Portugal atinge 245, em todo mundo há quase 160.000 pessoas infetadas e já morreram mais de 6.000.
Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, convoca Conselho de Estado por videoconferência para 18 de março, para discutir a "eventual decisão de decretar o estado de emergência" em Portugal.
Sindicato Independente dos Médicos conta mais de 50 clínicos infetados e mais de 150 em quarentena.
Governo proíbe consumo de bebidas alcoólicas na via pública e eventos com mais de cem pessoas, apelando para que deslocações se limitem ao estritamente necessário.
Autoridade Marítima Nacional interdita atividades desportivas ou de lazer que juntem pessoas nas praias do continente, Madeira e Açores.
16 de março Portugal regista a primeira morte devido ao coronavírus. O número de infetados pelo novo coronavírus sobe para 331. Segundo a Direção-Geral da Saúde, há 2.908 casos suspeitos, dos quais 374 aguardam resultado laboratorial.
Governo português anuncia o controlo de fronteiras terrestres com Espanha, passando a existir nove pontos de passagem e exclusivamente destinados para transporte de mercadorias e trabalhadores que tenham de se deslocar por razões profissionais.
Portugal vai também intensificar o controlo sanitário nos aeroportos.
Macau decreta quarentena obrigatória de 14 dias para quem chegar ao território, com exceção da China continental, Taiwan e Hong Kong.
Assembleia da República dispensa funcionários inseridos em grupos de risco e promove o trabalho à distância e rotatividade.
17 de março O número de infetados sobe para 448.
É anunciado que o SNS foi reforçado com mais 1.800 médicos e 900 enfermeiros e que há 30 profissionais de saúde infetados, 18 dos quais médicos. E é também anunciado o nascimento do primeiro bebé filho de uma mulher infetada. O bebé não foi infetado.
O governo regional da Madeira anuncia o primeiro caso na região.
O município de Ovar fica sujeito a "quarentena geográfica" e o Governo declara o estado de calamidade pública para o concelho, que passa a ter entradas e saídas controladas. A circulação de pessoas nas ruas também é controlada.
António Costa anuncia a suspensão das ligações aéreas de fora e para fora da União Europeia.
A CP reduz em 350 as ligações diárias.
18 de março O Presidente da República decreta o estado de emergência por 15 dias, depois de ouvido o Conselho de Estado e de ter obtido o parecer positivo do Governo e da aprovação do decreto pela Assembleia da República.
O estado de emergência vigora até 02 de abril.
António Costa diz que "o país não para" e que o Governo tudo fará para manter a produção e distribuição de bens essenciais.
O estado de emergência contempla o confinamento obrigatório e restrições à circulação na via pública. A desobediência é crime e pode levar à prisão.
No dia em que o Governo revela um conjunto de linhas de crédito para apoio à tesouraria das empresas de 3.000 milhões de euros, é também anunciado que as contribuições das empresas para a Segurança Social são reduzidas a um terço em março, abril e maio, e que as empresas vão ter uma moratória concedida pela banca no pagamento de capital e juros.
O número de infetados sobe para 642 e regista-se uma segunda morte. O Alentejo regista os primeiros dois casos.
19 de março O número de vítimas mortais sobe para três em Portugal, com os casos confirmados a ascenderem a 785. Graça Freitas anuncia que quem apresentar sintomas ligeiros ou moderados da doença é seguido a partir de casa.
O primeiro-ministro anuncia, após a reunião do Conselho de Ministros, as medidas e regras para cumprir o estado de emergência, incluindo o "isolamento obrigatório" para doentes com covid-19 ou que estejam sob vigilância. Os restantes cidadãos devem cumprir "o dever geral de recolhimento domiciliário". A regra é que os estabelecimentos com atendimento público devem encerrar e o teletrabalho é generalizado.
A proposta de lei do Governo com as medidas excecionais é de imediato promulgada pelo Presidente da República.
É também anunciado que o Governo criou um "gabinete de crise" para lidar com a pandemia e que suspendeu o pagamento da Taxa Social Única.
O governo dos Açores determina a suspensão das ligações aéreas da transportadora SATA entre todas as ilhas e a TAP anuncia que vai reduzir a operação até 19 de abril, prevendo cumprir 15 dos cerca de 90 destinos.
20 de março Com o país recolhido começam a destacar-se respostas da sociedade civil e das autarquias para fazer face à pandemia, anunciam-se ações de solidariedade para com os mais necessitados.
O Governo reúne-se em Conselho de Ministros para aprovar um conjunto de medidas de apoio social e económico para a população mais afetada. António Costa anuncia que é adiado para o segundo semestre o pagamento do IVA e do IRC, a prorrogação automática do subsídio de desemprego e do complemento solidário para idosos e do rendimento social de inserção.
É também anunciado que as celebrações religiosas, como funerais, e outros eventos que impliquem concentração de pessoas são proibidos, e que as autoridades de saúde ou de proteção civil podem decretar a requisição civil de bens ou serviços públicos se necessários para o combate à doença.
Portugal tem seis vítimas mortais e 1.020 casos confirmados.
21 de março O número de mortes sobe para 12, o dobro do dia anterior, e os infetados são 1.280.
Marta Temido estima que o pico de casos aconteça em meados de abril, e diz que Portugal vai adotar um novo modelo de tratamento de infetados, que passa pelo aumento do acompanhamento em casa. Graça Freitas estima que a taxa de letalidade é de cerca de 1%, mas avisa que pode mudar.
O Governo anuncia que vai prorrogar os prazos das inspeções automóveis e reduz os leilões nas lotas, criando uma linha de crédito até 20 milhões de euros para o setor da pesca.
Com o país em casa surgem as primeiras notícias de infeções em lares. Na Casa de Saúde da Idanha, em Belas, arredores de Lisboa, é anunciado que 10 utentes estão infetados. Um lar em Vila Nova de Famalicão fica sem funcionários depois de oito terem dado positivo ao covid-19.
O ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros anuncia que a TAP prevê realizar voos para a Praia e Sal (Cabo Verde), Bissau (Guiné-Bissau) e São Tomé para transportar portugueses para casa.
22 de março O número de mortes associadas à covid-19 sobe para 14 e o de infetados para 1.600 (mais 320).
Num domingo de sol muitas pessoas saem à rua e na Póvoa de Varzim a polícia é chamada devido ao "desrespeito ao estado de emergência" (multidão a passear). Em Coimbra a PSP também é chamada por causa de um aglomerado na Mata Nacional do Choupal.
São detidas sete pessoas no país por crime de desobediência.
Os utentes do lar de Famalicão são transferidos para o Hospital Militar do Porto.
As autoridades iniciam o repatriamento de mais de 1.300 passageiros que chegam a Lisboa num navio de cruzeiro (entre eles estão 27 portugueses).
O Governo assina três despachos, que entram em vigor no dia seguinte, para garantir serviços essenciais de abastecimento de água e energia, recolha de lixo e funcionamento de transportes públicos.
O presidente da Associação Nacional de Freguesias, Jorge Veloso, pede que as pessoas das cidades e os emigrantes evitem ir para o interior.
23 de março Portugal tem 23 mortes e 2.600 infeções.
As queixas sobre a falta de equipamentos para quem mais necessita, como profissionais de saúde ou de segurança, começam a surgir. O Governo anuncia que o Estado vai comprar à China equipamentos de proteção e que espera quatro milhões de máscaras. Cinco polícias e dois técnicos sem funções policiais estão infetados numa esquadra de Vila Nova de Gaia.
O Governo cria uma linha de apoio de emergência de um milhão de euros para artistas e entidades culturais e reforça com 50 milhões de euros os acordos de cooperação com o setor social (responsável pelos lares de idosos ou centros de dia).
Uma residência para idosos na Maia, Porto, coloca em isolamento 46 idosos devido a casos de infeção.
24 de março O número de mortes sobe para 33 e o número de infeções passa a 2.362.
A secretária de Estado da Administração Interna, Patrícia Gaspar, anuncia a ativação do Plano Nacional de Emergência de Proteção Civil, no mesmo dia em que são já 27 as detenções por violação das regras do estado de emergência.
O Presidente da República admite que o pico da pandemia possa ocorrer depois de 14 de abril. No parlamento, o presidente e líder parlamentar do PSD abandona o plenário depois de uma discussão sobre o número excessivo de deputados na bancada social-democrata.
A Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) lança uma linha de financiamento de 1,5 milhões de euros para investigação e "implementação rápida" de respostas às necessidades do SNS.
Em Vila Real, o presidente da Câmara alerta para a existência de 20 utentes e funcionários de um lar infetados com covid-19.
O Rali de Portugal é adiado.
25 de março Portugal regista mais 10 mortes chegando às 43, quando são contabilizadas 2.995 infeções.
O secretário de Estado da Saúde diz que o sistema tem capacidade de fazer 8.600 testes diários. A questão de se fazer mais testes ou não divide opiniões.
A Autoridade Nacional de Emergência e Proteção Civil coloca em alerta laranja, o segundo mais grave, os distritos de Lisboa, Porto e Aveiro.
O ministro de Estado e das Finanças diz que o país "nunca esteve tão bem preparado" para enfrentar uma crise como a causada pelo vírus.(lol) O Banco de Portugal anuncia que é facilitada a concessão de crédito pessoal por parte dos bancos.
A Câmara de Melgaço implementa um cerco sanitário na aldeia de Parada do Monte, com 370 habitantes, após confirmação de três casos de infeção.
A ASAE diz que já fiscalizou 41 operadores económicos por causa de especulação de preços.
26 de março Há 3.544 infeções e morreram 60 pessoas.
Há doentes a ser tratados com medicamentos da malária e do ébola, ainda que sem certezas, diz Graça Freitas.
O Banco de Portugal estima que o Produto Interno Bruto caia este ano 3,7% num cenário base e 5,7% num cenário adverso, devido à pandemia. A taxa de desemprego deve subir acima dos 10%. No dia em que Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa admite prolongar o estado de emergência reúne-se o Governo em Conselho de Ministros e aprova a suspensão até setembro do pagamento dos créditos à habitação e de créditos de empresas. Aprova também medidas excecionais de proteção dos postos de trabalho (como redução temporária de horário ou suspensão do contrato) e uma proposta de lei que prevê um regime de mora no pagamento das rendas, habilitando ainda o Instituto da Habitação e da Reabilitação Urbana a conceder empréstimos a inquilinos.
Na Maia um lar de idosos infetado é evacuado, em Vila Real aumentam as infeções num lar de idosos, de 20 para 45.
É anunciado que quem aterrar nos Açores tem confinamento obrigatório de 14 dias.
27 de março No lar da Nossa Senhora das Dores, em Vila Real, são agora 88 os infetados, entre os quais 68 utentes.
Em Portugal o número de mortes chega a 76 e o número de infetados sobe para 4.268.
Graça Freitas diz agora que o pico da pandemia pode afinal ser só em maio.
António Costa anuncia a chegada a Portugal de milhares de equipamentos de proteção individual e o Laboratório Militar também anuncia que começou a fazer testes de diagnóstico. Outras entidades como o Instituto de Medicina Molecular também começam a fazer testes.
Mil e quinhentos enfermeiros voluntariam-se para reforçar o apoio à linha telefónica SNS24, segundo a bastonária da Ordem.
As forças de segurança detiveram, desde o início do estado de emergência, 64 pessoas por crime de desobediência, e mandaram encerrar 1.449 estabelecimentos. O balanço é do MAI, segundo o qual também foram impedidas de entrar em Portugal 850 pessoas e uma delas foi detida. A detida, viria a confirmar-se depois, estava infetada com covid-19.
No Algarve, quando se aproxima o período da Páscoa, que costuma encher os hotéis, a associação empresarial do setor diz que a hotelaria está praticamente encerrada.
28 de março O número de mortes ascende à centena e os infetados são 5.170. Marta Temido também diz que o pico da epidemia só deve acontecer no final de maio e que as medidas de contenção social estão a abrandar a curva de infeções.
O Presidente da República pede aos portugueses para que, no período da Páscoa, continuem a respeitar as regras de contenção. A PSP interpela todas as pessoas que atravessam a Ponte 25 de Abril, no sentido norte-sul, e são divulgadas imagens de grandes filas de carros, alguns deles, diz a PSP, em incumprimento do estado de emergência.
É publicada uma retificação do diploma inicial do "lay-off" simplificado, acautelando que nenhum trabalhador de empresas que recorram e esse apoio pode ser despedido.
O Governo anuncia que vai organizar uma operação de transporte aéreo para o regresso temporário a Portugal de professores portugueses que estão em Timor-Leste.
29 de março Portugal contabiliza 119 mortes e 5.962 casos de infeções p. O número de pessoas internadas nos cuidados intensivos é de 138 doentes, um aumento para o dobro em relação ao dia anterior.
As notícias sobre infeções em lares continuam, como em Foz Côa, Guarda, onde o lar tem 47 infetados num universo de 62 idosos, segundo o provedor.
Em Ovar, onde foi declarado o estado de calamidade pública, são cinco as mortes, uma delas uma jovem de 14 anos, diz o vice-presidente da Câmara.
Nos Açores, o concelho de Povoação, na ilha de S. Miguel, é também submetido a um cordão sanitário.
Surgem notícias, através de sindicatos, de que há pelo menos um guarda prisional infetado do estabelecimento de Custoias e de uma auxiliar de ação médica no hospital prisional de Caxias. O Governo diz que vai ponderar criteriosamente a recomendação das Nações Unidas para libertação imediata de alguns presos mais vulneráveis.
30 de março António Costa avisa que Portugal "vai entrar no mês mais crítico desta pandemia", no dia em que os números da DGS indicam que há 140 mortes e 6.408 infetados.
Segundo o primeiro-ministro, com ou sem estado de emergência vai ser preciso prolongar as medidas que têm sido adotadas. E, diz também, que na próxima semana pretende cobrir o país com despistes de covid-19 em lares.
O secretário de Estado da Saúde, António Lacerda Sales, afirma que o número de profissionais de saúde infetados chegou aos 853, e Graça Freitas admite impor-se uma cerca sanitária na região do Porto, motivando fortes críticas.
A ministra do Trabalho, Ana Mendes Godinho, diz que a segurança social recebeu 1.400 pedidos de empresas que pretendem aderir ao "lay-off" simplificado.
(Continua nos comentários)
O ministro da Economia, Pedro Siza Vieira, admite nacionalizações e diz que seria "um erro trágico" reagir com medidas de austeridade à crise provocada pela pandemia, defendendo antes o apoio ao crescimento da economia.
O Governo pede a abertura de "forma condicionada" das juntas de freguesia onde estão instalados postos dos CTT, lembrando que esses serviços garantem a entrega de pensões. A empresa anunciou que ia antecipar a emissão e pagamento de vales em dois dias úteis.
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa diz que se impõe manter as medidas de contenção que vigoram em Portugal.
A TAP avança para um processo de "lay-off" para 90% dos trabalhadores.
O governo dos Açores prolonga a situação de contingência no arquipélago até 30 de abril.
(Limite de Caracteres continua nos Comentários)
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